Plagiarising Science Fraud

Plagiarising Science Fraud
Newly Discovered Facts, Published in Peer Reviewed Science Journals, Mean Charles Darwin is a 100 Per Cent Proven Lying, Plagiarising Science Fraudster by Glory Theft of Patrick Matthew's Prior-Published Conception of the Hypothesis of Macro Evolution by Natural Selection
Showing posts with label history. Show all posts
Showing posts with label history. Show all posts

Thursday 10 October 2024

If it never happened it's not history

 The Fact-Led Story of Patrick Matthew, Darwin and Wallace is of Interest to People who Think Knowing and Telling the Truth Matters

In the fields of science and history we should trust those who seek the truth and be sceptical of those who say they have found it. However, being sceptical does not mean blindly dismissing the empirical fact findings and consequent conclusions of others based on those facts.

There is a story behind everything. You just have to dig deep enough to find the facts, follow the facts, weigh those facts without fear or favour and then share them for the benefit of veracious human knowledge. The problem we currently have in the history of science is that Charles Darwin venerating fanatics do not want the empirical fact led truth. Instead they want only their own comfy old, yet new found empirically evidenced fact debunked, "truth" and the multitude of publications in the so called "Darwin Industry" helps them find it and re-write it simply in order to create more Darwin fans to sell more publications for the benefit only of the so-called Darwin Industry. The myth that has been bust with new found hard data is the "Original Genius Honest Independent Discoverer of a Prior Published Theory" Victorian science myth of Charles Darwin.

At the time of writing, an ideologically political campaign is being waged to suppress the new empirical data on Darwin's plagiarism and his associated lies to hide it. The Dr Mike Sutton, Patrick Matthew and Charles Darwin pages of Wikipedia are prime examples of what is being done by way of brute censorship and pseudo-scholarly publishing of complete falsehoods to hide the independently verifiable facts from the wider public. Such behaviour is noted in the expert peer reviewed 2024 Springer Science book chapter "The Patrick Matthew Effect in Science." The Wikipedia page on Patrick Matthew fails to mention that publication, fails to record the 30 people who we newly know cited Matthew's 1831 book pre-1858 and fails to cite Dr Mike Sutton's (2022) book "Science Fraud: Darwin's Plagiarism of Patrick Matthew's Theory", which shows exactly who cited Matthew's (1831) book, and which of them were known to Darwin as his friends and associates. That Wikipedia pages also fail to cite the multitude of examples of national newspaper coverage of Sutton's (2022) book and the bombshell findings in it (See the News page on to see those reports).

The fact-led story of Patrick Matthew, Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace is not about ideologically or politically dishonouring Darwin and Wallace, as Darwin fans would have you believe, it is about seeking the empirically evidenced truth about those we venerate in order that our history is correct rather than being based on debunked embarrassing myths. It did not happen that "no single person and none known to Darwin or Wallace" read Patrick Matthew's (1831) prior published complete theory of evolution by natural selection, as we have been led to believe following lies written by Darwin, who had been directly prior informed in published print by Matthew that Matthew's book was read and the bombshell theory in it reviewed in published print by at least one highly influential horticultural naturalist and Magaizine of Natural History science journal Chief Editor. That was John Loudon, who very well known to Darwin, Wallace, their influencers, and influencer's influencers long before 1858. 

If something did not happen then it is not history. The fact it has been newly discovered Matthew's book was read then cited in the literature by more than 30 people is history, because those citations exists as recorded as such in the historic publication print record, analogously like fossils embedded in the geological strata. The new found empirical data means it did not happen that Matthew's theory went unread by anyone known to Darwin or Wallace pre-1858. Currently, this new fact is being brute censored on Wikipedia, in the Darwin Industry literature and in the unhinged fact denial arguments of Darwin fanatics. 

They say societies that denigrate their heroes face insanity. Alternatively, is it not true that insanity involves believing in something irrational, arguing in its favour despite the empirical evidence it is not real and acting on that blind sight belief?

Why Darwin and Wallace stole Matthew's theory and lied to cover it up is a question that rational scholars will no doubt choose to debate in the future. But currently there is only some circumstantial evidence to allow the formulation of sensible speculation on that question. The book, "Science Fraud: Darwin's Plagiarism of Patrick Matthew's Theory" deals only in independently verifiable empirical data.