Would it be dehumanizing this disgusting creature to suggest it would be happier behind bars? https://t.co/wkCNhVb81B
— Fear and Loathing in Science (@Idk50074280) November 9, 2022
Please click the title above for the latest blog post
Friday, 17 March 2023
Disgusting Darwin Fanciers are Barking Mad
Darwin Science Fraud in the Scottish National Newspapers
The Charles Darwin story. Now completely debunked by empirical data. https://t.co/iDwP58Z8Oj https://t.co/dSysUA59dJ pic.twitter.com/5vKCfKMnd0
— Fear and Loathing in Science (@Idk50074280) March 4, 2023
Friday, 3 March 2023
The truth will always burrow to the top in the end
Darwin's science fraud by plagiarism and supporting serial lies are proven by newly unearthed empirical data - the real stuff of science.
.The Theory of Natural Selection was first written about and published 30 years prior to Darwin. Patrick Matthew, was truly ahead of his time.
— Neil Shuttlewood, publisher at Curtis Press (@CurtisPress_) January 29, 2023
Read the story, and consider the empirical evidence in Science Fraud by Dr Mike Sutton. We need support to share this story @thecoastguy
.Science Fraud proves emphatically that Charles Darwin was a fraud. It also proves how science and history have been subverted and perverted over the centuries.#darwinfraud #crime #fraud #theft https://t.co/GzjStLw388
— Daily Squib News (@DAILYSQUIB) January 29, 2023
Science Fraud: Darwin's Plagiarism of Patrick Matthew's Theory ... an overview by Dr Mike Sutton. pic.twitter.com/Fq46TNN8gT
— Neil Shuttlewood, publisher at Curtis Press (@CurtisPress_) January 18, 2023
Wednesday, 15 February 2023
Patrick Matthew - the book: "Science Fraud: Darwin's Plagiarism of Patrick Matthew's Theory"
Science Fraud, the book, is now available also on Kindle.
In The UK (here)
In the USA (here)
And on all other Amazon sites worldwide.
Now you can take a peek inside. 😎.
The story of the World's greatest science fraud. The case of Matthew v Darwin is now available on Kindle from Amazon. So now you can have a peek for free. https://t.co/wwstrGidz1 pic.twitter.com/uWTnTSqpFd
— Fear and Loathing in Science (@Idk50074280) February 15, 2023
Monday, 6 February 2023
Science fraud also available as an E Book
Science Fraud: Darwin's Plagiarism of Patrick Matthew's Theory is now available as a download ebook at:https://t.co/50ZanjIpBG#patrickmatthew #sciencefraud #darwin #scienceplagiarism #charlesdarwin
— Neil Shuttlewood, publisher at Curtis Press (@CurtisPress_) February 5, 2023
Friday, 3 February 2023
Joahochim L dagg - Research data plagiarist is a proven pseudo-scholar. Proven by his own words.
Here is the article by "Dagg the Plagiarist" that slyly plagiarizes Sutton's Selby cited Matthew discovery. It sidesteps all the main New Data findings to try to argue Darwin was not a plagiarist. Disgrace to science! @LinneanSociety should be ashamed: https://t.co/Q6Colo3Oz8 https://t.co/naTZm3oxah pic.twitter.com/hll7Pzcb85
— BentSociety @The Veracity Institute (@OnNavalTimber) February 14, 2020
The Selby (Wallace's 1855 Sarawak paper journal Chief Editor and friend of Darwin's great friend Leonard Jenyns) cited Matthew's (1831) original theory of evolution by natural selection was not discovered first by Dagg, nor anyone else before Sutton uniquely unearthed it from the historic publication record with his BigData IDD method in 2013/14.
Sutton's Selby cited Matthew unique discovery was first published by Sutton in 2014 In the 500 page E-book Nullius in Verba (Thinker Media) - "Dagg the Plagiarist" wrote a childishly jealous malicious pseudo-scholarly review of the 2017 book Nulius in Verba archived here and admits to reading Sutton's 2014 book here
In two peer reviewed academic articles Sutton's original research discovery of the Selby cited Matthew original finding was published here in 2014 and here in 2015
Empirical data underpins proper science. And all data is of interest to science.
