Plagiarising Science Fraud

Plagiarising Science Fraud
Newly Discovered Facts, Published in Peer Reviewed Science Journals, Mean Charles Darwin is a 100 Per Cent Proven Lying, Plagiarising Science Fraudster by Glory Theft of Patrick Matthew's Prior-Published Conception of the Hypothesis of Macro Evolution by Natural Selection
Showing posts with label knowledge contamination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label knowledge contamination. Show all posts

Saturday, 29 August 2020

More Evidence of pre-1858 Matthewian Knowledge Contamination of the Brain of Charles Darwin

Today, the evolutionary philosopher Hugh Dower of very kindly informed me of an article by Susan Sheets-Pyenson on the influence of Loudon on Blyth, as Blyth's editor, and of Selby on Darwin, via the articles Darwin read that were written by Selby. The article is entitled Darwin's data: His reading of natural history journals, 1837–1842 and it is published in the Journal of the History of Biology volume 14, pages 231–248 (1981). Here.

I published a peer reviewed article on the topic of the evidence that before they replicated his 1831 theory in 1858 in the Linnean Journal that Matthew knowledge contaminated Darwin and Wallace  Here.  In that article entitled "On Knowledge Contamination" I show that Selby (1842) cited Matthew's (1831) book - containing the full original theory of macro evolution by natural selection - many times before Wallace published his Sarawak paper on evolution in Selby's Journal in 1855 whilst Selby was chief editor. And we know from his own admission that Darwin read that paper by Wallace pre-1858.

We know that Loudon read and understood Matthew's theory because he reviewed it in 1832 and wrote that Matthew appeared to have something original to say on what he called the "origin of species", no less! So, as my paper on knowledge contamination makes clear, we know that the naturalist Loudon had a clear route to knowledge contaminate Blyth pre-1858 with Matthewian knowledge (as Blyth's editor). And we know that Blyth's articles on species were a huge influence on Darwin, because he admitted as much form the third edition on wards of the Origin of Species, after he had been compelled by critics to finally admit who influenced him. 

What Sheets-Pyenson shows us is that Selby's (1838) article in Loudon's journal was a direct influence on Darwin. And that is something I never knew before today. She tells us p. 235): 'Although Darwin wrote fairly long notes on most of these articles in the notebooks on transmutation, only one reference to the Magazine appeared in the Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, quoting a fact taken from Selby’s account of the fauna at his country estate, Twizell.'

So, in fact, Darwin was very clearly interested in Selby when it came to the origin of species question. Given the fascination Darwin had with trees in the Origin of Species it seems, arguably, unlikely he would not have read Seby's 1842 book on forest trees that cited Matthew's (1831) book On Naval Timber and Arboriculture so many times! But there is no certain proof he did read it - only more preponderance of evidence that he surely would have. And clear evidence Darwin's brain was knowledge contaminated on evolution by those who influenced him who we know for certain did read and then cite Matthew (1831) pre-1858.


Darwin's interests in Selby - and Selby's influence on him after Selby had read and cited Matthew means Matthew influenced Selby before Selby influenced Darwin and before Selby edited Wallace's Sarawak paper (or at least published it whilst he was editor).  

Importantly, when it comes to the evidence for routes of Matthewian knowledge contamination of the pre-1858 brains of the plagiarists Darwin and Wallace: 

(1) Loudon - a naturalist very well known to Darwin and and his best friend Joseph Hooker and others - reviewed Matthew's (1831) book in 1831 and said it had something orignal to say on the the "origin of species" long before Darwin adopted that term as the title of hi plagiarising book.

(2) Loudon owned and edited the journal that published Blyth's 1830's and 1840's articles on species and varities that highly influenced Darwin.

(3) Loudon owned and edited the journal that published Selby's (1838) article that highly influenced Darwin.

(4) Selby was a freind of Darwin's great friend and prolific correspondent Jenyns, who along with Darwin's father was a house guest at Selby's house and estate Twizell (see Sutton 2017).

(5) Selby published a book on forest trees in 1844 that cited Matthew's (1831) book - containing the full theory of evolution by natural slection many times.

(6) Selby owned and was Editor in Chief of  the Annals or Magazine of Zoology, Botany, and Geology, which published Wallace's famous Sarawak paper of 1855. Darwin read that paper pre-1858. 

(6) Selby was a close associate of Joseph Hooker. Darwin's best friend. Hooker's father, William Hooker, co-edited Selby's journal for its inception. Selby, in particular, enjoyed a considerable extent of professional involvement with Darwin’s best friend Jenyns and Darwin's mentors: Lyell, Joseph Hooker, William Hooker, Huxley and Strickland - facts here.

(7) Together with the geologist Lyell, Hooker orchestrated the Great Linnean Debacle of 1858 in which Darwin and Wallace committed the world's greatest science fraud by plagiarising Matthew's (1831) prior published theory of evolution by natural selection. Matthew originally called it the 'natural process of selection' and Darwin originally four word shuffled that name to 'process of natural selection'. Darwin had no choice but to steal Matthew's name for his theory it being about selection that was natural and a process. Moreover, he therefore had no choice but to also steal Matthew's essential original explanatory analogy of differences between natural and artificial selection.

