The Frozen Donkey Hypothesis is born of the implications of the obvious catastrophic extinction event impact of the New Data on Darwinist professional and amateur historians of science, who reveal by their plainly biased response to it, that they are necessarily concerned – if they are to remain so named Darwinists and not be re-born Matthewists – with ignoring the rational implications of the new disconfirming hard evidence for their prior soft knowledge beliefs in their namesake’s “independent” discovery of a prior published hypothesis that was read, and the book containing it cited, by naturalists who were Darwin’s admitted influencers and associates and correspondents- even though Darwin himself fallaciously wrote in 1860 that no naturalist known to him had read it.
See more on the hypothesis here.
See more on the New Data - here.
.@risengrisha @Yestoitok @DiscoveryCSC Thanks. Darwinites were warned of sadly inevitable Frozen Donkey Hypothesis:— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) November 12, 2016