Plagiarising Science Fraud

Plagiarising Science Fraud
Newly Discovered Facts, Published in Peer Reviewed Science Journals, Mean Charles Darwin is a 100 Per Cent Proven Lying, Plagiarising Science Fraudster by Glory Theft of Patrick Matthew's Prior-Published Conception of the Hypothesis of Macro Evolution by Natural Selection

Monday, 8 January 2018

Desperate Darwinist Excuses in Ludicrous Cover-Up of Darwin's Science Fraud

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Mike Sutton
Mike Sutton
Dr Mike Sutton is the author of 'Nullius in Verba: Darwin's greatest secret'.
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Richard Dawkins Promotes Desperate Darwinist Excuses in Ludicrous Cover-Up of Darwin's Science Fraud

Nov. 15, 2014 2:37 pm
Categories: CounterknowledgeDysology
Nottingham Riots 1831
Returning tonight from an enjoyably informative November evening historical tour of the 1831 Reform Riots in Nottingham - excellently conducted by People's Hisreh    - I cannot help but feel even more riotously irked than normal by the fact that mainstream scholars of the history of scientific discovery have been hoodwinked by the poor scholarship of a cult of Darwin worshiping biologists called 'Darwinists'.
One major aim of these seemingly shameless hood-winkers appears to be to disseminate self-serving palpable nonsense about the discovery of 'natural selection' in order to protect Charles Darwin's science-saintly reputation from the independently verifiable dis-confirming facts that overwhelmingly support the conclusion that he stole the theory of natural selection from another published source and, when confronted, lied by claiming to have had no prior-knowledge of that unique source.
Weirdly, these biased Darwinists have been accredited by the scientific community as the best informed to objectively judge the probability that another (Matthew 1831   ) - incidentally not sharing the name of their namesake - did not influence their namesake with his widely acknowledged publication of the entire hypothesis of natural selection 28 years before Darwin and Wallace (1858) replicated it and excused their obvious plagiarism by lying when they wrote that no naturalist known to either of them had read it. See Sutton (2014) for the new Big Data fully evidenced story of this, the discovery of world's greatest, science fraud.
Edited collection celebrating the Royal Society
In Bill Bryson's edited collection ' Seeing Further', Richard Dawkins (2010   ) - the Darwinist equivalent of the Pope - leads his flock of credulously uncritical pseudo-skeptical Darwin and Wallace worshipers in the rhetorical mantra that Matthew does not deserve to be celebrated as an immortal great thinker and discoverer because the poor sucker never knew the importance of his own clearly written, comprehensive and prominently published prior-discovery. Here, Dawkins merely replicates the exact same self-celebratory guilt neutralization reasoning for plagiarism of Matthew's discovery that was deployed by Alfred Wallace   !
Richard Dawkins - a man who self-promotes himself as an objective scholar - pontificates that had Matthew known the importance of his own discovery then he would have 'trumpeted it from the rooftops'.
What Dawkins and his desperately faux-skeptical groupies ludicrously choose to ignore is that 1831 - the year in which Matthew wrote his book - containing the full heretical hypothesis of natural selection was one of massive social unrest. At least 70 people nationwide were killed    in the reform riots, followed by decades of the same as the poor took direct violent action to promote social change in order to improve their lot.. Between the 1830's and 1850's religious heretics were effectively deemed inseparable from seditious rabble raisers, because the Christian religion was used as a tool by the social elite to keep the poor, repressed   , and often starving populace in its place by informing them that their lot was "God's divine will".
Trumpet from the RooftopsAttribution
Patrick Matthew: Originator of Natural Selection, Solver of the Problem of Species and Proven Influencer of Darwin and Wallace
Darwin and Matthew, and all of Darwin's gentlemen of science associates were well aware of the dangers of questioning the church. But only Matthew ever did so in print. Darwin never rejected a creator - as Matthew did in 1831 (while it is true he used the word "Providence" once, it is far more likely, as his biographer Dempster (1996) pointed out - in his critique of Kentwood Wells' (1973) polemical Darwin-defense article - Matthew most likely used the word in 1831 in the Scottish sense of "thrift", rather than the theological.
Matthew handed 'God' his redundancy notice. For his part, Darwin always wrote in every edition of The Origin of Species that 'God' had intelligently designed natural selection to run its course without his need to create new species and render others extinct. How ironic it is then that the World's most famous atheist, Richard Dawkins, should so hoodwink his credulous followers against a truer and far braver atheist than Darwin. Matthew was a privileged Scottish laird, but - unlike the wealthy and landed Darwin - he put self-interest aside to help the lot of his fellow man.
