In the following quotation from Stanley Cohen's (2001, p.64) book 'States of Denial', please substitute the word Darwinists for family:
'Denials draw on shared cultural vocabularies to be credible. They may also be shared in another powerful sense: the commitment between people - whether partners (folie à deux) or an entire organisation - to back up and collude in each other's denials. Without conscious negotiation, family members know what trouble spots to avoid, which facts are better not noticed. These collusions - mutually reinforcing denials that allow no meta-comment - work best when we are unaware of them. The resulting 'vital lie' in the family may become a literal blind spot. But the facts are too brutal to ignore. They have to be reinterpreted, using techniques like minimization, euphemism and joking: 'If the force of facts is too brutal to ignore, then their meaning can be altered. The vital lie continues unrevealed sheltered by the family's silence, alibis, stark denial. The collusion is maintained by directing attention away from the fearsome fact, or by repackaging its meaning in an appropriate format.'
Family members have an astonishing capacity to ignore or pretend to ignore what happens in front of their eyes...'
Every good scholar has a responsibility to confront pseudo scholars with the reality of their state of denial and make them face and admit the brutal facts
100 per cent independently verifiable and fully referenced proof (to the original publications and letters) that Charles Darwin committed lying, plagiarizing science fraud by glory theft of Patrick Matthew's prior published discovery of natural selection (here).