Being famous and influential Scottish scientists, both Patrick Matthew (generally overlooked true originator of the complete theory of macroevolution by natural selection) and John Claudius Loudon are hailed as having each played major roles in the great Scottish Enlightenment (Russell 2014).
Both were polymath scientific naturalists. Moreover, both were noted botanists because each had author abbreviations in botanical works. Matthew's (1831) book 'On Naval Timber and Arboriculture' was listed by the Arcana of Science (1832) as among the few new science books published in 1831 and was cited in German as the work of the author whose experiment on the effects of lightning on plants was recorded by Robert Jameson (1831) the famous Professor of Biology at Edinburgh University, who taught Charles Darwin. For his part, Loudon's Magazine of Natural history bore on its title pages (e.g. here) the fact the he was a fellow of the elite scientific naturalist club the Linnean Society, Zoological Society of London and several other naturalist societies overseas. Loudon was a co-author with the famous botanist Professor John Lindley, who was the best friend of William Hooker, who was in turn the father of Darwin's best friend Joseph Hooker. Joseph Hooker once wrote that Loudon was better than many other European naturalists put together. Most importantly, Loudon was Chief Editor of the Magazine of Natural History,
Furthermore, as the fully cited and therefore independently verifiable evidence in my original 1st edition 600 page Kindle e-book 'Nullius in Verba: Darwin's greatest secret' reveals, the facts show that Matthew and Loudon may have known each other, because in 1803 Loudon designed the landscaped grounds of Scone Palace at the time Matthew, aged 13 years, was living on those grounds at his birthplace Rome Farm. The farm stood on what became the landscaped parkland that exists there to this day. This year, during the Patrick Matthew Festival Weekend Matthew's third great grandson Howard Minnick and I visited Scotland and found the very spot where Rome Farm once stood.
In 1832 Loudon cited Matthew's (1831) book, noting he appeared to have something original to say on the "origin of species", no less. In 1860, Matthew infomed Charles Darwin that Loudon had written this review of his book. Loudon was subsequently editor of the journal that published two of Blyth's famous pre-1859 influential papers on natural selection. Darwin noted from the third edition of the Origin of Species onward (Darwin 1860) that Blyth was his most prolific informant on such matters.
Pre-1859, John Loudon went on to cite Matthew's (1831) bombshell breakthrough book many more times in his botanical books. Most significantly, Darwin's private notebook of books he read before 1859 reveals he read two of those Loudon books (Loudon 1831 and Loudon (1838) that cited Matthew's book containing his bombshell breakthrough, the same breakthrough that Darwin would later serial lie (after Matthew had informed him in 1860 that the exact opposite was true) to claim variously went unread by any naturalist, and then by anyone at all, and was unread by himself before he replicated the idea and referred to it forever after as "my theory", even after he was forced by Matthew to admit that Matthew got there first. See my academic journal articles on this topic Sutton 2014 and Sutton 2015 for the expert independently peer reviewed proof of Darwin's lies and the newly discovered routes for Matthewian knowledge contamination of the pre-1858 brains of Darwin and Wallace.
For the sake of veracity, historians of science, biologists and all of us concerned with veracity should surely move beyond the sly myths started by Darwin about Matthew that are repeatedly regurgitated by credulous myth parroting 'Darwin scholars' and Darwinite worshipping cyberspace "zombie horde" multitudes (see Dr Arlin Stoltzfus on that very topic and use of the term) of their desperate pseudo-scholarly fact-denial behaviour.
Read the facts you have a right to know and then make up your own mind about the true discovery of evolution by natural selection and Darwin's glory stealing lies and plagiarism.
In addition to the full 600 page Kindle edition, Nullius in Verba is available also as an abridged 200 page paperback (vol 1). Vols. 2 and 3 are forthcoming.
+We certainly know a lot of Darwin's correspondence is missing and also scribbled out so as to render it unreadable. Both men had a lot to hide. For example, Hooker knowingly approved Darwin's 1860 lie that no naturalist read Matthew's prior published theory of Natural selection
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) November 10, 2017
As "proof of concept" and "self fulfilling prophecy" my independently expert peer reviewed bombshell discoveries science paper 'On Knowledge Contamination' is now pushing towards 14,000 views:
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) November 11, 2017