Stupid is Stupid Does: Charles Darwin was the World's Greatest Con Man
Patrick Matthew (1831) used an analogy of differences between artificial selection and natural selection as a key explanatory device for the first published origination of the complete theory of macro-evolution by the natural process of selection. That was so important, the plagiarist Charles Darwin replicated it at the very start of his theory stealing book The Origin of Species (1859).
Furthermore, as it has long been said that "An artist borrows but a great artist steals" if that reasoning is to be followed then Darwin was a great con artist because he is 100% proven to have knowingly lied when he wrote that no single person had read Matthew's 1831 book before he and Wallace replicated the bombshell theory in it. and claimed to have done so independently of Matthew's influence.
Analogously, Donald Trump's two times election as US President is proof enough of the saying that "A conman does not have to be smart if his victims are stupid." In light of the empirical fact dodging (and so effectively) "fake" book reviews of Science Fraud, and blog, Wikipedia and academic biology journal shenanigans going on by fact denial Darwin fanatics (see a real science book chapter exposing this behaviour here archived here) those still believing in and promoting the Victorian Darwin Myth are stupid too. And so we see, yet again, that it's true: "stupid is stupid does".
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