In 19th century Britain, hungry rioters were shot, cut down by troops, and hanged. Seditious authors and the outspoken were frequently imprisoned   in that age of moral panic, which was flamed by the memory of what happened to the social elite during the 18th century French Revolution .
Matthew, who in 1839 became a Scottish representative of the radical libertarian Chartist social reform movement    filled his 1831 book - On Naval Timber and Arboriculture - with seditious and socio-biological explanations for why the repressive class structure of 19th century society was analogous to the way artificial selection weakened species to serve the particular desires of mankind - as opposed to the harshness of selection by nature.
Seven years after Matthew's book was first published, Chartist uprisings    began and those in Darwin's circle took action to maintain repression of the poor protesters. The Botanist John Lindley- a great friend of Darwin's friend's father William Hooker and John Loudon (who had in 1832 reviewed Matthew's book and said it had something original to say on the origin of species, no less) - drilled an armed militia of gardeners   , as did Darwin's associate Owen.    Britain came to the very brink of violent revolution.
Matthew retired from the Chartists in 1839 - wanting no part in any call for violent confrontation with the state. His second book 'Emigration Fields' (1839) offered emigration as the 'humane' solution - for the British if not the natives of the lands they colonized - to the problems fueled by the industrial revolution: the influx of people into crowded cities; famines and general food shortages - all so predicted by Malthus, whose arguments are well documented by their own letters to have significantly impressed both Darwin and Wallace. So much so, as an alternative to his self-proposed ludicrous malarial fever cognitive-enhancement 'natural selection' independent discovery of Matthew's prior-published hypothesis Eureka moment, Wallace wrote to Darwin a letter in which he claimed Malthus was his greatest influence. Only then did Darwin concur, by way of reply, that "yes" Malthus was an influence on him too. (see Sutton 2014   ). Well, at least they finally got their stories straight in their private correspondence!
Matthew's (1831)    great heretical point - most weirdly missed by the professional Darwinist and atheist Dawkins - was that a law of nature, not of any god, operating over unimaginable lengths of time, was the reason why all living matter - in nature - exists where it does and is the way it is.
Mattthew's next sin was to weave his heresy into sedition when he explained that the upper classes were operating against the best interests of the human species by keeping superior human beings down by force of artificial culture. In other words, it was not "Gods will" that things were so miserable for the poor. Rather, it was simply the selfish and harmful will of the rich to keep them down as cheap labor, cannon fodder, and for other means of shameful exploitation.
Nullius in Verba
Nullius in Verba: Darwin's Greatest Secret reveals the full extent of the riots that swept Britain in 1831 - the very year in which Matthew's incendiary book was written and 28 years before Darwin (1859) published The Origin of Species. Other 19th century civil disturbances are examined alongside the significance of Nat Turner's 1831 murderous slave rebellion in the USA - and its violent murderous repression.
Dr Dawkins's self-serving Darwinist rhetoric, let's call it 'Dawkins' Demand - that Matthew should have trumpeted his heresy and sedition from the rooftops at such a riotous time, when the power elite feared Britain would tip into revolution - as had happened in France - is one of the most ludicrously biased notions ever penned by one and gratefully swallowed by numerous otherwise objective and skeptically intelligent scholars. But most importantly of all it is against the rules of priority that are part of the scientific conventions and norms of the Royal Society of which Dawkins is a member. Is Dawkins honestly ignorant of the Argo Effect? Good grief!
Trumpet form the rooftops. So long as they are not on fire!Public Domain
1831 Nottingham Riots. The same year Matthew published his incendiary book
In Nottingham, Charles Darwin's famous grandfather, Erasmus Darwin. once stood on a box and felt ethically advised to inform the dreadfully cramped populace of Nottingham to open their windows to let in fresh air   . But the following century, in 1831, a far worse cramped populace, inflamed by repression, poverty and the failure of government to offer hope for improvement, burnt the castle to the ground.

