Plagiarising Science Fraud

Plagiarising Science Fraud
Newly Discovered Facts, Published in Peer Reviewed Science Journals, Mean Charles Darwin is a 100 Per Cent Proven Lying, Plagiarising Science Fraudster by Glory Theft of Patrick Matthew's Prior-Published Conception of the Hypothesis of Macro Evolution by Natural Selection

Saturday, 12 August 2023

What does the First Flight Documentary have to do with the Darwin and Wallace Myth?

 The "Museum Industry" is incredibly corrupt. They employ pseudo-scientific curators to missell completely fact-debunked stories to the public in order to pay for their erroneous exhibits.

We all know the Museum of Natural History, London is still promoting the myth of Darwin and Wallace at the expense of the empirical data facts of their proven plagiarism and Darwin's serial lies to cover it up. 

The Smithsonian is just one other culprit. They are fact denying to keep alive the Wright Brothers story that is in fact completely demolished by empirical data they refuse to deal with. Check it all out in this superb documentary "First Flight" HERE .

Watch the video then read the silly delusional fact denial nonsense written by so many Wright Brother outraged superfans on the YouTube comments on it.

We see this empirical fact denial behaviour all the time when it busts beloved myths,

Why is the Darwin Industry like the Diesel car Industry?

 For years the car industry (including big makers such as Mercedes and Volkswagen and many more) misled the world by telling them misinformation (deliberate sly falsehoods/lies) that the cars were cleaner in terms of emissions than they actually are (e.g. here and archived here).

Similarly, by way of  explanatory analogy, the "Darwin Industry" has missold the story of Darwin and Matthew to the world and at the time of writing, in the teeth of empirical data that completely disproves it they continue to do so  - even completely taking over the Darwin and Matthew pages of Wikipedia with official editors of the Darwin Industry publishing absolute lies and falsehoods and deleting the proven and fully evidenced empirical data led facts about Darwin's plagiarism and 100% proven serial lying about it in an attempt to rebury it back into oblivion (see the evidence of Wikipedia fraud here).

A brief video on just some of the data that proves the Darwin Indusry is misselling Darwin here

View another video of the book on (here).

Volkswagen (VW) were major perpetrators of the clean diesel dysology. I love this old VW advert . 

Thursday, 10 August 2023

The Anti-Depressant SSRI Story and the Darwin Story v the Patrick Matthew Facts

When millions of depressed people were told by the "expert" medical profession to take selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) they were told they had an inbalance in their brain and the drug would restore the balance here (archived page). In reality, that was just an intuitive hypothesis and there is no empirical evidence to support it.

Many billions of people for the last 160+ years were told by so called "expert" biologists and science historians that although Patrick Matthew was first into published print with the full theory of evolution by natural selection that no one had read it and certainly not anyone connected to Darwin and Wallace (1858/59). This zero evidenced claim is used to claim in turn that Darwin and Wallace each replicated it independently of one another and of  Patrick Matthew. These "experts" also told the world that Darwin was extraordinarily honest and did not lie when he claimed he had not seen Matthew's theory before replicating it. In reality many people, read and cited Matthew's (1831) book containing his theory years before 1858. Some were key influencer's of Darwin and Wallace and others were their influencer's influencers. Moreover Darwin is absolutely 100% proven to have lied that no one read Matthew's book and the theory in it before he and Wallace replicated it, because before he told that lie Darwin was very clearly informed directly that naturalists he and Wallace knew had read it and one even reviewed it and mentioned the theory in print in 1832.

It is not scientific to make an unevidenced claim to seek to get people to believe it, without admitting you have zero empirical evidence for your claim.

We know it can take years for those duped into taking SSRI to get themselves off the drugs that have very bad side effects. Similarly, it will perhaps take years for many Darwin addicts to be able to get themselves off their mad Darwin dysology habit. 

Dysolgy of this unevidenced kind can be absolutely lethal. Just check out the Masks Supermyth to see.

The empirical evidence of the real Patrick Matthew story can be found in the Curtis Press book "Science Fraud". HERE.

Facts are driving Darwin worshipers raving bonkers

Friday, 4 August 2023

Busting of the myth of The Stradivarius upsets people as much as the busting of the myth of Darwin

In one experiment, modern violins and old Stradivarius violins and a Giuseppe del Gesù Guarneri violin were played behind a curtain for experts to judge which sounded the best. And guess what: they voted a Stradivarius the worst of the bunch! Moreover in a large blind testing experiment audiences preferred certain modern violins over the certain Stradivarius violins played at the time (here). Archived here.

Watch the documentary from this relevant point (but the whole documentary is well worth a watch).

The findings outraged the so-called "expert" violin industry, just like the busting of the Darwin myth has so upset blind faith pseudo-scientific Darwin fans everywhere.

Does the truth sometimes do more harm than a lie? Is that what these short sighted credulous idiots think? Do they actually think that it does? If so, why are they not on the side of truth? Maybe it's just the malevolent corrupt Darwin Industry that is engaging in post-truth misinformation on this topic to save face and make more money?

Thursday, 3 August 2023

Delusional USA Republicans are the same as Delusional Darwin Fans

 Today a CNN poll reveals "Overall, 61% of Americans say Biden did legitimately win enough votes to win the presidency, and 38% believe that he did not. Among registered voters who say they cast a ballot for Trump in 2020, 75% say they have doubts about Biden’s legitimacy."

In face of the empirical data, 75% of those who voted for Trump today think he actually won the election. 

Today, the corrupt Darwin industry and independent delusional Darwin super-fans lacking even the most basic critical thinking abilities is working the same as Trump's Republican party to convince gullible believers in their hero that he is innocent of fraud, lies and corruption. 

