Plagiarising Science Fraud

Plagiarising Science Fraud
Newly Discovered Facts, Published in Peer Reviewed Science Journals, Mean Charles Darwin is a 100 Per Cent Proven Lying, Plagiarising Science Fraudster by Glory Theft of Patrick Matthew's Prior-Published Conception of the Hypothesis of Macro Evolution by Natural Selection

Thursday 10 October 2024

If it never happened it's not history

 The Fact-Led Story of Patrick Matthew, Darwin and Wallace is of Interest to People who Think Knowing and Telling the Truth Matters

In the fields of science and history we should trust those who seek the truth and be sceptical of those who say they have found it. However, being sceptical does not mean blindly dismissing the empirical fact findings and consequent conclusions of others based on those facts.

There is a story behind everything. You just have to dig deep enough to find the facts, follow the facts, weigh those facts without fear or favour and then share them for the benefit of veracious human knowledge. The problem we currently have in the history of science is that Charles Darwin venerating fanatics do not want the empirical fact led truth. Instead they want only their own comfy old, yet new found empirically evidenced fact debunked, "truth" and the multitude of publications in the so called "Darwin Industry" helps them find it and re-write it simply in order to create more Darwin fans to sell more publications for the benefit only of the so-called Darwin Industry. The myth that has been bust with new found hard data is the "Original Genius Honest Independent Discoverer of a Prior Published Theory" Victorian science myth of Charles Darwin.

At the time of writing, an ideologically political campaign is being waged to suppress the new empirical data on Darwin's plagiarism and his associated lies to hide it. The Dr Mike Sutton, Patrick Matthew and Charles Darwin pages of Wikipedia are prime examples of what is being done by way of brute censorship and pseudo-scholarly publishing of complete falsehoods to hide the independently verifiable facts from the wider public. Such behaviour is noted in the expert peer reviewed 2024 Springer Science book chapter "The Patrick Matthew Effect in Science." The Wikipedia page on Patrick Matthew fails to mention that publication, fails to record the 30 people who we newly know cited Matthew's 1831 book pre-1858 and fails to cite Dr Mike Sutton's (2022) book "Science Fraud: Darwin's Plagiarism of Patrick Matthew's Theory", which shows exactly who cited Matthew's (1831) book, and which of them were known to Darwin as his friends and associates. That Wikipedia pages also fail to cite the multitude of examples of national newspaper coverage of Sutton's (2022) book and the bombshell findings in it (See the News page on to see those reports).

The fact-led story of Patrick Matthew, Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace is not about ideologically or politically dishonouring Darwin and Wallace, as Darwin fans would have you believe, it is about seeking the empirically evidenced truth about those we venerate in order that our history is correct rather than being based on debunked embarrassing myths. It did not happen that "no single person and none known to Darwin or Wallace" read Patrick Matthew's (1831) prior published complete theory of evolution by natural selection, as we have been led to believe following lies written by Darwin, who had been directly prior informed in published print by Matthew that Matthew's book was read and the bombshell theory in it reviewed in published print by at least one highly influential horticultural naturalist and Magaizine of Natural History science journal Chief Editor. That was John Loudon, who very well known to Darwin, Wallace, their influencers, and influencer's influencers long before 1858. 

If something did not happen then it is not history. The fact it has been newly discovered Matthew's book was read then cited in the literature by more than 30 people is history, because those citations exists as recorded as such in the historic publication print record, analogously like fossils embedded in the geological strata. The new found empirical data means it did not happen that Matthew's theory went unread by anyone known to Darwin or Wallace pre-1858. Currently, this new fact is being brute censored on Wikipedia, in the Darwin Industry literature and in the unhinged fact denial arguments of Darwin fanatics. 

They say societies that denigrate their heroes face insanity. Alternatively, is it not true that insanity involves believing in something irrational, arguing in its favour despite the empirical evidence it is not real and acting on that blind sight belief?