Charles Darwin's excuses examined

Charles Darwin, the replicator of Matthew's prior published hypothesis, was compelled to have published a letter in the Gardener’s Chronicle, because Darwin – having been called out in an earlier issue to admit the theory was Matthew’s (see Sutton 2014) - fully admitted that Matthew had fully prior-published the complete theory of natural selection, but Darwin claimed to have had no prior knowledge of it .
Please share this and trumpet it from the rooftopsPublic Domain
Alfred Russel Wallace.Fraud discovered by Dr Mike Sutton (criminologist)
Darwin, like Wallace, claimed to have alighted upon the precise hypothesis of natural selection independently of anyone else. Darwin sought to excuse himself for replicating a prior-published hypothesis without citation and calling it "my theory" with the falsehood that no naturist known to him had read Matthew's unique and previously original ideas, when in fact it is newly discovered with Big Data analysis (Sutton 2014) that a total of three naturalists known to Darwin and Wallace - Loudon, Chambers and Selby - had cited Matthew's 1831 book in the literature and afterwards went on to play key roles at the very epicenter of widely acknowledged influence and facilitation of both Darwin's and Wallace's pre-1858, published and unpublished, written ideas on natural selection.
Perhaps biased Darwinists will now go on to stubbornly claim that this new BigData facilitated discovery is no more than new evidence of a mere triple coincidence, albeit one that is not only matchless in the history of scientific discovery but - in some soon to be cooked-up new excuse - an explanation against more likely than not knowledge contamination. If so, then, dear reader, it is you who should ask yourself which explanation, in this Mere Tri-Coincidence v Likely Knowledge Contamination debateappears to YOU to be implausible beyond rational belief?
Getting back to the details of the story of Darwin's and Matthew's published correspondence in the Gardener's Chronicle: In his rational and independently verifiable evidence-based reply to Darwin's, proven erroneous and merely rhetorical letter of apology and admission, Matthew (Gardeners Chrinicle,1860, p. 433   ) explained that the naturalist Loudon had reviewed his book in 1832 and commented upon its originality on the topic of what Loudon actually called the "origin of species" no less! Matthew went on in his published letter of 1860 to more precisely explain why notions of heresy prevented him and other naturalists from promoting his prior- discovery in the first half of the 19th century (we can only assume that Richard Dawkins is ignorant of these key facts) :
‘I notice in your Number April 21st Mr. Darwin's letter honourably acknowledging my prior claim relative to the origin of species. I have not the least doubt that in publishing his late work he believed he was the first discoverer of this law of Nature. He is however wrong in thinking that no naturalist was aware of the previous discovery. I had occasion some 15 years ago to be conversing with a naturalist, a professor of a celebrated university, and he told me he had been reading my work “Naval Timber,” but that he could not bring such views before his class or uphold them publicly from fear of the cutty-stool, a sort of pillory punishment…’
In that same letter, Matthew then went on to explain that the age was not ready for his heretical ideas and he could not reasonably be expected to trumpet them anywhere beyond the pages he had had written and then prominently published with the major publishers Blacks of Edinburgh and Longman and Co of London:
‘It was not least in part this spirit of resistance to scientific doctrine that caused my work to be voted unfit for the fair city [Perth in Scotland] itself.
Despite the patent fact that Matthew informed Darwin in the press that other influential scholars had read and commented upon his original ideas, in 1861, in the third edition ofThe Origin of Species, and in every edition thereafter, Darwin wrote a lie (one of six he told to achieve primacy over Matthew for Matthew's prior discovery - see Sutton 2014 for an examination and full discussion of this and the other five) when he wrote (Darwin 1861):
'Unfortunately the view was given by Mr Matthew very briefly in scattered pages in an Appendix to a work on a different subject, so that it remained unnoticed until Mr Matthew himself drew attention to it in the Gardener’s Chronicle…’
Tweet from the RooftopsPublic Domain
Tweet this from the Rooftops to Richard Dawkins: Darwin's Great Science Fraud was First Proven by Dr Mike Sutton 'Solver of the origin of the Origin of Species'.
In that one sentence Darwin also wrote a second lie. Because he knew full well that Matthew's unique hypothesis was not brief and was not merely contained in the appendix of his 1831 book. We know this, because Matthew included large swathes of text on what he (Matthew 1831) uniquely named 'the natural process of selection' - which Darwin (1860) uniquely four-word-shuffled into 'the process of natural selection' -from both the main body of his 1831 book and from its appendix in his first letter of 1860 in the Gardeners' Chronicle. And We know that Darwin was fully aware of that precise fact because he wrote to his botanical mentor and best friend, Joseph Hooker to say as much!
Click the image to enlarge for easier reading
So much then for the myth of honest St Darwin - the genius independent discoverer of the theory of natural selection!
Trumpet from the rooftopsPublic Domain
According to Richard Dawkins, Patrick Matthew should not be celebrated as an immortal great thinker, despite the fact that he first discovered the full theory of natural selection in 1831. Dawkins insists Matthew needed to trumpet his heretical discovery, which he wove into seditious and radical Chartist politics from the rooftops in age of great civil unrest, violence and lethal riots!