(8) The Biological Journal of the Linnean Society - the direct descendant of the journal that published Darwin's and Wallace's disgraceful plagiarism of Matthew's theory, has allowed Weale and Dagg to twice plagiarise my original research revelation that Selby cited Matthew in his book of 1844. Read the disgraceful fully evidenced and referenced facts here.

(9) The editor of the Biological Journal of the Linnean Society thinks that plagiarism of my research finding is not plagiarism. Just how incredibly thick or corrupt  are these biologists?

(10) Selby and Loudon are just two of seven naturalists (six newly unearthed by me) in a list of more than 20 newly discovered (See Sutton, 2014a, 2014b, 2015 and 2017) authors to have read and cited in print, all before 1858, Matthew's (1831) book containing the first full published theory of macroevolution by natural selection. 

Unfortunately, in her article, Sheet-Pyenson makes no mention of Matthew and fails to mention that Loudon reviewed Matthew's book in 1832 and so does not make the important connection between that fact and the fact that Loudon remained editor in chief and owner of the journal that published Blyth's highly influential articles. Hence on the topic of knowledge contamination she misses my precise Matthew to Loudon, Loudon to Blyth, Blyth to Darwin "knowledge contamination" route argument in the case of Loudon being the owner and editor in chief of the journal that published Blyth's articles. But most importantly she does reveal a new (to me at least), second Selby, route for Matthewian knowledge contamination of Darwin's brain via Selby's articles in Loudon's The Magazine of Natural History journal.

The preponderance of evidence for Darwin's and Wallace's plagiarism of the entire theory pf evolution by natural selection just keeps growing, as does the corruption that exists at the heart of our so-called scientific community.

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

How to Prevent Knowledge Contamination

On contamination by painful knowledge 

Saturday, 1 February 2020

Contamination: On virus and knowledge spread

Despite what some idiots claim, it is most important that we do understand where ideas originated.

Origins and spread of disease and ideas are essential areas of the work of scientists and historians of science.

Saturday, 12 January 2019

More Newly Unearthed Unwelcome Facts On Probable Knowledge Contamination: Dr Lauder Lindsay (naturalist), Patrick Matthew and the Jameson's

An interesting new find for Matthewists: Here

In this newly unearthed publication 'Testimonials in favour of W.L. Lindsay ... as a candidate for the office of Conservator of the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh (1852)' we find Patrick Matthew being asked to vouch for the abilities, character and suitability of the well known naturalist Lauder Lindsay for a senior appointment. Interestingly, Darwin would later cite Lauder Lindsay in his book The Descent of Man. Along with Matthew's testimonial we find further testimonials from naturalists. One is the famous uncle of a naturalist who cited Matthew's book (among over 25 others to cite it pre-1858) before Darwin (1858, 1859) replicated Matthew's discovery, claimed it as his own and then lied (see Sutton 2014 and Sutton 2015) that no naturalist / no one whatsoever had read Matthew's original ideas before Darwin's and Wallace's (1858) supposed independent conceptions and replications of Matthew's ideas, unique terminology and explanatory examples and idiosyncratic analogies. 

Most importantly, in this book, Matthew spells out that he is the Author of: 'On Naval Timber and Arboriculture

The relevant text is on page 18

The celebrated naturalist in question is Robert Jameson, whose (it is newly known Sutton 2014) nephew - William Jameson  - cited Matthew's book in 1853, which is a year after Matthew appears in print in this book of testimonials with hs famous uncle.

William Jameson cited Matthew to point out Matthew's (1831) unique observation that some tree species could thrive even better in areas that were not their natural habitat. This was just one of Matthew's heretical points, which provided disconfirming evidence for the then orthodoxy in science that the Christian "God" put all species in a predestined place that was best and perfectly suited to them and the needs of all humans.  Most notably, Robert Jameson was famously Charles Darwin's tutor at Edinburgh University. Robert Jameson believed in evolution and is widely considered to be the anonymous author of the Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal article of 1826 that contains the first known English usage of the word "evolved" in the context of organic evolution. 

In 1831, citing himself as the author of the book On Naval Timber and Arboriculture (that we know both Matthew, Darwin and Wallace and others since fully admitted contains the first complete theory of macroevolution by natural selection - see Sutton 2015 for the citations to this fact recorded in the historic publication record), Professor Robert Jameson published Matthew's paper on meteorology (here - see image below). Clearly, Jameson would most surely have been fully aware of who Matthew was and of his dangerously heretical work - which had been noted in reviews as such (see Sutton 2014, 2017). On heretical ideas of evolution Jameson, we know - if it was he - would write only anonymously (see Jenkins 2015), as did the best seller author of "The Vestiges of Creation" the naturalist geologist and publisher  Robert Chambers (a correspondent and acquaintance of Darwin and Wallace's' greatest influencer) - who we do know for sure, but only due to my original research (e.g. Sutton, 2014, 2015, and 2017), also cited Matthew's 1831 book long before 1858.