Why Darwin and Wallace stole Matthew's theory and lied to cover it up is a question that rational scholars will no doubt choose to debate in the future. But currently there is only some circumstantial evidence to allow the formulation of sensible speculation on that question. The book, "Science Fraud: Darwin's Plagiarism of Patrick Matthew's Theory" deals only in independently verifiable empirical data.

Sunday 6 October 2024

League of Nerds Takes Down its Podcast interview with Dr Mike Sutton

 Recently the League of Nerds made its interview with Dr Mike Sutton private. It can no longer be accessed on YouTube? Why? I don't know. (marked private)

The full transcript of the interview is below and was published as a book chapter recently in a Springer science book (with permission of Myles Power the interviewer). Book chapter (here) Archived link (here

Transcript of the League of Nerds interview by Miles Power talking to Dr Mike Sutton

POWER The talk youʼve just given was about Charles Darwin and how you donʼt believe he was the first to come up with the idea of natural selection. What evidence do you have that he might not have been the first?

SUTTON There is a lot of evidence and published explanations are available in the orthodox history of science that Matthew fully articulated the complete theory of evolution by natural selection. Probably the most powerful of those explanations is from Richard Dawkins (2010) in Bill Brysonʼs edited collection Seeing Further, where Dawkins fully admits the only person who could be attributed with having the full theory of natural selection, prior to Darwin, is Matthew.

POWER Who was Matthew?

SUTTON Patrick Matthew in 1831 wrote a book called On Naval Timber and Arboriculture, which many of the few historians of science writing on the specific topic fully admit articulated the entire theory of natural selection, 28 years before Darwin wrote Origin of Species.

POWER And did it definitely have the theory for natural selection in it?

SUTTON Well, both Darwin and Wallace when confronted by Matthew in 1860 admitted it had the full and entire theory of natural selection. Subsequent to that, many experts have said he is the only person with the full precursory explanation for natural selection.

POWER In the talk you just gave, you kind of said Darwin knew about it.

SUTTON Well, the current explanation for how Darwin and Wallace came up with natural selection independently of Matthew and independently of each other is that they were all unique originators of the theory of natural selection. In other words all three were supposed to have come up with it independently of each other. The reason Darwin is on the back of the £10 note and it is his statue in the Museum of Natural History in London is because he came up with so many confirmatory examples. And the story is that Matthew in particular never influenced anyone with his ideas. Darwin wrote in his defence after being challenged by Matthew [1860a , 1860b] in the Gardenerʼs Chronicle: “Neither I nor any naturalist known to me read Matthewʼs book.”

POWER You in your talk said thatʼs not the case. You even cited people who cited Matthewʼs book. Is that correct?

SUTTON What Matthew couldnʼt do that we can do now in 2014 using Googleʼs Library Project is to look prior to 1858, when Darwin and Wallace (1858) both had their papers presented before the Linnaean Society, and a year before the publication of Darwinʼs Origin of Species, to see whether anyone cited Matthewʼs book in the literature. Whilst the current story is that nobody did, in fact we find now that it was cited by 25 people [Note: in Sutton [2022] this has now been updated to 30]. This is new information. Seven naturalists cited it. Did Darwin and Wallace know any of them? Yes! They knew three.

POWER They cited the book, but did they cite anything in it that had anything to do with natural selection?

SUTTON John Loudon [1832] wrote a review of Matthewʼs book that literally said Matthew had something “original to say on the origin of species.” That is not a new discovery by me. That is in a small amount of the literature written by others. But what people donʼt know is that Loudon went on to both edit and publish [Edward] Blythʼs papers that were influential for Darwinʼs work on natural selection, some of which Darwin admitted influenced him.

POWER Darwin had published his Origin of Species in 1859, right? So that is well before.