Perhaps next, Richard Dawkins's arguments will once again involve him cherry picking which conveniently confirming facts to rely upon to support his rhetoric, and which inconveniently disconfirming facts to totally ignore in order to "evolve" to a new pseudo-scholarly and weirdly stubborn insistence that had he known the great importance of the discovery he so prominently published, with major publishers, that Patrick Matthew would have most surely stood upon the flaming rooftop of Nottingham Castle in order to burn himself for heresy whilst trumpeting his great discovery. Yet, when it comes to Saint Darwin of the Immaculate Conception of a Prior-Published Hypothesis, Darwin's biased apologists explain that he quite rightly and reasonably was rationally afraid to publish the hypothesis of natural selection for 25 years because he feared being prosecuted for blasphemy and blackballed by his powerfully wealthy friends as an associated seditious Chartist (Desmond and Moore 1991).
The pseudo-scholarly, faux-skeptical, shame of it!
Trumpet form the rooftops - so long as they are not ablaze!Public Domain
Nullius in Verba: 17th century Motto of the Royal Society - from the wider translation of Horace from where it was taken actually means "on the word alone of no guru" - as opposed to the obvious translation "on the word alone of no one"
My advice to all those by now hopping-mad with bias St. Darwin worshippers is neatly summed up by this excellent poster.
To help poor Darwinists see past their daft-as-a-brush cherry picking and embarassing mere rhetorical pseudo-scholarship, I would like to point them to the one book in the world that they really need to read by way of a summation of the new, independently verifiable, hard evidence presented within it: here   .
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Howard L. Minnick
November 30, 2014 at 7:08 pm
It's all a matter of perspective
Bravo... well done my good friend.
While taking in what I just read I had a picture in my mind of a transcending time scene in which Richard Dawkins was strolling along the Carse of Goury not noticing that he was passing by a beautiful new planting... still ongoing... of Coastal Redwoods brought from America by Patrick's son John and being planted by P.M. himself in 1857. Instead of watching a true forester in the labors of his love... Dawkins was intently watching a donkey feeding on what little scrub there was in an overused patch of pasture. Curious as to what was so interesting P. M. strolled up to Dawkins and greeted him kindly...only to have the later scowl at him and begin a rant about how stupid a beast of burden like a donkey was and that Mother Mary herself...if the story were true... would have never chosen a donkey to ride to go pay her taxes with while carrying her son. He then continued his rant about how useless the animal was how it should be made to work for it's keep. About that time the donkey walked up to Dawkins and pissed on the back of his legs and then proceeded to crap all over his shoes. What proceeded from Dawkins mouth at that time may have just as well been shouted from the roof tops. It was probably the best and most believable speech he would ever give in his entire life. But the best part was yet to come. With a smile on his face from ear to ear Ole P.M. took his shovel and did what any good gardener would do... he shoveled up the donkeys contribution and fertilized his marvelous new trees.
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Mike Sutton
December 1, 2014 at 4:13 am
Dear Howard
Well, I'm afraid I have to agree with your sentiments, although your story is considerately kinder than my cruder imagination allows. Because in my cruder critical version, based upon his poor scholarship, it is poor Dr Dawkins, not the donkey, who supplies the rhetorical fertilizer. Although I suspect the donkey in your sophisticated humanist Xmas story is a subtle metaphor with a very most circumstance suitably unsubtle payload.
Since the Darwinist congregation of the pseudo-scholarly Church of St Darwin and St Wallace of the Immaculate Conception of a Prior-Published Theory stubbornly refuse to address the wealth of newly discovered dis-confirming evidence for their credulous beliefs then their Bishop Dr Dawkins - who promotes himself as an exceptionally un-biased scientist - is fair game for such new- evidence-led mockery.
From what I have read of your Great, Great, Great Grandfather - he would have taken Dawkins to the burns that held the best trout and coached him in the fine art of fly-fishing. Although I suspect Darwin (I'm not sure about Dawkins) would have preferred to use worms.
Matthew certainly offered Darwin a trip up to the Carse of Gowrie to enjoy his hospitality that Darwin might recuperate in the clean air from his chronic vomiting illness. As on every occasion when Matthew offered him the hand of friendship, the emotionally retarded Darwin ignored it like a rude teenager and had his wife answer it in the negative - as a child would deploy its mother.
Darwin not only had less originality than a trailer park, he is a proven serial liar - nicknamed by his best friend Joseph Hooker 'The Great Wriggler', Darwin appears, from the hard and independently verifiable evidence, to have had all the moral fibre of the worms for which he felt such great affinity that he freely used his nickname with pride!.
I wonder if Dr Richard Dawkins has any nickname other than "Bishop Dawkins"?
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Howard Minnick
December 5, 2014 at 12:41 pm
The one problem with your version of Dawkins supplying the fertilizer is that his would be very lacking in substance... where as the donkey's wouldn't.
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Mike Sutton
December 6, 2014 at 4:11 am
