Your opinion is valuable.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) October 12, 2016
If you had to choose, which historical figure do you think is most known throughout the World?
Please click the title above for the latest blog post
Your opinion is valuable.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) October 12, 2016
If you had to choose, which historical figure do you think is most known throughout the World?
We thank Professor TYNDALL for placing his name just where Mr. DARWIN would wish to see it placed – in a “co-partnership” of honour and fame
— Andy Wilson (@a8drewson) October 9, 2016
Incredibly,the Simple Fact-Finding IDD Research Method has Struck Again! Important old Nottingham book detected
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) October 6, 2016
While John's contribution isn't disputed, we weren't told where to dig to find Richard's remains! Greyfriars precinct has never been lost!— Turi King (@Turi__King) September 29, 2016
Turi King - continued....@Turi__King Yes I think it needs researching @rwjdingwall now But as funded sociology project on influence & priority for orignal discovery— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) September 30, 2016
@Criminotweet O'Sullivan, D. In the Company of the Preachers.The Archaeology of Medieval Friaries in England and Wales.— Turi King (@Turi__King) September 30, 2016
. @Criminotweet Why not? In the meantime it would make sense to update your blog to reflect a more balanced view until proper research done.— Turi King (@Turi__King) September 30, 2016
.Dear @Turi__King - To be precise, I wonder if you might kindly look at the second paragraph of my blog and comment?— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) September 30, 2016
.@Criminotweet Not having read the book, afraid I couldn't say what the disconfirming evidence would be. Make that research part your blog?— Turi King (@Turi__King) September 30, 2016
.@Criminotweet And a quick look around to check the facts leads you to— Turi King (@Turi__King) September 30, 2016
Excavation and Reinstatement
Post Excavation
% Contribution
University of Leicester*
Richard III Society
Leicester Shire Promotions
Leicester City Council
Leicester Adult Schools
Turi King continued.@Criminotweet Not read the book but John said to me before dig started that finding Richard would be pure chance. So I'm surprised at this!— Turi King (@Turi__King) September 30, 2016
6. Turi King.@Criminotweet Not read it, as I say. Perhaps he's forgotten? He was as sceptical as we were.— Turi King (@Turi__King) September 30, 2016
Mike Sutton's reply.@Criminotweet !? We have medieval friaries expert: Dierdre O'Sullivan works with ULAS. Sounds like you need to do some homework for blog!;)— Turi King (@Turi__King) September 30, 2016
.@Turi__King Turi Blog presents verbatim published accusations of scholars. I have cited and quoted them. Any disconfirming evidence welcome— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) September 30, 2016
Turi King....Next..@Criminotweet O'Sullivan, D. In the Company of the Preachers.The Archaeology of Medieval Friaries in England and Wales.— Turi King (@Turi__King) September 30, 2016
.@Criminotweet You probably want to research this for your blog so you can make an educated assessment of his claims. My understanding is..— Turi King (@Turi__King) September 30, 2016
8. Mike Sutton@Criminotweet My understanding is that friaries come in a set of standard layouts but it's not my field. But do see Dierdre O'Sullvan's work— Turi King (@Turi__King) September 30, 2016
.@Turi__King I will certainly add all dis-confirming evidence Turi Would you post any such evidence as comment on the blog (with citations)?— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) September 30, 2016
10 Turi King.@Criminotweet Not having read the book, afraid I couldn't say what the disconfirming evidence would be. Make that research part your blog?— Turi King (@Turi__King) September 30, 2016
.@Criminotweet Personally I thought it was a great interdisciplinary project with academics & public contributing to an amazing outcome.— Turi King (@Turi__King) September 30, 2016
@Turi__King @Turi__King So why this publication by Richard III Soc assertion of big Influence on Uni of Leicester?— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) October 2, 2016
You can read my two other blogs on this topic:@Turi__King Thanks. Read book by Ashdown-Hill expecting celebratory collaborative success. Led to second. Each express great dissatisfaction— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) October 3, 2016
"Knowledge contamination" analysis can make a book an academic crime scene:— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) October 1, 2016
On Influence in Science. @rwjdingwall So we have a case of another claimed virgin conception in science:
— BlessedVirginDarwin (@OnNavalTimber) September 24, 2016
We now living in an age of "Post-Truth Science"? No wonder we have "post-truth politics":
— Supermythbuster (@supermyths) September 15, 2016
Like stealing other people's work? @supermyths
— Robert Dingwall (@rwjdingwall) September 18, 2016
New Data & Plagiarism Question.@rwjdingwall Any objective scientists interested?— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) September 7, 2016
Get You Some of That Veracity! GYSOT-V |
The 10 Fact Groups that Prove Darwinities Undone:— Supermythbuster (@supermyths) August 31, 2016
I am very optimistic this morning Veracity Centre will be born with Prof.Bykhovsky on board - see comments section— Supermythbuster (@supermyths) September 2, 2016
Sir William Jardine |
Wallace's Silly Malarial Brain Fever Cognitive Enhancement Claim v Knowledge Contamination |
Helps having screws loose to believe Wallace conceived idea of natural selection suffering from Malarial brain fever— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) August 29, 2016
‘…those that prolong their existence can only be the most perfect in health and vigour - those who are best able to obtain food regularly, and avoid their numerous enemies. It is, as we commenced by remarking, "a struggle for existence," in which the weakest and least perfectly organized must always succumb.’ [And]: ‘We see, then, that no inferences as to varieties in a state of nature can be deduced from the observation of those occurring among domestic animals. The two are so much opposed to each other in every circumstance of their existence, that what applies to the one is almost sure not to apply to the other. Domestic animals are abnormal, irregular, artificial; they are subject to varieties which never occur and never can occur in a state of nature: their very existence depends altogether on human care; so far are many of them removed from that just proportion of faculties, that true balance of organization, by means of which alone an animal left to its own resources can preserve its existence and continue its race.’