SUTTON Darwin published 29 years later than Matthew. That was 28 years after Loudonʼs review. So we must ask next, who else cited Matthewʼs book who was known to Darwin and Wallace? Robert Chambers [1832] cited Matthewʼs book. Unlike Loudon, Chambers did not write about Matthewʼs book containing the theory of natural selection. He only cited what Matthew wrote about the pruning of trees. But Chambers [1844], who was a geologist, went on to publish The Vestiges of Creation, which is hailed by experts [e.g., see Secord 2000) as a major precursor to Darwinʼs Origin of Species, the most important book on evolution pre-Darwin. The book that is said to have “put evolution in the air.” Chambers also cited Matthewʼs [1839] second book Emigration Fields. So we know Chambers was reading Matthew. Chambers knew Darwin. They met and corresponded long before 1858. And Wallace [1845] wrote that Chambers was his greatest influencer on the topic of the evolution of species.

A third person is Prideaux John Selby [1842] who cited Matthew many times in his book and he did write about Matthewʼs theory, about how he did not understand what Matthew wrote about trees being circumstance suited. Selby edited Wallaceʼs [1855] Sarawak paper on the evolution of varieties and species which was a major influence on Darwin. So out of only seven naturalists newly discovered to have read Matthewʼs book before 1858, three of them played major roles at the epicentre of influence on Darwin and Wallace. The question I ask is this: If contrary to where the newly unearthed data points, if somehow Matthew never influenced Darwin, are those citations of Matthew by Darwinʼs and Wallaceʼs influencers and facilitators, and their influencerʼs influencers just an amazing tri-coincidence, even though such a multiple coincidence appears improbable as simple coincidence? Improbable beyond rational belief and reason?

POWER But anyway, you said in your talk that people like Richard Dawkins have dismissed Matthew by asking why he didnʼt sing his theory from the rooftops if he thought he came up with an interesting theory. So what is your take on that?

SUTTON First of all, to my knowledge Dawkins is not currently aware of the new data on who we now newly know did cite Matthew pre-1858. What Dawkins has written about is the fact some experts know and have fully admitted Matthew fully articulated the theory of evolution by natural selection before Darwin or Wallace. Dawkins is not writing about anything I have discovered. Dawkins admits Matthew got the full thing, but he says that does not matter because Matthew did not influence anyone. Dawkins says “Nobody read it.” We now know thatʼs not true. Dawkins asks: “Why didnʼt Matthew, if he knew what he had, trumpet it from the rooftops?” But there are books written about why Darwin delayed publishing the theory for over 20 years because he was supposedly afraid of being labelled a heretic and of being prosecuted for heresy. So, you canʼt have it one way and not the other. In 1831 there were riots. Matthew was a head of the Chartists. He provided a scientific explanation for why people were being kept out of their natural place by politics and the social class system. He was lucky his book wasnʼt burned.

Now, if we write Matthew out of the story, we donʼt really understand how natural selection was discovered. We need to know how Matthewʼs story fits the discovery of natural selection.

POWER For me, personally, theories stand up on their own. It doesnʼt matter who creates them. It doesnʼt matter about the history behind them. From a scientist's point of view, history is interesting, but itʼs always wibbly-wobbly. It is not set in stone. People see things through rose-tinted glasses. History, I guess, is written by the winners, isnʼt it? [Laughs].

SUTTON Well, then we are talking about PR and game playing rather than understanding how the most groundbreaking discovery of all time was really made. If we are not really interested in how Mathew discovered it….

POWER I wouldnʼt say we are not interested. I mean it is really interesting…

SUTTON Does it matter?

POWER Yes it does. Someone in the talk used the old analogy that you are just asking how many angels can dance on a pin. He was basically asking “Does it matter?” And I was thinking “Yes of course it matters. We have to have an accurate history.” That is why we have historians.

SUTTON If we can collect enough valid data about how all breakthroughs are made it might help us to make new ones. We can only do that with veracious data. We donʼt want wrong data.