Matthew's newly discovered (on 12 Jan 2019) juxtaposition and citation of his book in a publication co-contributed to by Professor Robert Jameson is the second I have uniquely unearthed where this occurs. Both examples explain why Robert Jameson's naturalist nephew William cited Matthew's original ideas. Moreover, it is powerful circumstantial evidence that Professor Robert Jameson also read and understood Matthew's theory long before Darwin and Wallace stole it and claimed it as their own on the dishonest and totally wrong grounds that no naturalist / no one at all had read and understood Matthew's (1831) prior-published complete theory.   

Perhaps Robert Jameson is the eminent naturalist who - as Matthew (1860) patiently explained to the proven lair Darwin -  understood Matthew's bombshell conception and original ideas - yet would not teach nor otherwise share them for fear of pillory punishment?


Above all else, the unearthing of the fact that both heretical evolutionist Professor Robert Jameson and  his nephew, the botanist William Jameson knew of Matthew and were aware of his work On Naval Timber is confirmation for the concept of knowledge contamination and its applicability in the story of Darwin's and Wallace's plagiarizing replication of Matthew's theory of evolution by natural selection from that book. This is because pre-1858 Matthew twice appeared in print citing himself as the author of On Naval Timber in works edited by and also contributed to by Robert Jameson  (who was, incidentally, Darwin's tutor at Edinburgh University), whose nephew, William Jameson, was a regular correspondent of William Hooker, who was in turn an associate of Charles Darwin, Wallace's mentor and guarantor and father of Darwin's best friend, evolutionary confidant and botanical motor Joseph Hooker. If knowledge contamination is not relevant then anyone claiming so perhaps believes no amount of what might be seen as improbable and closely linked multiple coincidences ever sum to a likelihood that they are not actually coincidental at all? By way of example: Are we to believe that the fact Robert Jameson edited the journal containing an article by Matthew, in which Matthew cited his own 1831 book and where an advert for that book made the subject matter of species and varieties in it plain and clear, and that Matthew appeared in an academic testimonial with Robert Jameson, where Matthew again cited his book has nothing at all to do with the fact William Jameson then cited Matthew's book and mentioned one of Matthew's important observations that supported Matthew's original theory of evolution by natural selection?

Advertisements for Robert Jameson's books were published in the Edinburgh Literary journal along with those for Matthew's Naval Timber. The fact Matthew's book was about species and varities and their location in nature was made very clear indeed (see the example of one advert below in the same publication of 1830, here is one for Jameson. And here, some commentary on one of his publications.


Archived: and and

Note: There was a second (1854) copy of the testimonials as well. It's here

Note: At the 1867 Dundee meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (where Matthew was platform blocked from speaking on his original discoveries) both he and Lauder Lindsay presented papers on other topics - see here.

Note Lauder Lindsay in 1855 citing assistance from who is most probably Patrick Matthew's son, who farmed in Germany here 

Note: In 1861 he was elected a member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and, earlier, in 1858, Lindsay was elected a fellow of the Linnean Society (Darwin was a member and it was the society that published Darwin's and Wallace's plagiarizing joint article in 1858)  More here.

Postscript 30. 01. 2019
See a more recent post with further observations on the links between Matthew and Robert Jameson

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

On Knowledge Contamination

Thinking about the preponderance of evidence for Patrick Matthew's (1831) influence upon Darwin's and Wallace's replication of his prior-published theory of evolution by natural selection (see my expert peer reviewed science article on that issue here). I wonder if the BBC Colditz series influenced Stephen Fry, via some kind of direct or indirect (saw it himself or else via friends, influencers, associates etc) knowledge contamination to come up with the name Captain Darling in the Blackadder comedy series? See usage of an officer apparently calling Captain Tim Downing "Darling" e.g. in Series 1, Episode 9 "Bribery and Corruption" in the BBC series - available in Boxset from Amazon.

Moreover, Rowan Atkinson had the idea of setting a new series of Blackadder in Colditz: (here 

Friday, 29 June 2018


Saturday, 5 August 2017

Knowledge Contamination

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Knowledge Contamination Analysis is Analogous to DNA Fingerprinting

Some of the greatest discoveries made in science and academia have question marks hanging over the area of prior-influence by unacknowledged prior-publications and other means of communicating ideas and facts.

The question of the influence of Matthew on Darwin and Wallace has been  brought to the fore by the new discovery that he was cited by Darwin's and Wallace's influencers and their influencer's influencers before they put so much as pen to paper on the topic.

New books published by John Ashdown-Hill accuse Leicester University of effective glory theft by orchestrated failure to acknowledge the crucial influence of his work on the discovery of Richard III's grave in a Leicester car park.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

The 10 Fact Groups that Prove Darwinities Undone

Postscript 13/02/2020 - I have added live links where older links no longer go to live sources. Otherwise, this blog post is as it was first published.  