I'm a great fan of Harry H. Frankfurt's aptly named book: On Bull***t:, which is available here    as a free essay. Frankfurt explains the difference between "bull" and lies. Essentially, the liar is concerned with the truth - its just that he wants to convince you that something else is veracious. The bulls****er has no concern for the truth - his aim is merely to sound correct and plausible, regardless of the veracity of what he says.
Clearly, Richard Dawkins needs to read this blog on his bulls***t and then read Frankfurt and reflect. If, after doing so, he continues with his daft-as-a-brush Darwin worshiping rhetoric that Matthew should have trumpeted his heretical discovery form the rooftops then Bishop Dawkins - of the Church of St Darwin and St Wallace of the Immaculate Conception of a prior Published Theory - can be labelled a liar.
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Mike Sutton
December 6, 2014 at 4:11 am
I'm a great fan of Harry H. Frankfurt's aptly named book: On Bull***t:, which is available here    as a free essay. Frankfurt explains the difference between "bull" and lies. Essentially, the liar is concerned with the truth - its just that he wants to convince you that something else is veracious. The bulls****er has no concern for the truth - his aim is merely to sound correct and plausible, regardless of the veracity of what he says.
Clearly, Richard Dawkins needs to read this blog on his bulls***t and then read Frankfurt and reflect. If, after doing so, he continues with his daft-as-a-brush Darwin worshiping rhetoric that Matthew should have trumpeted his heretical discovery form the rooftops then Bishop Dawkins - of the Church of St Darwin and St Wallace of the Immaculate Conception of a prior Published Theory - can be labelled a liar.
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Howard Minnick
December 5, 2014 at 12:49 pm
Yes Darwin was very crafty in his excuses ...usually feigning illness in order to curtail an actual meeting with P.M. And I do have a copy of one of the letters he had his wife write on his behalf to once again perpetuate the sham.
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Mike Sutton
December 6, 2014 at 4:24 am
It does appear that Darwin used his illness to avoid meeting Matthew. Of course, to be even handed (unlike Darwin worshipers) it is true that Darwin did have a chronic vomiting illness (possibly Crohn's Disease   ) - but he did rudely hide behind his wife's apron strings in corresponding with Matthew, which strongly suggests he had a guilty mind.
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Howard Minnick
December 9, 2014 at 10:17 am
One thing I forgot to mention to you was before Jim Passed away he was in contact with a professor from a University in New Zealand who was investigating the possibility that there may have been as many as 3 of Matthew's books aboard the Beagle with the strongest possibility of the Ships Doctor / Naturalist being the most likely and that it probably stayed aboard with the rest of his personal library despite the poor gentleman taking sick and being left behind at Monte Video. Darwin's ensuing closeness to the Captain as the voyage and exploration progressed certainly could have led to access without having to stretch the imagination. Jim's passing wasn't long after that so I don't know where that ended up. He was going to get to the bottom of it and get back to me. Maybe his Children have come across that information.
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Mike Sutton
December 9, 2014 at 10:55 am
Many thanks - that is an interesting insight into Jim Dempster's on-going concern to bring greater veracity to the story of Matthew and Darwin. Prof Milton Wainwright thinks it an idea worth pursuing - see page 17 of this article   . :
' It is noteworthy that one of the main purposes of Captain Fitzroy’s command of the Beagle voyage was to study the arboriculture of the countries visited with a view to discovering where in the world British warships and merchant vessels might take on board wood for repairs (Cook, 1839). It is possible therefore that Captain Fitzroy may have taken a copy of Matthew’s Naval Timber and Arboriculture with him on the Beagle; if this was the case then Darwin would have had ample time to learn of Matthew’s views on natural selection.'
If any of Jim Dempster's children do happen to read this blog then perhaps they could share any information - or knowledge of their Father's lack of it on this precise question.
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Howard Minnick
January 14, 2015 at 2:18 pm
I'll have to delve into Wainwrights article a little more later...but at least he brings out the possibility of another possible reason for ONTA to be aboard and remarkably in the abstraction that it could have been Fitzroy himself... very ironical in light of the ruse made by many that Fitzroy may have taken his own life out of regret that he was responsible for being party to what he later considered Darwin's Satanical evil upon the Christian world.
I'll have to go back through a couple of thousand emails to possibly find an address but one of Jim's children did email to thank me for a letter and condolence card I sent shortly after his passing. I'm not sure if it was her own or that of Jims e-address which I still have. If it was his I'll see if it is still active.
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Mike Sutton
January 15, 2015 at 8:23 am
Dear Howard
Many thanks.
Firstly from herein I'm going to adopt your longer acronym ONTA (OnNaval Timber and Aboriculture) - rather than my earlier NTA. Yours can be pronounced - it's better therefore.
You might be onto something with that lead. Hopefully you can uniquely find further New Data. It's most certainly a trail worth following up.
I think we should be cautious in attributing Fitzroy's suicide to Darwin. He was a notoriously mercurial and brooding man. He completely screwed-up his post as Governor of New Zealand - and his fortune was lost. When he died, Darwin and others had to lobby for his widow to receive a state pension so that she did not die in absolute poverty.