So what we get to at the end of the day is the question “Was Darwin influenced by Matthew?” I think Iʼve shown by way of the people we know influenced Darwin, who we now newly know read Matthew, that it is more likely than not that he was. Knowledge contamination seems to me, subjectively, to be more likely than not. We now need to look at Matthew in more depth in order to understand how he arrived at this discovery.

The other argument is justice. Letʼs put aside the legacy that descendant relatives of Matthew would have, if you just look at injustice. If we let people get away with science fraud by plagiary, if they think they can get away with it for over 154 years and no-one will care, because it doesnʼt really matter, then their own legacy is secured. Is that not giving people a license to commit such science fraud so long as they can get away with it? As a criminologist, I think justice is important. Justice to Matthew.

We must simply take a look at the facts, it doesnʼt matter that I am not a biologist. Since the great enlightenment, facts must stand on their own. The veracity of them is not determined by who discovered them.

We now know for an empirical evidence-based fact it is not true that no naturalist read Matthewʼs book before Darwin and Wallace replicated the big idea in it. These are newly discovered facts. Darwin and Wallace said that no-one who they knew who was a naturalist read Matthew [1831 ] before 1858, we now know that is simply not true.

Friday 27 September 2024

Not so much a "missing link" as a new one?


Not so much a "missing link" as a new one?

Might a perversion or paraphilia yet overturn the notion of species?

There is an interesting "link" (no pun intended) between the work I have published on Charles Darwin's plagiarism of theory of evolution by natural selection and the book I edited on perversions and paraphilias.

Although I have published books ( Curtis Press ), a book chapter and several peer reviewed academic articles on Darwin's science fraud by plagiarism, I am not qualified enough to know how good a theory natural selection is for explaining the origin of new species. I am, of course, aware of the argument that it takes so long to branch from a common ancestor that absence of evidence of it actually happening is not evidence of absence it happened and happens. But what of two species that were said to have branched from a common ancestor and (so being separate species) cannot mate with one another? You know like chimpanzees and humans.

Professor Mark Griffiths informed me of the recent claim that the first progeny of a fox and dog has been discovered: Shelter Rescues Injured Animal—Turns Out To Be World's First Dog-Fox Hybrid - See

As Editor of Professor Griffith's forthcoming book (1st Nov 2024) on Perversions and Paraphilias it made me think of this story in the news: (Perversions and Parahilias link here

Might humans then one day also possibly produce progeny with a chimpanzee?  From a perverted "love" relationship (see the news story)

What would the Darwin worshiping empirical fact denial zombie horde have to say about that one I wonder. Of course, the claimed fox-dog "discovery" might yet be debunked. And we do know that the fox in question was a pampas fox. Can a pampas fox breed with a red fox and the progeny from that breed with a dog? I don't know. Does anyone? Time will tell. Facts always burrow to the top in the end.

Friday 30 August 2024

Google A.I. is not fact denying the empirical data like corrupt Wikipedia is

 As human biased members of the fanatical Darwin Industry on the Wikipedia cult-encyclopedia site continue to brute censor the verifiable empirical data on  Darwin's and Wallace's plagiarism of Patrick Matthew's theory it is interesting that Google's A.I. is now allowing people to see links to the evidence.

Just Google "did Darwin plagiarise Patrick Matthew's theory" to verify this.

Sunday 25 August 2024

You cannot keep empirical data buried forever

 This is a lecture on Charles's Darwin's science fraud by plagiary.

The Patrick Matthew stuff is HERE in the video

Friday 16 August 2024

Why Darwinist's are unscientific when it comes to the story of Matthew v Darwin and Wallace

 In 1620 Francis Bacon wrote a great treatise on academic confirmation bias, cognitive dissonance, associated irrational reasoning and cherry-picking pseudo-scholarship:

‘The human understanding when it has once adopted an opinion (either as being the received opinion or as being agreeable to itself) draws all things else to support and agree with it. And though there be a greater number and weight of instances to be found on the other side, yet these it either neglects and despises, or else by some distinction sets aside and rejects, in order that by this great and pernicious predetermination the authority of its former conclusions may remain inviolate.’

