For years the car industry (including big makers such as Mercedes and Volkswagen and many more) misled the world by telling them misinformation (deliberate sly falsehoods/lies) that the cars were cleaner in terms of emissions than they actually are (e.g. here and archived here).
Similarly, by way of explanatory analogy, the "Darwin Industry" has missold the story of Darwin and Matthew to the world and at the time of writing, in the teeth of empirical data that completely disproves it they continue to do so - even completely taking over the Darwin and Matthew pages of Wikipedia with official editors of the Darwin Industry publishing absolute lies and falsehoods and deleting the proven and fully evidenced empirical data led facts about Darwin's plagiarism and 100% proven serial lying about it in an attempt to rebury it back into oblivion (see the evidence of Wikipedia fraud here).
View another video of the book on (here).
Volkswagen (VW) were major perpetrators of the clean diesel dysology. I love this old VW advert .