‘In the case of forest trees raised in nurseries, which vary more than the same trees do in their aboriginal forests, the cause would seem to lie in their not having to struggle against other trees and weeds, which in their natural state doubtless would limit the conditions of their existence…’
‘The Wild Pine attains its greatest perfection of growth and form in the colder countries, and on the older rock formations. It is in its native regions of granite, gneiss and the allied deposits, that it grows in extended forests over hundreds of leagues, overpowering the less robust species. When transplanted to the lower plains and subjected to culture, it loses so much of the aspect and characters of the noble original, as scarcely to appear the same. No change can be greater to the habits of a plant than the transportation of this child of the mountain to the shelter and cultivated soil of the nursery; and when the seeds of these cultivated trees are collected and sown again, the progeny diverges more and more from the parent type. Hence one of the reasons why so many worthless plantations of pine appear in the plains of England and Scotland, and why so much discredit has become attached to the culture of the species.’
'When woods are planted of various kinds of timber, the stronger, larger growing kinds will sometimes acquire room by overwhelming the smaller: but when the forest is of one kind of tree, and too close, all suffer nearly alike, and follow each other fast in decay, as their various strength of constitution gives way; unless, from some negligence or defect in planting, a portion of the plants have come away quickly, and the others hung back sickly for several years, so that the former might master the latter: or when some strong growing variety overtops its congeners. In the natural forest of America, when a clearance by any means is effected, the young seedlings, generally all of one kind, spring up so numerous, that, choaking each other, they all die together in a few years. This close springing up and dying is sometimes repeated several times over; different kinds of trees rising in succession, till the seeds in the soil be so reduced as to throw up plants so far asunder as to afford better opportunity for the larger growing varieties to develop their strength; and, overpowering the less, thus acquire spread of branches commensurate to the height, and thence strength of constitution sufficient to bear them forward to large trees.'
‘…diverging ramifications of life, which from the connected sexual system of vegetables, and the natural instincts of animals to herd and combine with their own kind, would fall into specific groups, these remnants in the course of time moulding and accommodating their being anew to the change of circumstances, and to every possible means of subsistence, and the millions of ages of regularity which appear to have followed between the epochs, probably after this accommodation was completed affording fossil deposit of regular specific character.’
‘…as before remarked, one order; and this order, from the continued effects of extinction and divergence of character, has become divided into several sub-families and families, some of which are supposed to have perished at different periods, and some to have endured to the present day.’‘…ramifying branches may well represent the classification of all extinct and living species in groups subordinate to groups…’
’Hence we can understand the rule that the most ancient fossils differ most from existing forms. We must not, however, assume that divergence of character is a necessary contingency; it depends solely on the descendants from a species being thus enabled to seize on many and different places in the economy of nature.’
‘Most or perhaps all the variations from the typical form of a species must have some definite effect, however slight, on the habits or capacities of the individuals. Even a change of colour might, by rendering them more or less distinguishable, affect their safety; a greater or less development of hair might modify their habits. More important changes, such as an increase in the power or dimensions of the limbs...’
‘This principle is in constant action, it regulates the colour, the figure, the capacities, and instincts; those individuals of each species, whose colour and covering are best suited to concealment or protection from enemies, or defence from vicissitude and inclemencies of climate, whose figure is best accommodated to health, strength, defence, and support…’
‘We are also made aware of the difficulty of arriving at a true classification, even in a small and perfect group;- in the actual state of nature it is almost impossible, the species being so numerous and the modifications of form and structure so varied.’ [And] ‘Many more of these modifications should we behold, and more complete series of them, had we a view of all the forms which have ceased to live. The great gaps that exist between fishes, reptiles, birds and mammals would then, no doubt, be softened down by intermediate groups…’
‘It has now been shown, though most briefly and imperfectly, how the law that "Every species has come into existence coincident both in time and space with a pre-existing closely allied species," connects together and renders intelligible a vast number of independent and hitherto unexplained facts. The natural system of arrangement of organic beings, their geographical distribution, their geological sequence, the phenomena of representative and substituted groups in all their modification.’
‘… we have felt considerable inconvenience from the adopted dogmatical classification of plants and have all along been floundering between species and variety which certainly under culture soften into each other’.‘In endeavouring to trace in the former way, the principle of these changes of fashion which have taken place in the domiciles of life, the following questions occur: Do they arise from admixture of species nearly allied producing intermediate species? Are they the diverging ramifications of the living principle under modification of circumstance.’
‘…being so numerous and the modifications of form and structure so varied, arising probably from the immense number of species which have served as antitypes for the existing species, and thus produced a complicated branching of the lines of affinity, as intricate as the twigs of a gnarled oak or the vascular system of the human body.’
‘…one of the most evident traits of natural history, that vegetables as well as animals are generally liable to an almost unlimited diversification, regulated by climate, soil, nourishment, and new commixture of already formed varieties..’ ‘…for new diverging ramifications of life…’