Matthew, Chambers and Darwin

dentity VerifiedThinker in Science / Social Sciences / Sociology
Mike Sutton
Mike Sutton
Dr Mike Sutton is the author of 'Nullius in Verba: Darwin's greatest secret'.
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Posted in Science / Social Sciences / Sociology

On the Newly Discovered Story of Matthew, Chambers and Darwin

Dec. 7, 2014 8:26 am
Categories: CounterknowledgeDysology

Knowledge Contamination Timeline of Newly Discovered (Sutton 2014) Known Evidence of Matthew's (1831) Influence Upon Charles Darwin via Robert Chambers

For the past 154 years Darwin hoodwinked the world by claiming that no naturalist known to him had read Patrick Matthew's (1831) prior publication of the full hypothesis of natural selection. Big Data research proved him wrong. In fact, four naturalists known to Darwin actually cited it. Three of them played major roles at the epicenter of influence and facilitation of Darwin's and Wallace's published work on natural selection. This blog is about one of those three naturalists. Namely, the publisher, author and geologist Robert Chambers.
I think that no one will feel surprised that neither I, nor apparently any other naturalist, had heard of Mr. Matthew's views, considering how briefly they are given, and that they appeared in the appendix to a work on Naval Timber and Arboriculture.’ Charles Darwin (1860)
In 1831 Mr. Patrick Matthew published his work on 'Naval Timber and Arboriculture,' in which he gives precisely the same view on the origin of species as that (presently to be alluded to) propounded by Mr. Wallace and myself in the 'Linnean Journal,' and as that enlarged on in the present volume. Unfortunately the view was given by Mr. Matthew very briefly in scattered passages in an Appendix to a work on a different subject, so that it remained unnoticed until Mr. Matthew himself drew attention to it in the 'Gardener's Chronicle,' on April 7th, 1860.’ Charles Darwin (1861).
Nullius in verba’ (On the word of no one). Motto of the Royal Society since 1663.
  • According to his memoirs (see Layman 1990, p. 17) Robert Chambers believed that it was from the age of five years (1807) that he first became interested in the nobler conceptions of learned men who progressed further in their explanations of the natural world than the mere appearance of things.
  • Matthew (1831) uniquely named his unique discovery of the full hypothesis of natural selection: 'the natural process of selection'.
  • Chambers (1832) cited Matthew's (1831) heretical and seditious book – although he only mentioned Matthew's expertise on the subject of pruning plane trees. This little article was clearly written by Chambers, because he cited Matthew with a dash followed by Matthew's name, then followed of the source it came from, exactly as he did with other writers whose work he habitually used and similarly summarised.
  • Chambers (1840) similarly cited Matthew’s later work, Emigration Fields (Matthew 1839) regarding Matthew's writing on the ill-effects of tobacco smoking. Emigration Fields took Matthew's ideas on evolution forward for (British) human progress at the expense of those in other lands to be occupied by the British.
  • Chambers (1844) authored and had published (anonymously) The Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation - the book that 'put evolution in the air' in the mid-19thcentury (see Millhauser 1959).
  • In 1845, Alfred Wallace wrote to Bates to explain that seeking proof of the ideas in the Vestiges was what motivated his interest in the field of research into the problem of solving the origin of species (See Sutton 2104   ).
  • Chambers met Darwin in 1847 and thereafter engaged in correspondence. In 1847 Chambers gave Darwin a copy of the Vestiges, leading Darwin to write to his friend Joseph Hooker that he knew Chambers was its secret author.
  • Darwin's personal copy of the Vestiges was heavily annotated by Darwin.
  • Wallace, in 1855, had his Sarawak Paper published. Incidentally, it was published in a journal the chief editor of which was another naturalist named Selby, a man very well and closely connected to Darwin (see Sutton 2014 for all the precise details), who had 15 years earlier purchased a copy of Matthew's book in 1840   and cited it many times in his own book of 1842). So Selby both read and then cited Matthew (1831) in the literature BEFORE Darwin wrote his famous unpublished essay on natural selection of 1842! Darwin read Wallace's Sarawak Paper in 1855. Wallace's Sarawak paper appears to have far too many replications of Matthew's (1831) unique ideas, terms, words and highly unique and idiosyncratic explanatory examples to have been written independently of Matthew's prior published work (see Sutton 2014 for precise details of this complex plagiarism check).
  • In 1858, Wallace sent Darwin his Ternate Paper - which had in it evidences to support the hypothesis of natural selection. It was this paper that led Darwin and his cronies, Lyell and Hooker, to arrange - without first seeking any consent from Wallace - for a paper hastily written by Darwin to be presented together with Wallace's Ternate Paper - but read first so it would thereafter be called "Darwin's and Wallace's theory." This all happened in 1858.
  • In the Origin of Species (Darwin 1859), Darwin uniquely four-word-shuffled Matthew's unique name for Matthew's 1831 published discovery from 'natural process of selection' to 'process of natural selection.' Darwin used that shuffled phrase nine times in the Origin of Species (1859).
  • In 1859, in a book review of Darwin's Origin of Species, Chambers is the 'first to be second' in writing a published replication of Matthew's unique term 'natural process of selection.' This is unlikely to be an amazing coincidence. Because we know Chambers did read Matthew (1831) in 1832 - because he cited him!. More so, because Robert Chambers's brother, William, wrote of Robert in 1872 'And such were his extraordinary powers of memory that whatever he saw or learned he never forgot; everything which could interest the mind being treasured up, as a fund of delightful recollections ready to be of service when wanted.' In fact, Chambers's memory is described by Professor Alan Macfarlane    as 'almost photographic'.
  • In 1860 Chambers convinced Huxley    (Darwin's Bulldog) to stay at the British Association for the Advancement of Science conference at Oxford. Chambers remonstrated with Huxley not to desert the cause but to stay and defend Darwin's Origin of species by engaging in a debate that included Bishop Wilberforce - who attacked Darwin's work for being conjectural regarding the creation of new species.
  • In 1861, from the third edition of the Origin of Species onward, Darwin admitted the huge influence of the Vestiges in paving the way for acceptance of his own work on organic evolution..
  • In 1871, the year of Robert Chambers's death, but before the revelation that Chambers had authored the Vestiges was formally announced, Darwin wrote to Robert Chambers's daughter, Eliza   , to apologize for his earlier treatment in disparaging the Vestiges: 'Several years ago I perceived that I had not done full justice to a scientific work which I believed and still believe he was intimately connected with, and few things have struck me with more admiration than the perfect temper and liberality with which he treated my conduct.'


