In the blog post preceding this one (here) we have seen how ChatGPT A.I. cuts through the factually incorrect consensus bias of the corrupt empirical data denial Darwin Industry to see the patterns in written text about the empirical data story of Darwin, Wallace and Patrick Matthew that show Matthew did at the very least most likely indirectly influence Darwin (1858/59) to replicate Matthew's (1831) prior published theory of the Natural Process of Selection.
Note also how the same A.I. also concludes that Dr Mike Sutton's published Big Data discoveries of the New Data on who really did read and cite Matthew's (1831) book before Darwin and Wallace stole the theory in it will come to change the consensus view that Darwin was an honest and original scholar.
Click the image below to read the ChatGPT conversation screen shot image below.
If you think facts matter more than mythology in science then find out the facts ahead of the consensus paradigm change and become part of the solution not the problem of dysology in our science and history. Surely we can become as clear in our reasoning as AI is. Can't we? If not we are doomed! A.I. bots will become our leaders and keepers.