Here is the concrete empirical data scientific evidence of Joahochim Dagg's knowing malicious plagiarism of research data first unearthed by Dr Mike Sutton and published by Thinker Media in 2014, Vae Victus (2017) and Curtis Press (2022) and various peer reviewed academic articles in between and Dagg's clear pseudo scientific weird gloating refusal to admit such original and paradigm changing research findings plagiarism is wrong. Image below can be seen on Dagg's Twitter account archived,
Clearly Darwin Superfans (and Dagg is just one of many of them) cannot behave like proper academic scholars and scientists or historians of science - so mentally disturbed are they by the new empirical data that bursts their beloved paradigm based on the now completely debunked Darwin Supermyth. Theirs is a credulously unshakable blind belief and empirical fact denial "religious" worship of Charles Darwin. This explains their malicious anti-science behavior.
Wednesday, 25 January 2023
Patrick Matthew v Charles Darwin the plagiarist. By Mike Sutton. Serialized in the Scottish Sunday Express
In 2022, Science Fraud: Darwin's Plagiarism of Patrick Matthew's Theory, By Mike Sutton, was serialized in the Scottish Sunday Express national newspaper.
The "New Darwin Data" unearthed by Dr Mike Sutton on the world's biggest science fraud by plagiary and lies is that important. National news for 5 weeks running.
1. Sunday Express (Mar 2022)
2. Sunday Express serialized 1 (13 Mar 2022)
3. Sunday Express serialized 2 (20 Mar 2022)
4. Sunday Express serialized 3 (27 Mar 2022)
5. Sunday Express serialized 4 (3 Apr 2022)
Tuesday, 24 January 2023
The Scottish Forfarshire (now Angus) connection to Patrick Matthew and Darwin's Plagiarism of Matthew's Scottish Theory
The newly unearthed empirical data on the Darwin fraud by plagiarism and associated serial lies bring the history of science and science closer to understanding how the breakthrough in human understanding of evolution by natural selection was really made.
The research into who did (contrary to the Darwin Supermyth that none see Sutton 2022) read Patrick Matthew's (1831) theory before Darwin and Wallace (1858 / 59) stole it and lied to call it their own reveals more about the three Scots - David Low, Robert Mudie and Patrick Matthew in the 1830's. My earlier blog on the topic has been updated HERE (archived Here) .
One possible interpretation (hypothesis only) of these new findings is that Matthew (1831) got the idea of his analogy between natural and artificial selection form reading the work of Mudie (1830) and that Mudie then read Matthew's (1831) analogy with regards to timber raised in nurseries v nature and added it into his 1832 book. However, a forthcoming chapter in an academic text book on science fraud by plagiary and research ethics, written by Mike Sutton and Mark Griffiths (forthcoming [in print] 2023), reveals something far more profound regarding another Scottish naturalist writing even earlier - who very clearly influenced Matthew earlier than Mudie's 1830 book could have.
Saturday, 21 January 2023
Darwin, Wallace and the Role of the Murderous, Corrupt East India Company in the World's Biggest Science Fraud by Lies and Plagiary
My Book Science Fraud: Darwin's Plagiary of Patrick Matthew's Theory shows just some of the now known connections between employees of the notoriously corrupt and murderous East India Company and the world's biggest science fraud.
John Lindley, (archive of page on Lindley) by way of just example was closely connected to William Hooker and Hooker's son Joseph Hooker./ Both were Darwin's friends and botanical mentors. Hooker, Joseph, was Darwin's best friend. William Hooker, who lived and worked with his bachelor son Joseph, was in the pay of the East India Company - as were many connected to this disgraceful episode in the history of science and the cover up of Matthew's right to be acknowledged as the originator of the theory Darwin and Wallace stole.
My blog on the Lindsay's active deliberate role in thwarting Matthew's botanical fame as the first to import and propagate giant redwoods in the UK can be read here (archived here). Lindley and his social network crops up again and again in the story of Matthew and Darwin - as does the so called "Honourable" East India Company.
I have just ordered a biography of Lindley. More to follow once I have read it.
Sunday, 15 January 2023
The Patrick Matthew Song
This song is to accompanied by violin. The Patrick Matthew Violin (made by a master violin maker) will be completed in 2023. Performances of the Scottish heritage instrument will be by leading soloists and by players at grass roots levels upwards.
"You Who Lie With
(AKA "The Patrick Matthew Song"
In the tune of "Scots Wha Hae")
You who lie
with Darwin dead,
Who Alfred
Wallace astray led,
Welcome to
your muddled head,
‘… if the first description was originally imperfect, & had been superseded by any better description, it would perhaps be better to omit all reference to it, for the sooner such an author’s name was buried in oblivion the better.’
(Charles Darwin 1849)
Yesterday's the day, not now the hour,
See the face
of Darwin dour,
See approach
old Linnean power,
Lies and
‘This discovery recently published by Mr. Darwin turns out to be what I published very fully... as far back as January 1, 1831... reviewed in numerous periodicals, so as to have full publicity...by Loudon…and repeatedly in the United Service Magazine for 1831 etc.’
(Patrick Matthew 1860)
You are just a
fraudster's knave!
You will fill
a dullard's grave!
Nothing but a
liar's slave!
Full of credulity.
‘I think that no one will feel surprised that neither I, nor apparently any other naturalist, had heard of Mr Matthew’s views…’
(Charles Darwin 1860a)
It's Patrick
Matthew's Natural law,
Facts and
empirical data draw,
Truth not
Darwin's spin of yore!
Why not follow
‘I notice in your Number of April 21 Mr. Darwin’s letter honourably acknowledging my prior claim relative to the origin of species. I have not the least doubt that, in publishing his late work, he believed he was the first discoverer of this law of Nature. He is however wrong in thinking that no naturalist was aware of the previous discovery. I had occasion some 15 years ago to be conversing with a naturalist, a professor of a celebrated university, and he told me he had been reading my work “Naval Timber,” but that he could not bring such views before his class or uphold them publicly from fear of the cutty-stool, a sort of pillory punishment, not in the market-place and not devised for this offence, but generally practised a little more than half a century ago. It was at least in part this spirit of resistance to scientific doctrine that caused my work to be voted unfit for the public library of the fair city itself. The age was not ripe for such ideas, nor do I believe is the present one,..’
(Patrick Matthew 1860a, p.433)
Darwin lied
and Darwin stole!
Wallace's same role!
BigData down
their rabbit hole,
Found dysology!
‘…an obscure writer on Forest Trees, in 1830, in Scotland, most expressly & clearly anticipated my views — though he put the case so briefly, that no single person ever noticed the scattered passages in his book…’
(Charles Darwin 1861a)
‘Unfortunately the view was given by Mr. Matthew very briefly in scattered passages in an Appendix to a work on a different subject, so that it remained unnoticed until Mr. Matthew himself drew attention to it in The Gardeners’ Chronicle, on April 7th,
1860.’(Charles Darwin, 1861, p.xv)
Lay the theory stealers low!
Myths fall,
facts their foe!
words in every blow!
Scotland's theory!!!
"...on what is termed Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection, but which theory was published by me about thirty years before Darwin (honourably acknowledged in his last edition by Darwin) at a time when man was scarcely ready for such thoughts, I surely had the best right to be heard upon this subject. Yet others were allowed to speak upon it, and its parent denied to do so. Such is the conduct of a Society terming itself the British Association for the Advancement of Science."
Matthew (1867) the Dundee Advertiser . September 12.
Arrangement and part composition by Mike Sutton January
14th 2023.
Archived. Here
See also the blues number "Darwin The Kidnapper" HERE
Here https://youtu.be/WgskbClWZ68?t=1
Here https://youtu.be/o5kE3of1Lzo?t=2