Charles Darwin was a racist: . Like so many sly racists, he engaged on racist projects, yet strove to pretend to the world that he was not a racist white supremacist. But he gave himself away in his own words. Darwin worshippers - many part of the Darwin Industry - have tried to downplay and even deny the reality their hero was a nasty racist. All you need do is read the facts that flowed from Darwin's own pen - versus the tortured fact denial desperately dishonest interpretations of Darwinite superfanatics.
Darwin was a sly racist, who did a great deal of harm in his subtle racists writings.

Darwin thought he was superior to others - who he thought were lower "races" of humankind and he bragged gloatingly about that:
There are, seemingly, moves afoot to remove offensive statues of Charles Darwin this year. Darwin was essentially a racist who also thought genocide was a natural - and beneficial - phenomena of nature. Not only that, he probably caused the genocide of the Jews in the WW2. See my blog post on the evidence: Moreover, Darwin thought that White people are superior to people of colour and that the murderous rampages of his own kind was evidence of natural selection:
There are moves afoot to tear Down the Darwin worshipping statues of "Darwin the Racist". Those who agree with that might like to consider his role - by plagiarising science fraud - in the Holocaust:
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) September 9, 2020
Why do we hate? When it comes to mass murder and genocide, behind that is always: "Someone who personifies a type of ideology for the masses, that convinces people there is an enemy out there"
White supremacist & plagiarist Darwin was such a person.
Darwin did that by regularly calling other peoples "savages" "cannibals", even the "N" word. Today Darwinists use Darwin as their figurehead to portray anyone who writes truth about his plagiarism, associated serial lies & racism as "The enemy out there":
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) September 16, 2020
.Biologist just told me that my bombshell book "Nullius in Verba: Darwin's Greatest Secret" is reason Biological Journal of Linnean Society @BiolJLinnSoc & it's publisher @OxUniPress is repeat plagiarising my original research. Facts They're being malicious
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) September 2, 2020
The taking of the lives of people who were not White Europeans, by White Europeans, was seen by Darwin as a process of natural selection of the most intelligent. Only because he was a White supremacist did it not occur to him that this was genocide by artificial selection.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) September 21, 2020