The paradigm of Darwin's and Wallace's (1858) and Darwin's (1842, 1844 and 1859) independent conceptions of Patrick Matthew's (1831) prior published conception of the full and complex hypothesis of macro evolution by natural selection is based on the premise (e.g de Beer 1962 and Mayr 1982 ) that no one known to Darwin or Wallace, indeed no naturalists at all, read Matthew's (1831) original conception before they replicated it. That Darwinite paradigm is based on a punctured myth. Because it is newly discovered  by me (Sutton 2014, 2016) that other naturalists, indeed naturalists well known to Darwin and Wallace, their facilitators, influencers, and their influencer's influencers and facilitators in fact did read, and then actually cite in the pre-1858 literature, Matthew's (1831) book before either Darwin or Wallace so much as put pen to private notebook on the topic.

Those seeking to maintain the paradigm of Darwin's and Wallace's independent conceptions of Matthew's prior-published conception of evolution by natural selection are undone by the following ten groups of facts.

Veracity: the 10 groups of facts

FACTS 1. Only Matthew (1831) in his book On Naval Timber wrote about Natural Selection as an explanation for organic macro evolution before Darwin and Wallace (1858) and Darwin (1859) replicated his original ideas. This is established by many biologists including, for example, Dawkins (2010) in Bryson's edited collection, By Weale (2014) and by Royal Society Darwin Medal winner Ernst Mayr who wrote: 'The person who has the soundest claim for priority in establishing a theory or evolution by natural selection is Patrick Matthew.'

FACTS 2. Matthew wrote about natural selection throughout his book and not just in its appendix. Darwin wrote a deliberate lie when he claimed Matthew limited his orignal ideas on the topic to his book's appendix and he wrote to Joseph Hooker admitting as much (see Sutton 2014, 2016). The Matthew Appendix Myth is, therefore, bust by the facts. Furthermore, contrary to claims made by Richard Dawkins (2010) and others Matthew's (1831) book was far from obscure. As the citations in Nullius prove, it was heavily advertised in the first half of the 19th century, reviewed, frequently and cited (many times by Loudon in several books and many times by Selby in his 1842 book on trees. Significantly, it was very prominently advertised on more than half a page in the hugely popular Encyclopedia Britannica in 1842 and cited in the Encyclopedia Britannica again in 1842 in an article (citations to facts here) Moreover, pre -1858, Darwin's private notebook of books to read and books read lists five publications that are now known to cite or advertise Matthew's 1831 book.

FACTS 3. Contrary to claims in many academic textbooks and in social media, Darwin did not coin the term natural selection, nor its scientific meaning. Moreover, he did not coin the term artificial selection (see Sutton 2014, 2016).  Matthew used the term the "natural process of selection" in his 1831 book. And Big Data analysis of over 30 million publications reveals he apparently coined that term. Robert Chambers (anonymous author of the "Vestiges of Creation"), who cited Matthew's (1831) book On Naval Timber in 1832, and then in 1840, cited his second (1839) book "Emigration Fields", which took Matthew's (1831) orignal ideas forward with regard to dealing with the social problem of overpopulation in Britain, was apparently 'first to be second' in writing Matthew's apparently orignal term in his review of  Darwin's (1859) Origin of Species. Darwin four-word-shuffled Matthew's term to 'process of natural selection' and in doing so, Big Data analysis reveals he apparently coined that term. See Sutton 2014, 2016 for  further details and fully cited facts. Furthermore, Matthew (1831) was first to use the Natural versus Artificial Selection Analogy of Differences as an explanatory analogy for macro evolution by natural selection. As the historian Loren Eiseley discovered, Darwin replicated this original idea in his 1844 private essay with regard to Matthew's highly idiosyncratic wild forest versus nursery grown trees example. And I discovered that Wallace (1858) did so more generally in his Ternate paper. When the arch Darwinite Stephen J. Gould (1983 and 2002) set out to rubbish Eiseley's findings he got his own facts wrong and conveniently cherry-stepped away from mentioning this, Eiseley's most compelling evidence of Matthew's influence on Darwin (see Sutton 2015 for the facts). What Gould did is the same grossly misleading biased "cherry stepping" and "cherry picking" misrepresenting de facto fact denial ploy tried by Grzegorz Malec in his so called "review" of my book. It is a shame Eiseley, having died in 1977, could not take Gould to task for his dysology, Malec does not escape. You can read my published right of reply: Here. Matthew's original general explanatory analogy of differences between artificial and natural selection is so important that Darwin used it to open the very first Chapter of the Origin of SpeciesAn electronic plagiarism check reveals many examples of great similarity between the prose and ideas of both Wallace and Darwin compared to Matthew's. For example, Darwin replicated Matthew's unique creative process by replicating his examples of how the natural process of selection works. By way of just two examples, in addition to the example of plants grown in nurseries that Eiseley discovered, Darwin also replicated Matthew's examples of what happens when many seedlings spring up together in a forest. Moreover, he replicated what Matthew cited from Steuart (1828) about cattle eating young trees. Only where Matthew cited his source about the cattle example, Darwin audaciously pretended it was his own observation in nature. My e. book, Nullius has an entire chapter dedicated to many other uniquely discovered examples of Darwin's and Wallace's obvious plagiarism of Matthew's book. 

