"The scientific community and writers on science are fixated on understanding evolution and natural selection only as Darwin expounded it. They are sure they can dismiss anyone who came before; such predecessors could only have had an inferior idea of evolution. The true history of this science is worthless to our keepers of knowledge unless it elevates Darwin to premier status."
(from "A Short but Full Book on Darwin’S Racism" by Leon Zitzer)
"What harm is a bit of heroic folderol about an illusory past, especially if it makes us feel good about the progress of science? I would argue that we misrepresent history at our peril as practicing scientific researchers. If we . . . enshrine one narrow version as true a priori . . . we lose the possibility of weighing reasonable alternatives. If we buy the simplistic idea . . . then we will never understand how fact and theory interact with social context, and we will never grasp the biases in our own thinking."
From Stephen J Gould (1991)Time's arrow, time's cycle : myth and metaphor in the discovery of geological time pp.114-115
.Top scientist, Brian J Ford @brianjford @CurtisPress_ @DrMarkGriffiths @rwjdingwall @faceblindandy @a8drewson @Hollyonline @philwane on plagiarism in science! Holds up my book Nullius in Verba. That's made my day in an excellent week!
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) October 15, 2020
Watch the video https://t.co/u5UcR7Ndb1 pic.twitter.com/0o7tGtAL0L
.On Darwin Fanatical Fake Science History https://t.co/dL7VnUkGWk
— Supermythbuster (@supermyths) October 28, 2020
The Linnean Society, which is publishing & is therefore encouraging plagiarism of my bombshell research breakthrough on Darwin's plagiarism boasts its own beloved portrait of Darwin = silly plagiarist worshippers pic.twitter.com/D5NcEA0nmV
.The Linnean @LinneanSociety @BiolJLinnSoc Society is really stinking up science, with its anti-scientific behaviour, isn't it?
— BlessedVirginDarwin (@OnNavalTimber) October 28, 2020
Yes. It really is. Get the stinking, shameful, facts here:
Are you one of those who still thinks Charles Darwin is a paragon of honesty, integrity and genius integrity? If so you have been fooled by the Victorian establishment's propaganda science myth. He was a serial lying vain plagiarist and science fraudster: https://t.co/ojYWDoDKm5 pic.twitter.com/Lht6Bd7GIh
— BlessedVirginDarwin (@OnNavalTimber) August 31, 2020