Chambers, W. (1872) Memoir of Robert Chambers: With autobiographic reminiscences of William Chambers. Edinburgh & London. W and R Chambers.
Layman, C. H. (1990) Man of letters: The Early Life and Love-Letters of Robert Chambers. Edinburgh. Edinburgh University Press.
Sutton, M. (2014) Nullius in Verba: Darwin's Greatest Secret. ThinkerMedia Inc.

Patrick Matthew. Charles Darwin and the Arago Rule

Posted in Science / Social Sciences / Sociology

The Arago Effect Makes Matthew an Immortal Great Thinker and Darwin a Good Finisher

Jan. 18, 2015 4:24 pm
Categories: CounterknowledgeDysology
Readers of my blogs and articles will be only too familiar with my research into the New Facts - contrary to Darwin's (1860 and 1861) claims that no naturalist known to him had read Matthew's views and that they had gone unnoticed - about who really did read Patrick Mathew's    (1831) book On Naval Timber and Arboriculture   in which - 28-years pre-Origin of Species - Matthew prominently published (see Dawkins 2010   ) the complete theory of natural selection. Darwin and Wallace always maintained that they had each discovered natural selection independently of Matthew and independently of one another. In light of what I newly discovered about who they knew who DID read (indeed cited!) Matthew's 1831 book before 1858, and the roles those readers played at the known epicentre of influence and facilitation of Darwin's and Wallace's pre-1858 work on natural selection it seems that knowledge contamination from Matthew to Wallace and Darwin is now impossible to rule out and science fraud by way of plagiarism is more likely than not. See my peer-reviewed article (Sutton 2014   ) for some of the precise details and my e-book for a much the fuller account of these and other significant and newly discovered facts.
Robert K Merton, Sociologist, Wrote the Classic Text on the Rules of Scientific Priority in 1957
In addition to all the newly discovered facts discussed inNullius in Verba, that I argue prove it more likely than not that Darwin and Wallace plagiarized Matthew's book, I have recently discovered for myself a well known rule that has been completely ignored (to my knowledge) by all those who have written on the story of Matthew. Wallace and Darwin. The weirdly neglected rule, which is an established rule of priority in scientific discovery - as accepted by the eminent Royal Society, of which Darwin was a member - is that being first to publish an idea is everything.
Under the accepted rules of priority in scientific discovery, it matters not that another scientist came along later and claimed to have arrived at the same idea or discovery independently and it matters not that another scientist came along later and did more with the original idea or discovery (as Darwin certainly did with Matthew's prior-discovery), because under the rule known as the Arago Effect priority in science is simply and absolutely awarded to the one who got there first.

Simply being first is deemed the greatest of all achievements when it comes to who has priority for any discovery!

