You have heard of Kuhn's Paradigm circle. But have you ever studied the actual data on the abuse received by those who unearth painfully true and veraciously proven new facts that upset the scientific establishment and its fringe-worthy grovelling cronies?— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) December 27, 2019
Please click the title above for the latest blog post
Friday 27 December 2019
Free research data on published social media and email cyber stalking and obscene abuse
Tuesday 24 December 2019
Darwin and Dagg the Plagiarist Naughty Monkey Child Stealers
Just as Barbary apes steal the progeny of others to rise up the social ranks, so did Charles Darwin steal the "child" of Matthew to rise up the scientific establishment
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) December 24, 2019
Then Dagg The Plagiarist stole mine!
Friday 20 December 2019
The Miracle of Darwin at Christmas
One Christmas time in 1859, Charles Darwin gave miraculous virgin birth to a theory that had been prior conceived in 1831, prominently published, read & cited by his friends & influencers! If YOU believe in supernatural miracles? Then you need a rational dose of Nullius in Verba!
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) December 20, 2019
Saturday 14 December 2019
Christmastime and Evolution of the Comb-Across Fraud: Plagiarism in science
. New data, unearthed with the IDD research method proves Darwin was a comb-across fraudster.Xmas is a time for miracles 🤣😂😅 Get scientific proof of the amazing dual virgin conception miracles of Darwin and Wallace at #DingDong!
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) December 15, 2019
.Evolution of the Comb-across Fraudster:
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) December 14, 2019
.Eminent scientists Prof @DrMarkGriffiths Mark Griffiths & Trevor Palmer of Nottingham Trent University cite newly unearthed facts discovered with BigData IDD method that Darwin's friends & associates DID read the prior published theory of natural selection
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) December 14, 2019
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) January 2, 2020
Scientist Prof Trevor Palmer knows facts from myths in history of scientific discovery. Cites newly unearthed facts that prove Darwin's friends & influencers read & cited prior published theory Darwin plagiarized.
More here.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) December 15, 2019
1. Darwin's fraud:
2. Knowledge Contamination:
3. Science fraud book:
Monday 25 November 2019
Closed Minded Fact Denial Darwinite Propaganda
And just as religious nuts are bonkers, here we see standard #Darwinite Darwin worship footwasher cult uncomfortable disconfirming newly unearthed independently verifiable fact denial propaganda. Archived and accessible via -------
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) November 25, 2019
Wednesday 13 November 2019
Lyell the Plagiarist was the mentor of Darwin the Plagiarist
Years before his own great science fraud (Sutton 2016), fellow of the Royal Society, Charles Darwin's (FRS) grandfather (Erasmus Darwin FRS) almost got away with the first recorded case of pharmacological plagiarism by claiming that Withering's discovery of digitalis as a cure for dropsy was that of his own deceased son. Erasmus sought to build up his own fame by slyly establishing that it was a Darwin family discovery (see here). Full details can be read here.
+One has to wonder what hope Darwin The Plagiarist had of not being so named. His grandfather Erasmus was twice caught out in serious acts of plagiarism, as was his geological mentor Charles Lyell. Get facts not the Darwinian foot washing worship claptrap
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) November 13, 2019
This was not Erasmus Darwin's only famous act of plagiary. He also plagiarized verses from the poet Anna Seaward for his most famous poem The Botanic Garden. Here,
Not only that by Darwin's geological mentor Charles Lyell (who along with Joseph Hooker orchestrated the Darwin and Wallace Linnean Debacle, where each plagiarized Patrick Matthew's theory) was also an arch plagiarist. Get the details of Lyell's plagiarism from the tweet below.
Does the book mention fact that on many occasions others were outraged Lyell stole their ideas and research and passed it off as his own? Lyell was a plagiarist - just like his protege known today as "Darwin the Plagiarist".— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) November 13, 2019
Sunday 10 November 2019
Academic misconduct plagiarism by failure to cite original sources
My further research after being tipped off by Ian Hardie found the source of what we might call the "striking error" that others have copied without due citation to him is W. T. Calman (1912, pp. 451- 457) who was shown the three letters on or before 1912 by Matthew's daughter Euphemia. Claman (1912 p. 451) wrote that the letters had never before been published. Matthew and Darwin scholars should note that the above letter is one of the three later originally found by Ian Hardie and Min Hunter at the home of John Matthew after his death. They set up the Patrick Matthew Trust, which employed Jim Dempster to research and write on this topic.
