. New data, unearthed with the IDD research method proves Darwin was a comb-across fraudster.Xmas is a time for miracles 🤣😂😅 Get scientific proof of the amazing dual virgin conception miracles of Darwin and Wallace at https://t.co/RKbJV7ogAU #DingDong! pic.twitter.com/5GctzAxV2r
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) December 15, 2019
.Evolution of the Comb-across Fraudster: https://t.co/RKbJV7ogAU pic.twitter.com/kIcQ7D3GjH
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) December 14, 2019
.Eminent scientists Prof @DrMarkGriffiths Mark Griffiths & Trevor Palmer of Nottingham Trent University cite newly unearthed facts discovered with BigData IDD method that Darwin's friends & associates DID read the prior published theory of natural selection https://t.co/eK5HDO6IJU pic.twitter.com/Yixl5FdjP4
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) December 14, 2019
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) January 2, 2020
Scientist Prof Trevor Palmer knows facts from myths in history of scientific discovery. Cites newly unearthed facts that prove Darwin's friends & influencers read & cited prior published theory Darwin plagiarized. https://t.co/6HDmlQBoDf pic.twitter.com/YAAzsqaJHn
More here.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) December 15, 2019
1. Darwin's fraud: https://t.co/3XMQL72PHL
2. Knowledge Contamination: https://t.co/E8QuuMzsSL
3. Science fraud book: https://t.co/r6bmdinZ7A pic.twitter.com/ZISCro2WXs