Plagiarising Science Fraud

Plagiarising Science Fraud
Newly Discovered Facts, Published in Peer Reviewed Science Journals, Mean Charles Darwin is a 100 Per Cent Proven Lying, Plagiarising Science Fraudster by Glory Theft of Patrick Matthew's Prior-Published Conception of the Hypothesis of Macro Evolution by Natural Selection

Friday, 28 February 2020

Keep out of Google Rabbit Holes

You never know how long it will take you to get back out with the new facts that provide the answer to your question. It may take years! Ask yourself: Are you really ready for that?

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Thursday, 27 February 2020

On Darwin and Matthew: What is the question?

So what is the scientific question here?

Was Samuel Butler Right about Charles Darwin Being a Dreadful Plagiarist?

Was Butler right? If you think he was, imagine what he would have written if he had known about the data on Darwin's science fraud that was originally unearthed by me in 2013/14 and published in expert peer reviewed journals (here and here) and in my book (here)

Monday, 24 February 2020

The Darwin Industry Oil Tanker and Tugboat Analogy

There once was a stain upon the silence. 

Brian J Ford was Plagiarized and Darwin was a Plagiarist

The Royal Society has been facilitating the work of plagiarists yet again!


TickTockDarwin VIDEO 2020 02 23 17 13 44

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Time has run out for Darwin and Wallace - TikTok- TicTock. Plagiary exposed between all the ticks and tocks of the past 160 years

Friday, 21 February 2020

Samuel Butler Nails Charles Darwin's Sly Glory Thieving Plagiarism in the 19th Century

Samuel Butler's identification that Darwin in 1859 plagiarized Matthew's 1831 book is strangely absent from Wikipedia - the world's worst encyclopedia. Wikipedia paid, astroturfing (fake grass roots), Darwin worship cult editors have a habit of slyly deleting uncomfortable, yet independently verifiable, facts about Matthew to continue the Darwin supermyth. Wikipedia editors were caught out in an editor fraud trap doing just that HERE


'Mr Patrick Matthew epitomised their doctrine more tersely , perhaps, than was done by any other of the pre-Charles-Darwinian evolutionists.' 

What Butler failed to understand without the benefit of my BigData IDD method is that Matthew (1831) was first to coin the term 'natural process of selection' in published print and Darwin (1859) was later first to coin the exact yet slyly four-word-shuffled term 'process of natural selection'. Most importantly,  the IDD method also unearthed that Robert Chambers (anonymous author of the best selling Vestiges - see page 249 below), who cited Matthew's book decades before Darwin and Wallace had put so much as pen to private notebook on the subject of evolution, was apparently first to be second in print with Matthew's original term (see the facts newly unearthed in the historic publication record: Sutton 2014, 2015, 2016). Matthew's four word term was plagairised by Darwin because it is so essential to explain the theory of macroevolution by natural selection, it being (a) natural (b) a process and (c) selection by nature. For the same reason of requiring Matthew's essentially necessary components, Darwin and Wallace were also compelled to plagiarise his unique artificial versus natural slection explanatory analogy of differences. Darwin - in a private essay (Darwin 1844) which was later published, even plagiarized Matthew's highly idiosyncratic, arboricultural and foresters, artificial versus naturally selected trees explanatory analogy of differences to make the theory understandable (read that story here). 

Page 87 of Butler's 'Luck or Cunning'

Above we see Butler suggesting (as Darwin's biographer Clarke later did) that Darwin suffered from cryptoamnesia when he plagairised Matthew. (see a relevant blog post on this page of Butler's book Here)

On page 249 of his 1887 book 'Luck or Cunning', Samuel Butler quite rightly points out the historic habits of plagiarism among key writers in this particular field. Not only was Darwin a dreadful plagiarist, who passed the theory of others off as his own, but so did Matthew and those who came before both of them. 

The key point Butler failed to comprehend, however, is the fact that (as Sir Gavin de Beer, Ernst Mayr and Richard Dawkins all later showed) only Matthew was first in published print with the complete theory of macroevolution by natural selection. Butler also failed to realize precisely what Darwin and Wallace stole from him and the number of their prior-influencers, influencer's influencers, friends, and even Wallace's Sarawak paper editor - Selby - who prior read and cited Matthew's (1831) book and the orignal ideas in it (see Sutton 2016) before Darwin's' and Wallace's great science fraud by plagiary and lies.

Are the questions actually the answer to Darwin's and Wallace's plagiarism of Matthew and Dagg's sly and jealous plagiarism of me? 

1. Did Matthew's failure to cite his influencers allow Darwin and Wallace to neutralize their guilt in plagiarizing Matthew's book and lying about who they knew who prior read and cited it? 

2. Did the fact Matthew, the regional atheist Scottish Chartism leader, broke all the rules of the scientific community in his heretical mocking of "God" and Christian religion, inclusion of politics and news in his book allow Darwin and Wallace the guilt neutralization excuse not to cite him as their influencer?

3. Does the fact I mock credulous Darwinite cultists, who refuse to face the newly unearthed facts on Darwin's lies about Matthew and plagiarisng science fraud, political leaders, religious folk, and Richard Dawkins for not admitting that he never coined the term selfish gene give Dagg and the dreadful Linnean journal editors the guilt neutralization excuse they need to jealously and slyly plagiarize my Selby cited Matthew original discovery? (see the facts on Dagg the Plagiarist Here). See the facts on Dawkins and the Selfish gene supermyth here and here.

Blasphemy against Darwin the Plagiarist God of Biologists versus REAL Hate Crime

"Thou shalt not prove our lord and master Charles Darwin a serial lying plagiarist science fraudster."

. It appears that some leading Biologists are completely useless at criminology and the law. No wonder they don't even know what plagiarism and science fraud is

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Monday, 17 February 2020

Dagg the Plagiarist Cyberstalker Whack Job

See more fully evidenced and forensically archived examples of what Dagg the Plagiarist and his fellow Darwinite harassment "lads" are up to  Here

All the details of Dagg's disgraceful jealous and sly plagiarism of my originally unearthed (Sutton 2014) bombshell Selby cited Matthew in 1842 discovery (and bragging about that on Wilkipeda - the worlds worst encyclopedia) in a ludicrous - newly unearthed facts avoidance - paper in the Linnean Journal can be found here.




 A number of top scientists now agree that the new data I unearthed in 2013 and published in peer reviewed science journals (here and here) and my book Nullius in Verba: Darwin's greatest secret proves Darwin and Wallace most likely plagiarized Patrick Matthew's prior published complete and detailed theory of macroevolution by natural slection: Check just some of them out HERE