The proven empirical facts Darwin fans will not deal honestly with regarding Charles Darwin's proven plagiarism and serial lies about it are all in "Science Fraud" the book, and in a forthcoming science end ethics book published by one of the worlds top academic publishers (watch this space for its release in the Autumn of 2023).

Sunday, 30 July 2023

Linnean Society Facilitates a Sly Plagiarist Who Claims Darwin Was Not a Plagiarist

 The article by "Dagg the Plagiarist" that slyly plagiarizes Sutton's  Selby cited Matthew discovery, deliberately sidesteps all the main New Data findings to try to argue Darwin was not a plagiarist. Disgrace to science, but it's not science anyway, because its post-truth fact denial Putinesque, Trumpesque, Borisesque utter delusional claptrap.

Read the propaganda nonsense here and decide for yourself if you are in possession of the New Data Dagg slyly ignores HERE

You can get all the new data HERE - and also read more about Dagg's plagiarism and the dysology of the Linnean Society Darwin worship cult.

Thursday, 13 July 2023

The problem of caring too much about a cause you believe in

Onodo Syndrome

When people care a lot for an idea or belief they are at risk of refusing to see the veracity of independently verifiable empirical evidence that proves those ideas or beliefs are totally erroneous. In effect they are blind-sighted to the facts they do not want to accept. This is a condition from which millions of people are suffering today with regard to Charles Darwin's and Alfred Wallace's proven plagiarism of Patrick Matthew's prior published theory of evolution by natural selection, and Darwin's and Wallace's proven lies to cover it up.

By way of analogy, Lieutenant Hiroo Onoda, refused to accept the evidence that WW2 was over and continued guerrilla operations until 1974. But he was not the last. Another Japanese soldier surrendered even later! See a useful article on this evidence blind-sight story here.

In time, committed Darwin fans will also finally surrender their erroneous desperate bias indoctrinated  beliefs about his honesty and originality, These blind beliefs collapse in the face of  superior dis-confirming facts that prove the whole Darwin edifice is another propaganda and profiteering business propped up Victorian science myth.

Saturday, 15 April 2023

Darwinists caught plagiarising again! Three rediscoveries of Mendel’s law? Some background of a plagiarism case in 1900 by Ton Munnich

 A very interesting article for anyone not wanting to accept the claim that we must now live in a post truth age and just accept it. Truth matters in history and science.

Historian of science Ton Munnich writes: The modern research method that was successfully applied to the case of Charles Darwin plagiarising Patrick Matthew, should also be applied to the lingering case of prominent biologist Hugo de Vries plagiarising Gregor Mendel.

​Totally free to read in the dual open access Internet Journal of Criminology as a peer reviewed article. Click Here.

Free article pdf here:

Hugo de Vries - Darwinist toady and plagiarist

Saturday, 1 April 2023

Richard Dawkins Stuns Science with Bombshell Book

Richard Dawkins is allegedly the actual author of the book "Science Fraud" that busts the fake history mythology about Charles Darwin and Patrick Matthew. Apparently, the world famous myth buster Mike Sutton and Dawkins conspired to conduct an longitudinal experiment into the pig headiness of unscientific scientists and pseudo scholarly historians wedded to beloved fake facts. 

The same BigData IDD method that bust the Darwin myth also found the earliest known origins of the April Fool tradition. Visit for the full and hilarious story. 

Monday, 20 March 2023

Twitter Scatological Paraphila: Empirical Evidence Case Study of an obscene harassing Darwinphile

More empirical evidence of Julian Derry's scatophilia paraphilia has been collected and officially archived for scholarly publication as part of a larger research project into obscene cyber-stalking, criminal harassment and empirical fact denial committed by Darwin Superfans and facilitated by the Darwin Industry.

 More empirical evidence of Julian Derry's Social Media and email scatophilia has been collected as part of a larger psychology research project into paraphilias and for another criminological study on cyber-stalking, harassment and empirical fact denial by Darwin Superfans facilitated by the Darwin Industry.

 "Paraphilias are persistent and recurrent sexual interests, urges, fantasies, or behaviours of marked intensity involving objects, activities, or even situations that are atypical in nature."

There are a number of theories as to how telephone scatophilia develops. Kurt Freund, the late Czech-Canadian sexologist wrote numerous papers claiming that behaviours such as telephone scatophilia are caused by “courtship disorders”. According to Freund, normal courtship comprises four phases: (i) location of a partner, (ii) pre-tactile interactions, (iii) tactile interactions, and (iv) genital union. Freund also proposed that obscene telephone calling is a disturbance of the second phase of the courtship disorder. Similarly, Professor John Money proposed the ‘‘lovemap’’ theory suggesting that paraphiliac behaviour occurs when an abnormal lovemap develops which interferes with the ability to participate in loving sexual intercourse. In this model, telephone scatologia, is classified as an allurement paraphilia involving the preparatory or courtship phase prior to genital intercourse.

There is no logical reason not to hypothesise that Twitter Scatophilia is any different.  

Look out for the new science book "An A-Z of Perversions and Paraphilias" (edited by Dr Mike Sutton), written by a top psychologist Professor, forthcoming from Curtis Press later on 2023.  

The obnoxious deluded idiot youth hostel worker J. F. Derry is a typical nutter Wikipedia editor. His, and his weirdo deluded obsessed pal "Dagg the Plagiarist" have been allowed to add totally incorrect - indeed lying mischievous pseudo-scholarly empirical fact denial content - to the Wikipedia page on Patrick Matthew by the Darwin Industry running that Wikipedia page and the Darwin page on Wikipedia and, most laughably, in a number of journals with a huge financial and reputation stake in keeping the Victorian science hero myth of Darwin's originality and honesty alive. Cults attract and encourage such weirdos.