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Wednesday 17 February 2021
Saturday 13 February 2021 : Don't report Twitter or other online abuse. At least not before you save it as research data for future generations
I love
. It is also useful for recording other things people have claimed. Donald Trump's Tweets are all gone now that his Twitter account has been closed forever. Unless, that is, like me, you archived them as 100% proof they existed. .I use this to save interesting Data from Twitter and elsewhere. Perhaps thousands of years from now Twitter abusers will still be making people laugh by just how much disturbing new facts upset them to rant and rave and publish obscene abuse :
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) February 13, 2021
The plagiarist Alfred Wallace was an antivaxxer. Trump has published antivaxx lethal nonsense on Twitter. Our article on Trump has links to all his archived tweets on that. An essential research thing (done with foresight) since his account is now closed.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) February 13, 2021
Thursday 11 February 2021
Charles Darwin, Trumpism alternate reality lies and science fraud by plagiary
Post-truth is pre-fascism, Trump's big election steal lie had major consequences for USA. Darwin's big "my theory" lie had major consequences for the entire world & probably led to the holocaust. Get newly unearthed #BigData independently verifiable facts
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) February 11, 2021