As I reveal (see Sutton 2014, 2016 for the full citations) Matthew’s original explanatory analogy was, apparently, replicated first by Mudie (1832), then Low (1844), Darwin (1844), Wallace (in Darwin and Wallace 1858)  and by Darwin again (1859; 1868). Most tellingly, the same Big Data analysis of over 30 million publications in the publication record reveals that Mudie was apparently the “first to be second” in print with the original “Matthewism” “rectangular branching”. Some Darwinists have used social media - as Mr Malec does in a journal book review - to criticise the "first to be second" method employed in Nullius as being unreliable and subject to refutation. (see my reply here)Typically, in their desperate criticisms they imply that the findings made with this method is all that underpins Nullius. In reality, this is a minor part of the book. One must not forget that Nullius contains the hard and orignal evidence that Naturalists actually cited Matthew's book and ideas pre-1858.  Nevertheless, what these critics fail to realise is that good explanations in science are those that are capable of being refuted and are difficult to change once refuted.

Most significantly, Mudie was both an associate and two times co-author with Darwin’s most prolific informant Edward Blyth. Blyth’s own work was edited by Loudon, who cited Matthew’s book in 1832.  David Low’s replication of Matthew’s artificial analogy of differences is, arguably, unlikely to be purely coincidental. They were schoolmates at Perth Academy!

 Nullius 2014 reveals that Low was apparently twice “first to be second” with the Matthewisms: “long continued selection” and “overpowering the less”. He used each in different publications. Moreover, Low, just four years older than Matthew, was a highly esteemed Professor of Agriculture at the University of Edinburgh. He might, therefore, be the unnamed naturalist professor of a “celebrated university” who Matthew (1860) claimed, in his second open letter to Darwin in the Gardener's Chronicle, was afraid to teach his heretical and original ideas, or to mention them elsewhere, for fear of pillory punishment, long before 1859. Most importantly, Low was a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, as was Darwin’s great friend and mentor Charles Lyell. Laird Lyell’s manor house was just 20 miles from laird Matthew’s country seat. It seems improbable Lyell did not know of him and the scandal of heretical ideas in his book (more on Lyell and his connections here). Low's work was very carefully read by Darwin, according to Darwin's own notes, and then recommended by him to the Royal Society for the author's useful work on using artificial selection to explain natural selection.

A new fallacy has sprung up on social media that I am the only person to believe that Matthew influenced Darwin and Wallace through knowledge contamination of their influencers and facilitators and their influencers's influencers and facilitators or that Darwin more likely than not plagiarised Matthew. In reality, Samuel Butler (1887, p, 100believed Darwin copied Matthew but then forgot he had done so. This same cryptomnesia explanation was proposed by Darwin's biographer Clarke (1984). Furthermore, Loren Eiseley (1981) was convinced that Darwin deliberately plagiarised Matthew, as is Milton Wainwright (2008) and (2011).

FACTS 4. Under the Royal Society imposed conventions for priority, as decided by the Arago Rule (Strivens 2003), in cases of non-plagiarised claimed dual or multiple independent conceptions, it is only those who are first to actually publish their original discoveries /original conceptions who have scientific priority for them.

FACTS 5. There is no independently verifiable evidence, other than that which Darwin (a proven serial liar) wrote on his private notebooks and essays in his private study, that Darwin wrote a single word on natural selection anywhere until 1857.  The earliest solid dated, independently verifiable, evidence we have that Darwin actually had definitely written any kind of note or essay on the topic pre-1858 is that he sent a mere abstract a private essay to Gray in 1857. See Sutton 2016 for the peer reviewed facts of the matter. Moreover, Matthew's (1831) book was published six years before Darwin is claimed to have written a single word on the topic in his private Zoonomia notebook of 1837-38, which opens on the subject of Matthew's area of professional expertise. Namely fruit trees. And contains many other examples (here). And Matthew's (1831) book was cited by Darwin's associate and correspondent Robert Chambers in 1832, by Loudon in 1832 (who edited two of Blyth's 1835, 1836 highly influential papers on evolution. Blyth being Darwin's prolific informant and correspondent on the topic) and by Selby in 1842 - the year Darwin is claimed to have penned his first private essay on the topic. Most significantly, Selby went on to be editor of Wallace's Sarawak paper on evolution. Loudon was well known to William Hooker, the father of Darwin's best friend Joseph Hooker, who knew Loudon's work well and praised it to the skies in a book review (see Sutton 2016).

Loudon was also friends and co-author with John Lindley, who deceived the public pre-1858 in order to convince them that he and Lobb were first to propage and import the much loved and famous gaint redwood trees in Britain. All the while he possessed a letter proving that Matthew and his son were first to do so (get the facts here). Lindley's glory stealing fraud helped facilitate Darwin's later claim that Matthew was an obscure writer on forest trees.