1. In order to test potential truths, or hypotheses, Bacon devised a method whereby scientists set up experiments to manipulate nature and attempt to prove their hypotheses wrong. 
2. Bacon who was an English philosopher, used inductive reasoning in an attempt to improve the mistakes made by Aristotle, and is known to promote (scientific) method. In other words, Bacon believed that scientists should use inductive (not deductive) reasoning.
3. This new way of thinking was to stop the old way of simply coming up with a hypothesis or knowledge claim, simply out of your own head, or one based simply on what others in positions of authority said.

This is the approach taken in all my research on whether or not Darwin/ Wallace were influenced by Patrick Matthew's prior published theory of evolution by natural selection.

On the basis of empirical data observation we can now use inductive (scientific) reasoning to absolutely disprove the knowledge claims made by Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace that what they were forced to admit (forced by Matthew laying claim to his theory in the press in 1860) Patrick Matthew had in 1831 published the full and complete theory of evolution by natural selection that Darwin and Wallace claimed as their own independent conceptions. 

To date the scientific community has simply accepted the deductive story told by Darwin out of his own head that Matthew's theory went unread until Matthew laid claim to it. Darwin made this story up in order to deny that Matthew could in any way have possibly influenced either he or Wallace in their replication of Matthew's prior published work.

In fact, not only has it now been discovered by my original inductive research that at least 30 people (including influencers and facilitators of Darwin and Wallace had read and cited Matthew's theory (see Sutton 2022), we also know Darwin knowingly lied when he wrote this excuse. 

The discovery of Darwin's lies and the 30 who we know read Matthew's book, and who they were, and the roles they played influencing Darwin and Wallace and their own influencers and their influencer's influencers is empirical evidence. Unlike Darwin's explanation for his replication it is not simply made up out of my own head. Unlike the Darwinists writing to support the lucrative Darwin Industry, I have actually tested Darwin's claim to see if it could be proven wrong. That is the scientific method. The scientific method proves Darwin's claim wrong. The scientific method proves knowledge contamination was possible. I argue on the basis of further detailed evidence of what Darwin replicated that knowledge contamination and deliberate plagiary is proven beyond all reasonable doubt, and is certainly proven on the basis of reasonable probability (Sutton 2015).

Thursday 27 June 2024

Why an orchardist and pomologist was the real discoverer of the theory of evolution by natural selection

 Nature finds a way

In this official Press Association video of The Patrick Matthew Violin being played in Scotland by Thoren Fergusson you can see a crab apple tree sapling sprouting from the fallen tree. Part of that old fallen tree was used to make the violin.

For centuries orchardists have grafted artificially selected new apple varieties onto crab apple root stock. Why? Because crab apple trees have been naturally selected by nature in the wild as most circumstance suited to survive. No wonder the orchardist and pomologist Patrick Matthew (1831) discovered the theory apex science fraudster Darwin (not an orchardist - just a liar and plagiarist) stole and called his own. 

Click the image, or click HERE to see and hear the violin being played.

The Darwin Myth


Tuesday 25 June 2024



And so we see that the science problem of Darwin's and Wallace's claim of miraculous virgin brained dual independent conception of a prior published theory, which both admitted was essentially the same as their own, and which Wallace wrote was even more complete, is solved by disproving the consensus that 0 people read Matthew's theory before they replicated it. Hence, any notion that mysterious forces govern the affairs of humans with otherwise amazing improbable coincidences is disproven in this case. The solution to this particular Virgin Conception problem is 30, which is the difference between 0 and 30. Hence there were 30 routes for knowledge contamination to impregnate the brains of Darwin and Wallace with Matthew's bombshell breakthrough.

From this example, we can learn how to solve the science problem of the Christian belief claim in the virgin conception of Mary with Jesus. All we need to find out is how many probably fertile human males were in a position to impregnate her.

