The Selby (Wallace's 1855 Sarawak paper journal Chief Editor and friend of Darwin's great friend Leonard Jenyns) cited Matthew's (1831) original theory of evolution by natural selection was not discovered first by Dagg, nor anyone else before Sutton uniquely unearthed it from the historic publication record with his BigData IDD method in 2013/14.
Sutton's Selby cited Matthew unique discovery was first published by Sutton in 2014 In the 500 page E-book Nullius in Verba (Thinker Media) - "Dagg the Plagiarist" wrote a childishly jealous malicious pseudo-scholarly review of the 2017 book Nulius in Verba archived here and admits to reading Sutton's 2014 book here
In two peer reviewed academic articles Sutton's original research discovery of the Selby cited Matthew original finding was published here in 2014 and here in 2015
Empirical data underpins proper science. And all data is of interest to science.
Here is the concrete empirical data scientific evidence of Joahochim Dagg's knowing malicious plagiarism of research data first unearthed by Dr Mike Sutton and published by Thinker Media in 2014, Vae Victus (2017) and Curtis Press (2022) and various peer reviewed academic articles in between and Dagg's clear pseudo scientific weird gloating refusal to admit such original and paradigm changing research findings plagiarism is wrong. Image below can be seen on Dagg's Twitter account archived,

Clearly Darwin Superfans (and Dagg is just one of many of them) cannot behave like proper academic scholars and scientists or historians of science - so mentally disturbed are they by the new empirical data that bursts their beloved paradigm based on the now completely debunked Darwin Supermyth. Theirs is a credulously unshakable blind belief and empirical fact denial "religious" worship of Charles Darwin. This explains their malicious anti-science behavior.