Using a secondary transcribed source such as Calman's published transcription of 1912 yet citing the material as though it is the primary source whist ignorantly replicating a transcription error unique to the secondary source is one of the most simple forms of poor scholarship counting as academic misconduct by plagiarism. This mistranscription and wrong attribution issue on the Darwin Correspondence website and elsewhere in the literature on Darwin and Matthew is just one more ironic example of the many issues of dreadful scholarship plagiarism that that run through the so called "Darwin industry" like hidden woodworm in an antique.
Note: For the historical record, I have a copy of van Wyhe's Sutton's research on Darwin and Matthew is a "conspiracy theory' email that he sent to a Scottish journalist. But for reasons of his copyright, I cannot legally publish it.
"What a tangled web they weave" as Darwin Correspondence Project Scholars caught out citing what they never knew was erroneous text transcribed in secondary sources when they cited it as though they got it from the primary source they actually never read!— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) November 10, 2019
Friday 8 November 2019
#Science #NEWS First ever photographic images of 3 letters Charles Darwin sent to Patrick Matthew, the true originator of the theory of evolution by natural selection, are published
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) November 9, 2019
Cambridge University really wanted these letters. But #Scotland said NO!
Many Techies hate Christians
Problem with Darwin worshipers is they think anyone writing about his science fraud by plagiarism & serial lies about Patrick Matthew (who discovered evolution by natural selection) is Christian. Silicon Valley provides a brilliant cultural reference:
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) November 8, 2019
Monday 4 November 2019
Establishment Darling Serial Liars and Conmen
Privately educated establishment darling toffs such as Boris Johnson have a long history of serial lying.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) November 4, 2019
Did you know it is newly discovered that Charles #Darwin was also a plagiarist & serial liar?
No conspiracy, but massive cover-up of the scandal:
Sunday 3 November 2019
Liars keep the lazy happy
.People are lazy. That's why Boris Johnson is Prime Minister and leading in the election opinion polls. That and the fact Corbyn is a disingenuous #Trotpillock
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) November 3, 2019
Just like religiously indoctrinated credulous fools, even atheists want to simply "believe" in comforting claptrap.
Knowledge evolves with new evidence and facts but unevidenced mere beliefs prevail in the minds of stubbornly credulous idiots.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) November 3, 2019
Don't be a lazy fool.
Get the facts at
Friday 1 November 2019
All Housejocks Step-aside
Maybe it's time the fawning #HouseJocks run by the English "Establishment" realize the independently verifiable truth about the true Scot Patrick Matthew and the serial lying glory thieving sly plagiarist Charles Darwin?
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) November 1, 2019
All in the @courier_dundee today.
Monday 28 October 2019
Charles - The Plagiarist and Serial Liar - Darwin
We all know that Boris #SpafferJohnson is a many times proven #SerialLiar. Did you know that Charles #PlagiaristDarwin is also a proven serial liar? Don't just trust me, check out the independently expert peer reviewed verifiable evidence for yourself:
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) October 28, 2019
Sunday 27 October 2019
On the word alone of no one
Picture of me on the summit of Mt Everest at midnight.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) October 27, 2019
It's another case of simply "trust me" or "nullius in verba". You decide.
Thursday 24 October 2019
Liars please lazy people
Why on Earth is this plagiarist science fraudster serial blatant liar so celebrated by anyone anywhere at all? The answer is the same for why the serial liar Boris Johnson was made made UK Prime Minister and serial liar Donald Trump President of the USA
Same way Trump got elected. The answer is that people want to be lied to because they are too lazy to care about finding out the truth. It's easier for lazy people to be lied to. They take the path of least resistance.— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) October 24, 2019
.Plagiarism of the work of others is not condemned at all by @UniofOxford. No surprise there then. The establishment celebrates glory stealing liars & plagiarists. No wonder then that serial liar Trump is president of the USA and Johnson UK Prime Minister.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) October 24, 2019
To add to that telling list, I don't respect Charles Darwin's and Alfred Wallace's claims to have discovered for themselves a prior published theory that their friends, Wallace's editor and their influencers & influencer's influencers prior read and cited
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) October 24, 2019
Sunday 20 October 2019
Facts v Myths
Saturday 12 October 2019
Magical thinking and credulous stupidity
According to ludicrous magical thinking of biologists & credulous historians of science, Charles Darwin & Alfred Wallace discovered a book, published in 1831, that plagiarized their discoveries, terminology & idiosyncratic explanatory examples, they published in 1855/58/59.🤣🤣🤣
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) October 12, 2019
Sunday 22 September 2019
Darwin, the Scientific "Establishment" and Antisemitism in Science
.Was Charles Darwin's newly unearthed with #BigData plagiarism of the prior published entire theory of macroevoltion by natural selection, which his & Wallace's friends, editor & their influencers read & prior cited, a necessary condition for the #Holocaust?— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) September 22, 2019
Proper education is teaching up-to-date independently evidenced & multiple expert peer reviewed #Actuality, not training students to accept & regurgitate old illusions based on newly debunked claims & uncovered science fraud:
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) September 22, 2019
Friday 20 September 2019
The Great Dog Bottom Swap Robbery by Plagiarism Explanatory Analogy
The Explanatory Analogy of the Great Dog's Bottom Swap explains why Darwin and Wallace needed to plagiarize Matthew in order to publish the Origin of Species and Wallace's Sarawak and Ternate papers.
.Am Explanatory #Analogy for #Plagiarism
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) September 20, 2019
Darwin(1859) was as dependent on plagiarizing Matthew's (1831) book as the author of The Great Dog Bottom Swap needed to plagiarize an anonymously authored poem @BiologiaPensamt @HughDower @Grouse_Beater See--->>
Some attribute the orignal poem to the Australian Henry Lawson (c1910).On plagiarism— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) September 19, 2019
The children's book "The Great Dog Bottom Swap" essentially plagiarizes (because it fails to reference it in any way) an piece of anonymous Australian Bush poetry entitled "The Dog's Meeting"
Here is my Amazon book review of The Great Dog Bottom Swap
.Dr. Sutton, iyo, would Matthews have written the same sorts of things as CRD in "Origin", supposing CRD had not "beaten him to it"?— The Beagler (@DarwinsWeasel) September 20, 2019
.(1) Looking at your question the right way around according to linear time, without Darwin having an 1840s (private essay) & 1859 virgin conception miracle of Matthew's 1831 prior published theory, his essential four words term for it "process of natural selection" which.... (2)— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) September 20, 2019
.(3) Darwin needed to rip off Matthew's original breakthrough concept and his original creative examples used to explain it. Analogously, Darwin was as dependent on plagiarizing Matthew as the author of The Great Dog Bottom Swap needed to plagiarize an anonymously authored poem— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) September 20, 2019
Like unearthed & expert peer reviewed evidence of glory theft & associated cover-up lies following new #BigData research on Darwin's #ScienceFraud by plagiary of bombshell prior published theory?
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) September 22, 2019
The Darwin and Wallace Virgins Meme
Darwin's and Wallace's plagiarism included replicating many highly unique explanatory examples Matthew provided in his book - such as the difference between trees selected by nature in the wild and those raised by artificial selection, the camouflage, speed quickness and cunning of animals selected by nature, the very essential words "natural process of selection" (slyly shuffled by Darwin to "natural process of selection", Matthew's grassy bank analogy, and many others. In that regard they stole not only his orignal scientific theory but also his orignal creativity in explaining it.#Meme: Darwin's & Wallace's amazing dual independent virgin conceptions of Patrick Matthew's prior published theory - Miraculous because we newly know their naturalist friends & influences & Wallace's Sarawak paper editor prior read & prior cited it.— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) September 20, 2019
Stealing orignal ideas and creativity to get those ideas across, by not attributing their source, is the worst kind of plagiarism and fraud by glory theft of the work of another.
On plagiarism
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) September 19, 2019
The children's book "The Great Dog Bottom Swap" essentially plagiarizes (because it fails to reference it in any way) an piece of anonymous Australian Bush poetry entitled "The Dog's Meeting"
Tuesday 17 September 2019
On Madison Grant, Giant Redwoods and the Eugenics Movement
By defrauding Matthew (an atheist who mocked God, the church and members of the aristocracy) Darwin made his discoveries acceptable to the Christian establishment that ran things in the 19th century Western world, by way of keeping God in his plagiarized version. Arguably, therefore, without Darwin's plagiarism and lies about Matthew the Holocaust would never have taken place. This is because Matthew's breakthroughs and all his essential explanatory examples, terminology and analogies of difference would have been effectively suppressed and so not plagiarized to be popularized by Darwin. You can find my earlier blog on that topic here.
Google "On Knowledge Contamination" to read my expert peer reviewed article on the newly unearthed facts of Darwin's and Wallace's plagiarizing fraud and supporting lies.
From the 1930's to its final end in the 1970's, the American Eugenics movement sterilized over 60,000 people in an attempt to take charge of its own evolution (facts here).Once again historical research reveals incredible connection between the 1831 scientific breakthrough of Patrick Matthew's theory of macroevolution by natural selection, saving California's giant redwoods from extinction, the Eugenics movement & Holocaust:— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) September 17, 2019
Eugenics was based on Patrick Matthew's (1831) (plagiarized by Charles Darwin) breakthrough on evolution by natural selection. Interested in Eugenics and Nazism? Here is a fascinating drama film on the terrifying 1920's/1930's Eugenics movement in the USA:— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) September 17, 2019
Newly Unearthed Reality versus Old Illusions
Strange times in UK & USA. We now live headed by moronic leaders spouting fake news & lies with apparent impunity.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) September 17, 2019
Even in the world of science our scientists cannot distinguish between newly unearthed actuality and their establishment's old illusions.
Monday 9 September 2019
Darwin began stealing the work of others as early as the age of 17-18
In fact aged 18 Darwin even aped the highly idiosyncratic specialist interests of his university mentor Robert Grant on sponges and rushed by capering off to be slyly first to present his own version on them at the Plinian Society at Edinburgh University. Grant was livid.— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) September 9, 2019
Reference :
.I read it some time ago. Yes it does. You can find various other books covering the story in detail. Most simply say that Grant was too harsh and the whole affair made Darwin despise the conventions on priority. However, see— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) September 9, 2019
Hugh. On Darwin upsetting Grant and so Grant upsetting Darwin on Darwin's capering @HughDower @BiologiaPensamt This is a most interesting (p. 232 from Darwin's Ghosts by Rebecca Stott) on yet another now missing Darwin paper.From page 232 of Darwin’s Ghosts by Rebecca Stott:— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) September 10, 2019
References@HughDower @BiologiaPensamt
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) September 10, 2019
So Gavin de Beer's text was taken from Darwin's biography (written with help of Darwin's son) . What Darwin writes there does no square with what Henrietta Darwin wrote about her father's & Grant's feeling on the matter at all
Thursday 5 September 2019
Did Darwin's Establishment Toadying Plagiarism and Associated Lies to Cover it up Cause the Holocaust? Darwin kept God in his plagiarised sanitized version of Matthew's atheist heretical and seditious theory
There is a back hole at the heart of the history of discovery in science. And it hides the truth about how the world's greatest science science fraud by lies and plagiarism played a necessary causal role in the Holocaust.
Charles Darwin, who plagiarised the prior published full theory of evolution by natural selection from the Scot Patrick Matthew, kept his own Christian notion of the "Creator" in his theory replicating book the Origin of Species. There is plenty of sound evidence to argue that Darwin was atheist or agnostic. And I think he most likely was. Yet in some (but not all) of the six editions of The Origin of Species Darwin kept the notion of a so-called "Creator" God, deliberately setting the whole process of natural selection, in motion. He referred to what he called "the Creator" in all editions of the Origin, but in the editions discussed here he clearly wrote that he believed what he called "the Creator" was actually behind designing what Matthew (1831) originally coined the "natural process of selection" to run. Darwin originally re-wrote Matthew's orignal term by way of a four word shuffle to "process of natural slection."
Darwin, if he was to explain Matthew's theory to scientists and the wider public in order to gain its acceptance, was no doubt compelled to plagiarize Matthew's essential four word term - the theory being completely about selection that was natural (as opposed to artificial) and worked as a process to eventually create new varities and species. Associatively, Darwin also no doubt felt compelled to have to plagiarize in the opening Chapter of the Origin of Species (Darwin 1859) Matthew's essential explanatory analogy of differences between varieties of species raised in the wild by nature and those raised artificially by humans. As evidence of his plagiarism in this regard the highly renowned (except by Darwin fact denial superfans) social anthropologist and historian of science, Loren Eiseley, discovered Darwin, in a private essay, replicated Matthew's highly syncratic and original analogy of differences between trees raised in nurseries and those in the wild (see the facts here). Obviously, in the Origin Darwin carefully swapped that total giveaway of his plagiarism for more general examples.
Darwin most probably did all of this to appease the Christian parson naturalists who ran Western universities and other scientific establishments in the 19th century. By doing this, unlike Matthew, whose work he and Wallace shamefully plagiarised and lied about (see my expert peer reviewed academic articles on the topic Sutton 2014 and Sutton 2015 and my book Nullius in Verba) and in my most recent book (Science Fraud) published in 2022 by Curtis Press: Here. Darwin appeased the "Establishment" by keeping sedition and heresy (which ran through Matthew's book like words in Blackpool rock) out of his own replicating book, and in doing that his sly replicating work went mainstream so that he became a household name. On the other hand Matthew (1831 p 367), wrote - what was considered sedition at the time - that the upper classes were, for example, unnaturally selecting their progeny to the point of uselessness in nature:
He also committed gross heresy by mocking the notion of God as a "creator" of species (Matthew 1831 p. 382):
And (Matthew 1831 p.383)
And (Matthew 1831 p.384)
Earlier on page 132, in a footnote, Matthew (1831) also mocked Christian priests:
Darwin did not so alienate the establishment with free speech. Instead he censored himself in his plagiarism of Matthew by effectively writing that what he called "the Creator" created the laws that governed natural selection. We see this in Darwin's Origin of Species 1869 - 5th Edition, p. 424) Also in the same edition published in 1860 in the USA. And it is on page 524-525 of the earlier famous third edition of 1861 (in which Darwin was compelled to cite his influencers under the criticism of his peers) as we see below:
This post is achieved HERE
Saturday 31 August 2019
Dawkins' Dysology
But @RichardDawkins is a deluded grinning believer in rubbish. He worships Darwin as an honest original discoverer. He was not. Darwin was a lying opportunistic theory thief who committed the greatest science fraud by plagiarism in cahoots with Wallace:
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) August 31, 2019
Thursday 22 August 2019
Trump and Darwin
Donald Trump - convinced the credulos masses he was super rich, when he was in fact in billions of $$ debt due to business failings. Trump learned people want to be fooled because they are lazy. Charles Darwin knew it. He fooled the world into believing HE was an original genius.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) August 22, 2019
Sunday 18 August 2019
Multiple coincidence or not. As the case may be
Could that be a mere coincidence?
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) August 18, 2019
So both Nivea (face cream) Evian (the water) are anagrams of the word Naive.
In my book "Nullius" I ask scientists to solve the problem of how many claimed multiple mere coincidences sum to the probability they are not actually coincidental.
Saturday 17 August 2019
On Naval Timber and Arboriculture
Plainly, it is far from inappropriate - as the proven science fraudster by plagiarism and glory thieving liar Charles Darwin claimed (see Sutton 2015) - that Patrick Matthew's 1831 book "On Naval Timber and Arboriculture", containing the original full and complete theory of macroevolution by natural selection, was published in an inappropriately titled book on a different topic.
Emigration by sea is one of our most important modern human achievements leading our evolution from an ape closely tied to the natural world to a species in charge of it. The original & full theory of evolution by natural selection is most appropriately in a book on naval timber— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) August 17, 2019
Friday 16 August 2019
The Peterloo Massacre and Charles Darwin
.2) The upper/ruling class "Establishment" naturalists Darwin and Wallace & a group of their cronies all despised & feared the Chartists. Darwin fled London to live in Down village because of them. His friends formed armed militias to tackle them:
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) August 16, 2019
... --->
4) Get the facts rather than let the self interested lying, deceiving, disingenuous upper class establishment keep you and the Scots down with myths and falsehoods.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) August 16, 2019
Saturday 10 August 2019
Are some facts simply too sad for science or some scientists too simple for sad facts?
Truth is an absolute thing. The fact that those calling themselves scientists can't deal with the independently verifiable truth - facts that newly overturn all they thought was true - is a very sad thing indeed. Are some facts just too sad for science?
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) August 10, 2019
Monday 17 June 2019
Bin the Claptrap
(Q) Who is the scientific crossing warden for Darwin, Wallace and their cronies?
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) June 17, 2019
(A) Patrick Matthew (The Scot robbed by the English Scientific establishment and its treacherous Edinburgh toadies) Bin the claptrap & get the independently verifiable facts:
Sunday 16 June 2019
Proud Scots: Please Retweet This Tweet
No wonder the #Scots want and deserve independence from England. We English are a nation of cheats, liars, fraudsters, thieves, plagiarists and fact deniers:
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) June 16, 2019
Saturday 15 June 2019
The Scots are Writing about Darwin's & Wallace's Plagiarism
Good to see the Scots are writing about how their great nation has been ripped off by the English stealing the most important theory ever originated. Come up to speed #Scotland & beware of nutjob lying crazy English Darwinite Cult trolls and cyber stalkers
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) June 15, 2019
Friday 14 June 2019
People have trouble accepting facts
That explains why scientists simply cannot cope with the New #BigData discovery that Darwin and Wallace were lying plagiarizers of a prior published theory that their major influencers/friends had prior read and cited:
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) June 14, 2019
Tuesday 4 June 2019
Let's all play "Truth or dare to lie" Who will always win in the end?
Do you really want the truth or the lies?
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) June 4, 2019
Sunday 2 June 2019
Scotland has been ripped-off by the English
Don't be misled by the scientific establishment to accept tall tales, lies, idiocy and fake news regarding where the theory of evolution by natural selection really came from and who stole it from the Scots.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) June 2, 2019
Friday 3 May 2019
National Library of Scotland: Nullius in Verba
I actually am #delighted to learn today that a proud Scot (he donated 3 priceless letters - from Charles Darwin to Patrick Matthew - to the Scottish nation) donated a copy of my book on Darwin's plagiarizing science fraud to the National Library of Scotland. They accepted it.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) May 3, 2019
Thursday 2 May 2019
Watch out stalkers and malicious poison pen authors
Pleased to announce a call for chapters for an international edited collected on #technologyfacilitatedviolence with @eQuality_ca’s Jane Bailey, myself & @n_henry -practitioners, academics, PhD/ECRs working in this area (all disciplines) pls get in touch @MonashCrim @Monash_Arts
— Assoc/Prof Asher Flynn (@AsherFlynn) May 1, 2019
Wednesday 1 May 2019
Should it be called natural SELECTION?
.I have no problem with the term "natural process of selection" coined by Patrick Matthew (1831) and plagiarised into "process of natural selection" by science fraudster Charles Darwin (who stole Matthew's theory). But @BiologiaPensamt this is one for you:
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) May 1, 2019
.Dover's argument same as yours (I disagree) that "selection" is a confusing term. Page 9 writes: "There is no Great Selector in the sky". But Matthew NEVER once implied there was. Made it clear there was NOT. But Darwin kept the notion of what he called a "Creator" in his work.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) May 1, 2019
.Yes as discussed so many times. The analogous selection hypothesis is analogous to artificial selection in tree nurseries, which is Matthew's 1831 highly idiosyncratic arboriculturalist analogy, slyly plagiarised by Darwin in his private essay = Explanatory analogy for the theory
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) May 1, 2019
I agree on Matthew's merit, novelty and solid work, of which natural selection is a useless metaphor.
— Emilio Cervantes (@BiologiaPensamt) May 1, 2019
Monday 22 April 2019
On Naval Timber
.Were the seeds the result of artificial selection to produce curved wood for house or shipbuilding? Or were the saplings pruned and trained for the same reason? @Hollyonline - Image from 1831 book Darwin & Wallace plagiarised and then serial lied about:
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) April 22, 2019
There are nearly identically bent trees about half a mile south west of Symonds Yat Rock! (picture doesn't show them very well)
— Marcin Zielinski (@rat_biker_83) April 22, 2019