Monday 24 June 2024

The Patrick Matthew Violin Poem by Andy Sutton set to music as The Patrick Matthew Violin Song

 I think Andy Sutton's poem works perfectly as the words sung to a great Scottish tune. 

So here is the tune played by Thoren Ferguson on the Patrick Matthew Violin

Now sing the words of the Patrick Matthew Poem to that tune. Am I right? 

The Patrick Matthew Violin Song

So we now have The Patrick Matthew Song and The Patrick Matthew Violin Song.

I have now changed the words to two old songs. These re-imagined songs are to be played on the Patrick Matthew and Charles Darwin Violins at grass roots events when the instruments are taken on tour next year.

The Charles Darwin Song (AKA Darwin the Kidnapper) (To be played on The Charles Darwin Violin)

(Played to the old 1930 Lonnie Johnson blues tune of "No More Troubles"

Stayed at home plagiarising ‘till eighteen fifty-nine.
Found a sweet theory, buried out of time.
You know I'm happy now, happy as I can be.
Boy, I b'lieve to my soul, its done put that thing on me.
Gimme your good ideas, to steal for this song.
I'm goin' to have my fun until I'm dead an' gone.
'Cause I'm happy now, an' I can't go wrong.
'Cause I got plenty money, I'm gon' carry this good work on.
I used to be like a dog, I was tied to a tree.
Now I got plenty ideas and Matthew's theory.
You know I'm happy now, happy as I can be.
If I die tomorrow, the world don't owe a thing to me.
I used to cry over my stealin', I was dumb as I could be.
Now I've got three books out, brought those new thrills to me.
I'm happy now, I'm happy now.
There's nothin' like a stolen song 'bout a stolen theory.
I got me two, three books written, sweet as can be.
I put that thing on them, and got a written guarantee.
That I can't go wrong, I mean I can't go wrong.
Nothin' like plenty money, good theories, lies, and song.
I got plenty fame by plag-risin, ev'ry day of the week.
All I do is walk around, eat, steal an' sleep.
You know I'm happy now, you know I can't go wrong.
'Cause I took plenty fools, Matthew’s theory and this song.

The Patrick Matthew Song (not to be confused with The Patrick Matthew Violin Song)
This song is to accompanied by The Patrick Matthew Violin (made by the master violin maker Steve Burnett)
Performances of the Scottish heritage instrument will be by leading soloists and by players at grass roots levels upwards.

"You Who Lie With Darwin" (AKA "The Patrick Matthew Song" In the tune of "Scots Wha Hae") To be played on The Patrick Matthew Violin

You who lie with Darwin dead,
Who Alfred Wallace astray led,
Welcome to your muddled head,
Theory thievery.

Yesterday's the day, not now the hour,
See the face of Darwin dour,
See approach old Linnean power,
Lies and plagiary.

You are just a fraudster's knave!
You will fill a dullard's grave!
Nothing but a liar's slave!
Full of credulity.

It's Patrick Matthew's Natural law,
Facts and empirical data draw,
Truth not Darwin's spin of yore!
Why not follow me?

Darwin lied and Darwin stole!
Alfred Wallace's same role!
BigData down their rabbit hole,
Found dysology!

Lay the theory stealers low!
Myths fall, facts their foe!
Matthew's words in every blow!
It's Scotland's theory!!!

The Charles Darwin Violin and the Charles Darwin Violin Song

Andy Sutton's Charles Darwin Violin poem would make an excellent song sung to what most people know as the tune of Yankee Doodle.

The original tune was written for the violin and is an incredible piece of classical music - just as Darwin's beautifully composed and performed science fraud by plagiary and lies is an incredible piece of complex artistic science fraud.

Souvenir d'Amerique: "Yankee Doodle" by Vieuxtemps, Henri (1843)

The Charles Darwin Violin The Charles Darwin Violin

More on The Patrick Mathew violin Here
More on the Charles Darwin Violin Here