Like so many exploited by the Darwin Industry, deranged nutter Julian Derry is a fragile person whose grip on reality is extremely tenuous. In this respect, the Darwin Industry is very analogous to the Wellness Industry in that it has taken on a life of its own and is comprised of many publishers and authors all writing at great and compelling length to essentially promote and then defend it's very foundations, which are built on a lie. In the case of the Darwin Industry that lie is that Charles Darwin has priority over Patrick Matthew for Matthew's (1831) prior published complete theory of the natural process of selection; and on Darwin's 100% proven lies about Matthew's prior-readership.
Julian Derry weirdly has it preserved in his addled and malicious brain, like some nasty old rotten pickled egg, that I have claimed in some way that one of the missions/duties/orders of the Beagle was to search out for naval timber. I have never ever claimed any such thing anywhere. I've never seen any evidence for it. But poor Desperate Derry is a deranged serial liar and is guilty of so much libel he is really in for such forthcoming trouble with all his published serial lies.
Here is just one of Derry's typical harassment blogs publishing complete disinformation on behalf of the bent Darwin Industry, which hides behind vulnerable troll-losers like Derry, in desperation to hide the facts I uncovered and published on Darwin's plagiarism and associated serial lies in my book 'Nullius in Verba: Darwin's guilty secret (here).
I have legally, forensically, archived Derry's blog post like so many of his others: for future use and so that generations of future scholars can see solid evidence of what Kuhn meant by fierce resistance to paradigm change in science when it threatens cherished sacred-science beliefs.
It also appears Derry actually does not know the difference between a captains log and a published memoir that is not a published captains log. Not surprising though. Because Desperate Derry also can't tell fact from his deranged own fakery. He can't even tell the difference between his own fiction and reality.
In his raving bonkers jealous red foaming mouthed cyberstalking of all my Tweets, bitter and certainly twisted little Julian Derry can't even distinguish the difference between me merely openly reporting what some one told me in a private email after they supposedly made a request to the Admiralty to see the captain's log for the voyages of the Beagle, which Darwin was on (of which they say they were permitted to see and read and, they told me, they took notes of) and what I actually think is accurate or not, as the case may be regarding whether that actual log has ever been published anywhere, ever as a log. And, sadly, we all know what it means when a person cannot tell what is real from what is not.
You can read more of this Darwin Industry harassment nominal's raving bonkers malicious and obscene jealous behaviour here: