@BiologiaPensamt @faydra_deon @Dysology @BestThinking @DarwinsWeasel @PlagiarismBad Good point. From your inspiration - how about Darwinite reasoning. Supporting Rampino's and others observations?: https://t.co/WKHhbYLOU8 pic.twitter.com/u2ZxpFqwlY— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) May 1, 2017
Please click the title above for the latest blog post
Monday, 1 May 2017
Hoisted by his own petard
How does the world really work?
What members of he scientific establishment are tying to hide: The lies and science fraud of its greatest heroes: https://t.co/tb9R0OWK4Q pic.twitter.com/hYc21QFG44
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) May 1, 2017
Saturday, 22 April 2017
Lack of Integrity
People who lack integrity will refuse to give credit where credit is du... https://t.co/4HfrVpSueW #maxaxioms pic.twitter.com/fNMqBrXpz8
— Faydra Deon (@faydra_deon) April 22, 2017
Thursday, 20 April 2017
On Pinker and Big Data Discovered Lies
@sapinker Steven, where exactly do YOU stand on the Big Data discovery of Darwin's 100% proven lies about the true Originator? https://t.co/JIdFnrcCVZ pic.twitter.com/v8yehJurPO
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) April 20, 2017
Tuesday, 18 April 2017
100% Proof of Plagiarism
¿Sabían ustedes que Darwin y Wallace copiaron de Matthew? #fraudecientífico https://t.co/27wJ6y2EVU
— Emilio Cervantes (@BiologiaPensamt) April 18, 2017
Saturday, 15 April 2017
100% Independently Verifiable Facts About Lies Don't Lie!
There are shocking newly discovered independently verifiable facts in this book that prove Darwin a lying plagiarist https://t.co/7RSY8zeLlb pic.twitter.com/n7Owdtmjj7
— Supermythbuster (@supermyths) April 15, 2017
Saturday, 8 April 2017
Matthew in the News
The good stuff out there about you. I found this for the first time today: https://t.co/Ajy1jZcg6P pic.twitter.com/EShvdLRBGb
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) April 8, 2017
Facts don't die
"The new facts about who Darwin and Wallace knew well who actually did read Matthew's book and…" — Supermythbuster https://t.co/ANlNL4Joxv
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) April 8, 2017
Tuesday, 4 April 2017
Claimed Multiple Coincidence Conundrum
Claimed Multiple Coincidence conundrum: Criminology, science statistics - All have no answer to this big problem: https://t.co/4l0O1CAxiQ
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) April 4, 2017
Monday, 3 April 2017
Carse of Gowrie Sustainability Group
Carse of Gowrie Sustainability Group awarded £10,000 for Patrick Matthew Trail. Darwin no longer rests in any peace! https://t.co/E48X4I8XT5 pic.twitter.com/B06y3RuNJD
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) April 3, 2017