+But we have newly unearthed routes for potential 'knowledge contamination' (see my typology - Darwin did not have to "know" or "read" Routes that were denied for 155 years by the "no naturalist known to Darwin or Wallace read Matthew" pre 1858 myth started by Darwin's proven lie. pic.twitter.com/wuyFSHjFbP— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) January 13, 2019
+Civil law test is - for plagiarism = "on balance of reasonable probability' Hugh. Given the preponderance of circumstantial evidence, in addition to proof of Darwin's lying dishonesty about Matthew's readership by naturalists he knew. No benefit of doubt about Darwin's dishonesty— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) January 14, 2019
+Darwin's post hoc glory thieving plagiarism by lying is 100% proven Hugh. If any university academic did that today they would be sacked & rendered unemployable. Of course, Darwin was not anyones employee, not ever. It's in my expert peer reviewed articles https://t.co/LMpbVPMAh6 pic.twitter.com/Kw717j0Zmw— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) January 14, 2019
Thanks Hugh. I have blocked Derry pending legal action for his cybertalking, harassment and multiple instances of libel and poison pen letter writing. Legal experts have it in hand.— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) January 14, 2019
Matthew's book was prominently advertised in the Encyclopedia Britannica. For further reading see: https://dysology.blogspot.com/2019/01/credulous-darwin-worshippers.html