FACTS 6.  It is propagandising pseudo-scholarly fact denial behaviour to claim  nonsense of the kind Richard Dawkins has written on this topic. Namely, that Matthew should have "trumpeted his discovery from the rooftops" to prove he understood what he had conceived at a time when it would have been criminally heretical to do so. Dawkins cherry-steps away from the fact that Matthew (1860) - using real examples - very forcefully informed Darwin of this fact in his second letter to the Gardener's Chronicle, where he told Darwin of an (unnamed) naturalist from a prestigious university who could not to teach his orignal work, or mention his orignal ideas elsewhere, for fear of pillory punishment - and that his book had been banned by Perth public library in Scotland (he called it by its nickname the Fair City) for the same reason.  For the very same reason, Robert Chambers (who is newly discovered to have cited Matthew in 1832) published his heretical Vestiges of Creation - the book that put evolution in the air in the mid 19th century - anonymously until the day he died. See Sutton 2014, 2016 for citations to the facts.

FACTS 7. The rationale (premise) for believing Darwin's and Wallace's claims to have each independently conceived Matthew's prior published origination is built entirely on total belief in Darwin's tale that no naturalist (as told in Darwin's 1860 letter of reply to Matthew in the Gardener's Chronicle)  or no one at all (as told by Darwin from the 1861 third edition onwards in every edition of his Origin of Species) is now a punctured myth because it is newly proven that naturalists well known to Darwin and Wallace, and to their influences and facilitators, their influencer's influencers and facilitators  in fact did read and then they cited Matthew's (1831) book in the literature years before 1858 (see Sutton 2014). Moreover, Darwin lied - and so committed glory thieving science fraud - when he claimed from 1860 onwards that no naturalist / no one at all had read Matthew's prior published conception - because Matthew had very plainly and forcefully informed Darwin, by way of his two letters published in the Gardener's Chronicle (1860), that the very opposite was true.

FACTS 8. We now newly have 100 per cent proven evidence that routes for knowledge contamination from Matthew's (1831) book to the minds of Darwin and Wallace did exist pre-1858. (See Sutton 2016). This is better than mere smoking gun evidence.

FACTS 9.  It is a fallacy that no one who read Matthew's ideas understood them before Darwin and Wallace replicated them and Matthew brought them to Darwin's public attention in 1860. In reality, in the first half of the 19th century, people would have avoided the taboo of writing about them, because they heretically trespassed on the realm of  natural divinity regarding the topic of the origin of species. This is why Chambers (who cited Matthew's book in 1832) had to publish anonymously his heretical Vestiges of Creation. Famously, as Darwin admitted from the third edition of the Origin of Species onwards,  it was the Vestiges that paved the way for public acceptance of his own book in the second half of the 19th century.  With regard to proof of the treatment of Matthew's work as taboo in the first half of that century,  The United Service Journal and Naval and Military Magazine published an extended review of it in the 1831 Part II and 1831 Part III numbers of the magazine; it praised Matthew's book in around 13,000 words and would say no more  on natural selection other than: "But we disclaim participation in his ruminations on the law of Nature."  Today, it seems that the truth of this independently verifiable fact is heretical, because Wikipedia - in trying to claim that Matthew's orignal ideas were not understood - denies that this text actually exists in the 19th century publication record, immediately deleting each and every mention of it (get the clickable citation to that literature and the  facts on Wikipedia's fact deleting behaviour here).  As Matthew explained to Darwin in the Gardener's Chronicle in his second letter of 1860, his book was banned by Perth library in Scotland for its heresy and another naturalist feared to teach its contents for fear of pillory punishment (see Sutton 2016 for the full facts). Loudon (1832), however was so bold as to write that Matthew appeared to have something original to say on the "origin of species", no less. These facts all prove that Matthew's ideas were understood. However, most of those who we knewly know cited Matthew's (1831) book would be unlikely to mention its distasteful heresy in print. Moreover, logically, they did not have to provide evidence in the literature that they fully understood Matthew's then heretical ideas, and they did not even have to fully understand everything about natural selection in his book to know that Matthew had written something on evolution to, therefore, be in a position to give Darwin and Wallace any kind of "heads-up" that Matthew's book might be worth looking at. Because, rationally, knowledge contamination can happen in at least the following three ways (from Sutton 2016):

Prior published unique ideas may contaminate the minds and work of others in three
main ways:

(a). Innocent Knowledge Contamination: The spread of original ideas in
a prior-publication via (a) subsequent published sources on the topic,
which failed to cite the Originator as their source, or (b) word of mouth
and/or correspondence to the replicator by those who read the Originator’s
work or communicated with others who did — understood its importance
in whole or simply in part — but failed to tell the replicator
about its existence.

(b). Reckless or Negligent Knowledge Contamination: (a) The replicator
reads the original publication, absorbs information such as original
ideas and examples and terms, but forgets having read it — and never
does remember. (b) The replicator reads the original publication and takes
notes, but forgets the source of the notes. (c) The replicator is told
about original ideas in a publication by someone — who understands
their importance in whole or simply in part — who explains they come
from a publication, but the replicator fails to ask the name of the author
and title of the publication.

