+#Criminology originally solved the science problem of Darwin's & Wallace's otherwise dually miraculous independent conceptions of a prior published theory. The new discovery = their influencers, editors, influencer's influencers cited the original source before their replications pic.twitter.com/ESNFzpt2xm
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) March 18, 2018
+Top #evolution story: Dr Mike Sutton on Twitter: "#Criminology originally solve… https://t.co/Qg1AjWfCDK, see more https://t.co/vBI5qAWI96
— Fabrice Leclerc (@leclercfl) March 19, 2018
Will we find it in hotel drawers? #CriminologyDiscoveries
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) March 19, 2018
What of Dawkins' "Honest, Original Independent Darwin Delusion?" Should he not first heal himself? https://t.co/3XMQL72PHL
Should he finally attone & admit he never coined the term selfish gene?https://t.co/tUP8rqYpFu https://t.co/LIPE2V8KyV
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