Privately educated establishment darling toffs such as Boris Johnson have a long history of serial lying.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) November 4, 2019
Did you know it is newly discovered that Charles #Darwin was also a plagiarist & serial liar?
No conspiracy, but massive cover-up of the scandal:
Please click the title above for the latest blog post
Monday, 4 November 2019
Establishment Darling Serial Liars and Conmen
Sunday, 3 November 2019
Liars keep the lazy happy
.People are lazy. That's why Boris Johnson is Prime Minister and leading in the election opinion polls. That and the fact Corbyn is a disingenuous #Trotpillock
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) November 3, 2019
Just like religiously indoctrinated credulous fools, even atheists want to simply "believe" in comforting claptrap.
Knowledge evolves with new evidence and facts but unevidenced mere beliefs prevail in the minds of stubbornly credulous idiots.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) November 3, 2019
Don't be a lazy fool.
Get the facts at
Friday, 1 November 2019
All Housejocks Step-aside
Maybe it's time the fawning #HouseJocks run by the English "Establishment" realize the independently verifiable truth about the true Scot Patrick Matthew and the serial lying glory thieving sly plagiarist Charles Darwin?
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) November 1, 2019
All in the @courier_dundee today.
Monday, 28 October 2019
Charles - The Plagiarist and Serial Liar - Darwin
We all know that Boris #SpafferJohnson is a many times proven #SerialLiar. Did you know that Charles #PlagiaristDarwin is also a proven serial liar? Don't just trust me, check out the independently expert peer reviewed verifiable evidence for yourself:
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) October 28, 2019
Sunday, 27 October 2019
On the word alone of no one
Picture of me on the summit of Mt Everest at midnight.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) October 27, 2019
It's another case of simply "trust me" or "nullius in verba". You decide.
Thursday, 24 October 2019
Liars please lazy people
Why on Earth is this plagiarist science fraudster serial blatant liar so celebrated by anyone anywhere at all? The answer is the same for why the serial liar Boris Johnson was made made UK Prime Minister and serial liar Donald Trump President of the USA
Same way Trump got elected. The answer is that people want to be lied to because they are too lazy to care about finding out the truth. It's easier for lazy people to be lied to. They take the path of least resistance.— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) October 24, 2019
.Plagiarism of the work of others is not condemned at all by @UniofOxford. No surprise there then. The establishment celebrates glory stealing liars & plagiarists. No wonder then that serial liar Trump is president of the USA and Johnson UK Prime Minister.
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) October 24, 2019
To add to that telling list, I don't respect Charles Darwin's and Alfred Wallace's claims to have discovered for themselves a prior published theory that their friends, Wallace's editor and their influencers & influencer's influencers prior read and cited
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) October 24, 2019
Sunday, 20 October 2019
Facts v Myths
Saturday, 12 October 2019
Magical thinking and credulous stupidity
According to ludicrous magical thinking of biologists & credulous historians of science, Charles Darwin & Alfred Wallace discovered a book, published in 1831, that plagiarized their discoveries, terminology & idiosyncratic explanatory examples, they published in 1855/58/59.🤣🤣🤣
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) October 12, 2019
Sunday, 22 September 2019
Darwin, the Scientific "Establishment" and Antisemitism in Science
.Was Charles Darwin's newly unearthed with #BigData plagiarism of the prior published entire theory of macroevoltion by natural selection, which his & Wallace's friends, editor & their influencers read & prior cited, a necessary condition for the #Holocaust?— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) September 22, 2019
Proper education is teaching up-to-date independently evidenced & multiple expert peer reviewed #Actuality, not training students to accept & regurgitate old illusions based on newly debunked claims & uncovered science fraud:
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) September 22, 2019
Friday, 20 September 2019
The Great Dog Bottom Swap Robbery by Plagiarism Explanatory Analogy
The Explanatory Analogy of the Great Dog's Bottom Swap explains why Darwin and Wallace needed to plagiarize Matthew in order to publish the Origin of Species and Wallace's Sarawak and Ternate papers.
.Am Explanatory #Analogy for #Plagiarism
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Criminotweet) September 20, 2019
Darwin(1859) was as dependent on plagiarizing Matthew's (1831) book as the author of The Great Dog Bottom Swap needed to plagiarize an anonymously authored poem @BiologiaPensamt @HughDower @Grouse_Beater See--->>
Some attribute the orignal poem to the Australian Henry Lawson (c1910).On plagiarism— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) September 19, 2019
The children's book "The Great Dog Bottom Swap" essentially plagiarizes (because it fails to reference it in any way) an piece of anonymous Australian Bush poetry entitled "The Dog's Meeting"
Here is my Amazon book review of The Great Dog Bottom Swap
.Dr. Sutton, iyo, would Matthews have written the same sorts of things as CRD in "Origin", supposing CRD had not "beaten him to it"?— The Beagler (@DarwinsWeasel) September 20, 2019
.(1) Looking at your question the right way around according to linear time, without Darwin having an 1840s (private essay) & 1859 virgin conception miracle of Matthew's 1831 prior published theory, his essential four words term for it "process of natural selection" which.... (2)— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) September 20, 2019
.(3) Darwin needed to rip off Matthew's original breakthrough concept and his original creative examples used to explain it. Analogously, Darwin was as dependent on plagiarizing Matthew as the author of The Great Dog Bottom Swap needed to plagiarize an anonymously authored poem— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) September 20, 2019
Like unearthed & expert peer reviewed evidence of glory theft & associated cover-up lies following new #BigData research on Darwin's #ScienceFraud by plagiary of bombshell prior published theory?
— Dr Mike Sutton (@Dysology) September 22, 2019