(c). Deliberate Knowledge Contamination (science fraud): The replicator
reads the original publication, or is told about its contents, takes notes,
or is given notes, remembers this, but pretends otherwise.

FACTS 10. It is a fallacy (e.g see Stott 2013) that Matthew was quite content after Darwin's 1860 and 1861 acknowledgments of Matthew's prior-published the hypothesis of macro evolution by natural selection. In reality, he fought untill his dying day for full recognition for his original and prior published (1831) ideas, which Darwin replicated and continued to call "my theory". See the fully cited facts here.

Further Information

My position paper on this topic and details of all known published Darwinite defences to the New Data, along with my detailed and fully evidenced rebuttals to them, can be found on the relevant page on - Here



The facts re-write the history of discovery of natural selection.

Perhaps we need an independent Veracity Institute to address all issues where independently verifiable facts bust much loved paradigms and then meet fierce resistance from those whose career and financial interests are underpinned by keeping the punctured premises, which support those paradigms, inflated with de-facto fact-denial pseudo scholarship, cherry picking, cognitive  blindsight, propaganda, mythmongering, fallacy spreading, obscene abuse and downright lies.

Get You Some of That Veracity!

Towards a Veracity Centre 

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Additional Information on Knowledge Contamination

My article 'On Knowledge Contamination' (Sutton 2016) reveals who really did read Matthew's book and the original ideas on natural selection in it before 1858 and their relationships to Darwin and Wallace, their friends and influencers and influencer's influencers - as opposed to the myths started by Darwin that no naturalists/no one whatsoever did so before Matthew brought his work to Darwin's attention in 1860.

We know that in 1832, the naturalist John Loudon reviewed Matthew's (1831) book: Loudon, J. C. (1832) Matthew Patrick On Naval Timber and Arboriculture with Critical Notes on Authors who have recently treated the Subject of Planting. In the Gardener’s Magazine and Register of Rural & Domestic Improvements, Vol 8 (1832), pp. 702-3:
"One of the subjects discussed in this appendix is the puzzling one, of the origin of species; and varieties (and if the author has hereon originated no original views and of this we are far from certain), he has certainly exhibited his own in an original manner."

One very important point overlooked in my article is that Darwin's notebook of publications read, which contains an alphabetical list of books read by Darwin between 1838 and 1858, records that he may well have recorded in his own hand that he intended to read the 1832 edition of the Gardener's Chronicle.

In his notebook of books to read Darwin wrote in 1842 - in the same year he completed his first private essay on natural selection that he should read Vol 8 of  the Gardener's Magazine. That volume contained Loudon's (1832) review of Matthew's book.

Darwin wrote: "March 12th Gardener’s Magaz.  Vol 7th. & 8th. vol."

However, whilst this main volume ordering ran throughout the series, it must be added that each decade had a sub-order of volumes that began at vol 1 all over again. So we can see that volume VIII of 1832 is displayed as such:

We cannot know, but Darwin might have meant (though if he did he did not write it) that he wanted to read volumes 7 and 8 of the new 1840's decade - written as "new series". We can see how vol VIII of the new decade - "new series" - is displayed in 1842.

The fact Darwin made his notebook entry in 1842 and that Vol. 8 of the new decade was in that same year is highly suggestive that Darwin meant vol VIII of 1842.

Darwin's lies after 1860 - when Matthew's first letter to the Gardener's Chronicle informed him of Loudon's review - and his complete lack of curiosity regarding the conveyance of that fact, and of the fact - conveyed in Matthew's second letter to the Gardener's Chronicle - that another naturalist had read his original ideas and feared pillory punishment were he to teach them, should be weighed in light of the fact that before his Origin of Species (Darwin 1859) was completed, Darwin - apparently - did own Vol. 8 of 1832. And owned it from 1838 - the year he opened his first private notebook on evolution). I've not established the veracity of this (if its true, it's not easily verifiable online) but Andrew Norman  ( 2013) p. 173 writes with great exactness and certainty that Darwin owned these. Note however, that he tells us very clearly is only what is inside the front cover  of  Volume 7, of 1831 when (as his writing clearly shows he knows) Loudon's review is in Volume 8 of 1832:

'Volumes 2-13 (1827-37) of Gardener's Magazine (i.e. including the 1832 number which contained the review of Matthew's book) were also to be found in Darwin's personal library. However inside the front board of volume seven (for 1831), are to be found the initials of Robert Waring Darwin, Charles Darwin's father. Clearly, therefore, these volumes (which include those for 1831-36 when Darwin was sea on HMS Beagle) were acquired by Robert for his library at the Mount in Shrewsbury, and Darwin presumably acquired them  only after his father's Death in November 1838.'

