Another citation of Patrick Matthew's book On Naval Timber and Arboriculture (1831), by someone writing as "W. on August 19th on page 221 of the New Zealand Journal 1843.
Found using IDD. Here. Archived:
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Another citation of Patrick Matthew's book On Naval Timber and Arboriculture (1831), by someone writing as "W. on August 19th on page 221 of the New Zealand Journal 1843.
Found using IDD. Here. Archived:
The Chartist Regional Leader, Patrick Matthew was a delegate of the 1839 General Convention of the Industrious Classes elected by the "Radical Reformers of Great Britain" - for enactment of The People's Charter.
See the proof: (here).
The privileged landowning classes, including Charles Darwin and many other naturalists feared the Chartists
In this book you see Matthew named as a delegate alongside other famous electoral reform leaders in 1839 such as William Lovett, Henry Vincent, Fergus O'Conner, John Collins and John Frost,
2014 Nottingham Trent University lets the cat out the bag: Here
The scientific community facilitated Charles Darwin & Alfred Wallace to plagiarise the theory of evolution by natural slection from Patrick Matthew, because Matthew (unlike Darwin) was a god mocking heretic.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) September 5, 2021
They crucified Matthew for being an atheist!
Get the verifiable facts at
Charles Darwin's newly proven plagiarism shows he was not a hero at all but nothing more than an opportunistic traitor to science.
Facts: Here in 800 words.
.My favourite violin is an excellent Amati fake. I restore antique violins and have published on Darwin's science fraud by plagiary and how the fake news Darwin Industry covers up the facts they don't want you to know that prove Darwin was a total fake.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) July 24, 2021
The best analogy for Darwin's plagiarising science fraud of Patrick Matthew's prior published complete theory:
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) July 24, 2021
"Darwin, the amateur fiddler, is playing a cheap violin before a dead microphone whilst blasting out a recording of Matthew's wonderfully original prior-performance."
Everything is in Flux, Including Darwinists and the Darwin Industry Propaganda Shock Troops
As an atheist who has published on Darwin's & Wallace's plagiarism, I'm astounded (& will soon be published on) the vile abuse, lies, serial harassment & serial plagiarism of Darwinites regarding my research. Astoundingly, today creationists are no worse:
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) July 23, 2021
.@nccomfort @darwinsbulldog Really? So from what other source did you read that Chambers, and Selby read and cited Matthew? I discovered it.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) December 30, 2014
Darwinite cult alternate reality based on lies and mass deception of the scientific community. Get the independently verifiable facts. See the images below as 100% proof of Charles Darwin's lies about the theory he stole and then called his own
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) January 18, 2021
Oh the triple irony!
Plagiarists are like vampire bats:
— BentSociety @The Veracity Institute (@OnNavalTimber) July 15, 2021
Yes Darwin did Plagiarise Matthew but in a creationist article on that topic Dominic Stratham most ironically steals some of my primary research data on who was first to be second with apparently unique Matthewisms and who cited Matthew's NTA pre 1858 (e.g. Low, Selby and Johnson) by failing to cite me as discoverer of those newly unearthed facts. Stratham even plagiarizes my discovery that NTA was advertised in the 1842 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. In his plagiarism of my original research findings, Stratham passes my (2014) original research data off as his own discovery or else something commonly known. It is neither! It is not enough that Dominic Stratham cites my book, and cites me as the discoverer of other data he uses, if he then fails to cite me as the discoverer of other newly unearthed data he replicates! Stratham, who at least knows what sound evidence is certainly no worse as a plagiarist than arch Darwin industry nominals Joachim Dagg and the malicious workplace harasser Dr Mike Weale in plagiarising from my original data findings first published in Nullius in Verba: Darwin's Greatest Secret (Sutton 2014) Strathams article is a pdf File - click here.
Dagg and Weale have each plagiarised my Selby cited Matthew data (facts here) . They each did so in desperate separate articles in the Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, which is with triple irony the same journal by descent in which Darwin and Wallace plagiarised Matthew in 1858. How thick are these plagiarists?
Maybe Weale, Dagg and Stratham will next publish a joint article together in either the disgraceful pseudo-scholarly, plagiarist facilitating, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society or in the Journal of Creation and plagiarise even more of my research and do so in an article about Darwin's plagiarism? How ironic would that be?
.Darwin Industry nominals and pseudoscientific plagiarists of original research Drs Joachim Dagg and Mike Weale join the ranks of the creationists in plagiarising research:
— BentSociety @The Veracity Institute (@OnNavalTimber) July 14, 2021
.He definitely was a plagiarist. The #DarwinSupermyth - facilitated by credulous fools - is busted:
— Supermythbuster (@supermyths) May 6, 2021
@nccomfort @darwinsbulldog Really? So from what other source did you read that Chambers, and Selby read and cited Matthew? I discovered it.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) December 30, 2014