NOTE If the initials RWD are not inside vol 8 of 1832 in Darwin's personal library (accepting for now the veracity Andrew Norman's confident published account that the volume is there - because I cannot detect it being their from any online accounts for the publications in Darwin's Library) that most certainly would not "clearly" mean that that one particular volume was acquired from his father's library.  All that we would know however, is that at some time before his death Darwin owned a copy of the all important vol. 8 of the 1832 Gardener's Magazine, containing Loudon's most telling review. The most telling question I have at the moment is to ask why Andrew Norman does not tell us what is or is not inside the front board - and elsewhere - on Vol 8 (1832) if it is actually in Darwin's personal library collection. If it is there then the Darwin Library project has not yet scanned it and has not listed it. If it is there, it is essential - in the interests of the veracious history of scientific discovery - that the entire volume, and in particular Loudon's review, is scrutinised for any annotations by Darwin or anyone else. 

Further Dysology attached to this story

At the time of writing a website of The University of South Carolina has confused the Gardener's Chronicle with the Gardener's Magazine

They write: 

And Who Was Patrick Mathew?

Patrick Mathew, “Appendix: Note B,” in his On Naval Timber and Arboriculture.
On Naval Timber and ArboricultureLondon: Longman, Rees, . . . 1831. Original glazed cloth.  Purchased from the C. Warren Irvin, Jr. and Josie B. Irvin Endowment.

Shortly before Darwin set out on his voyage with the Beagle, this book by an otherwise unknown Scottish orchardman and Chartist, Patrick Mathew (1790-1874), anticipated by nearly thirty years the theory we know as natural selection.  As Darwin later asserted, he could hardly be expected to know of Mathew’s work, when it had appeared as an appendix to a book on a different subject (but Mathew’s book was reviewed in the Gardener’s Chronicle, and Darwin did get old copies of that forwarded to him on his voyage . . .).

NOTE: Such mistakes are further confirmation of the Dysology Hypothesis.

Sunday, 26 June 2016

On Knowledge Contamination


(Click for free inoculation    against the dreaded pseudo scholarship virus)

Monday, 16 May 2016

Might Professor Steve Jones (FRS) perhaps become "knowledge contaminated" about Supermyths?

There has been a "state of denial" canny indifference amongst most of the World's top Darwin scholars to the  Supermyth busting "New Data" facts (e.g. Sutton 2016), which puncture the premise underpinning the old Darwinist paradigm of tri-independent discovery of Matthew's prior-published original conception of macroevolution by natural selection.

I wonder, now, will the esteemed leading Darwinist Steve Jones (FRS) be "knowledge contaminated" on the topic of Supermyths - given that he is a noted patron of HealthWatch, which introduces the supermyth concept this month?

You can read my article in HealthWatch here

What makes the Spinach, Popeye, and Iron Decimal Point error Supermyth (SPIDES), possibly, the most exquisitely ironic myth in the history of the world is the fact that, whilst believing it to be true, so many experts used it as an example of the need to check your data before publishing it.

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Knowledge Contamination: A Hammer for the Scots!

Building on the New Data first revealed in my Best Thinking book,Nullius in Verba    and further ideas first formulated in a Best Thinking blog post in Jan 2015, my very latest peer reviewed journal article was published on the topic yesterday.
On Knowledge Contamination: New Data Challenges Claims of Darwin’s and Wallace’s Independent Conceptions of Matthew’s Prior-Published Hypothesis. Here.   
Charles Darwin's statue. Natural History.Museum. London
In this new article, in the philosophy of science journal:Philosophy Aspects of Origin, I prove, amongst many other things, that rather than prove his independent conception of Matthew's original ideas and examples, Darwin's private correspondence, notebooks and private essays all serve to incriminate him as a lying plagiarizing science fraudster by glory theft of Patrick Matthew's prior published hypothesis of the "natural process of selection".
I am presenting this paper on thursday 17th March 2016, next week, at the James Hutton Institute in Scotland. Details here.   
My hammering conclusion - which is to be reported in the Scottish press next week - is that Scotland has been punterized by 155 years of English lies, fallacies and myths that underpin the current paradigm of Darwin's and Wallace's independent conceptions of Matthew's prior-published hypothesis.

Scotland has an unrecognised science hero.
The Carse of Gowrie
Matthew, like many influential and original thinking Scots, hailed from the fertile lands of the beautiful Carse of Gowrie. Punterised by Darwin's 100 per cent proven lies    into believing Matthew is relatively insignificant in the story of the discovery of natural selection, the Scots demolished his manor house in the 1980s.
Gourdie Hill, in the Carse of Gowrie. Seat of Patrick Matthew Esq.
That act of unintentional cultural vandalism raised to the ground their opportunity to use it and its ancient orchards as a major heritage site for cultural and economic sustainability. However, Matthew's monumental giant redwood trees    remain in the area. Today, in the interests of economic and cultural sustainability, it is essential that Scotland places protection orders on these historic Matthew Trees.
Scots need to read the new data and weigh its significance for themselves.
Fiona Ross, chair of The Carse of Gowrie Sustainability Group which has organised next Thursday’s lecture informs Scotland that a dream of Matthew’s descendants would be to see his portrait on the back of a Scottish £10 note.
Nottingham artist, photographer and criminologist - Andy SuttonAttribution
One day Scotland will have Patrick Matthew on the back of it's £10 note.