To prove this fact, I quote here from an excellent paper by Micheal Strevens (2003) The Role of Priority in Science. Journal of Philosophy    (page 4) . In this quotation from Strevens, it should be noted that he is referring to Robert Merton's (1957)    classic sociological review of the rules of priority in science.
The third Mertonian observation that I wish to consider here concerns the extreme literalness with which the priority rule is enforced: if the same fact is discovered twice, Merton notes, the first discoverer garners all the rewards no matter how slender the margin by which it edges out the second. To this effect, Merton quotes the permanent secretary of the French Academy of Sciences and distinguished physicist Francois Arago, writing in the first half of the nineteenth century:
Questions as to priority may depend on weeks, on days, on hours, on minutes.
I have no idea why Merton (1957) made no mention of Matthew's (acknowledged by both Darwin and Wallace) priority over Darwin in his seminal paper. One thing we do know from his paper, however, is that Merton thought this priority rule pathological and a cause of science fraud - since being first takes priority over hard work and weight of production of useful extra information! Consequently, Merton reasoned that so great was the weight placed on being first that anyone who discovered later, or earlier, the work of an originator, would be motivated to claim independent discovery and create a false paper trail to give the impression that they had arrived at a discovery earlier than they actually had. In light of that fact, I would like to point out that because of the possibility Darwin might have faked the dates on his notebooks and unpublished essays, and the evidence that his best friends Hooker and Lyell were prepared to be dishonest to secure his priority (having self-servingly mislead the Linnean Society that Wallace consented to their 1858 arrangement), that - arguably - the only truly reliable date of anything Darwin wrote on natural selection is 1857 (see my conversation with Howard Minnick - Matthew's third great grandson    on Dr Mike Weale's excellent website on Matthew).
In trying to understand why a scientist would commit fraud on the priority issue, Merton wrote about the ideal-standard expectancy that scientists should serve the truth first and foremost, be humble and underplay their own contribution. He discussed how this expectancy was not in reality a "norm" because the priority rule - awarding greatness to those who were first over those who did more valuable work on the same topic - made them egotistical if they wished to be rewarded and honored.
Most tellingly, Merton discussed the fact that Darwin's letters reveal that he fully admitted that he wanted to make his mark and be celebrated. Moreover, Merton touched upon the fact that Darwin revealed his own antagonism towards the rules of priority when it came to the discovery and naming of new species. In fact, Darwin tried very hard for several years but failed in his attempts to have those very rules changed. And it might be particularly revealing that in his letter to Hooker on that very failure he wrote that he hoped yet to make a name for himself on the subject of species (see Sutton 2014   ).
Taking a contrary position to Merton, Strevens (2003), writes that the priority rule is fundamentally fair, and remains for that very reason the accepted norm. This exact same - proven first to the post in making the discovery - priority rule most certainly was known to Darwin and Wallace in 1858, because in a letter sent to Darwin   , Wallace reminded Darwin of it after he learned that Darwin and his cronies Lyell and Hooker had, without a word of approval from Wallace, despite giving the Linnean Society the self-serving bold impression it had been written for and received, presented and read Darwin's paper before Wallace's at the Linnean Society to ensure that natural selection would thereafter be known as Darwin's and Wallace's theory.
Nullius in Verba
The fact of the matter is that, according to all the totally inflexible accepted rules of scientific priority, both then and now, Patrick Matthew has full and complete priority over Darwin and Wallace for the discovery of natural selection. Consequently, Matthew is the one who should be attributed for his great achievement of being first to make his independent and unique great scientific discovery.
We have the wrong scientist on the back of the £10 note.

To recap some important points of fact in the story of Matthew, Wallace and Darwin and the history of the discovery of natural selection:

1. Both of the replicators Darwin (1861   ) and later Wallace (1879)    fully admitted that priority belongs to the Orignator Matthew for publishing the full theory of natural selection many years before either Darwin or Wallace so much as put pen to private notepaper on the subject. The world's most influential and famous Darwinist - Richard Dawkins - reluctantly - but fully - admits as much (Dawkins 2010   ).But, self-servingly, Dawkins and the scientific community, led by those named after Darwin, who are deemed expert on history of the discovery of natural slection, have made up a new, unofficial, rule just to deal with Matthew. According to this "Dawkins' Darwinist Demand Rule", which has never been used to deny another first discoverer, Matthew cannot have priority over Darwin, because he never "trumpeted his discovery from the rooftops". Dawkins' Darwinist Demand is ludicrous, however, because Matthew's book was seditious and heretical and published at a time when seditious heretics were imprisoned and their publications banned (see my blog on the topic of Dawkins' Demand in the context of the 1831 riots).
2. Contrary to the latest Darwinist mythmongery (see my review of Stott 2012)   , Matthew never once gave up fighting for his right to be recognized by the scientific community as an immortal great thinker in science for his remarkable achievement in being first to discover and then publish the full theory of natural selection. See for, example the letter he wrote after being platform blocked by members of The British Society for the Advancement of Science (Matthew 1867   ).
3.Matthew's (1831) articulation of his discovery of what he coined the natural process of selection was in fact better than that of either Darwin or Wallace (Sutton 2014):
Dempster (1985) reasoned with a multitude of his own evidence that Matthew should be hailed as the true discoverer of natural selection, simply because he most certainly did more than merely enunciate it, he worked it out and published it in detail as a complex and fully comprehensive law of nature. Moreover, Matthew got it right and Darwin wrong when it came to comprehending the impact of geological disasters on species extinction and emergence. Yet, from the third edition of the Origin onwards, Darwin (1861), a follower of Lyell’s erroneous uniformitarianism, jumped at the chance to denigrate Matthew by referring to him as a catastrophist. Dempster (1996) made this injustice abundantly clear, but if you can find a Darwinist, or any other biologist, admitting as much and citing Dempster then you've found one more than I have. Punctuated equilibrium – essentially Matthew’s discovery - is accepted science today but, as Dempster (1996; 2005) noted, its Darwinist purveyors sought to keep the originator of that theory buried in footnote oblivion. Rampino (2011) explains some of the detail.
The cat is well and truly out the bag. After 154 years of self-serving lies and mythmongery motivated by biased Darwin worship, the game is finally up for Darwin and Wallace!
Who then will rid us of this great injustice before the international embarrassment undermines the credibility of the history of scientific discovery? Perhaps the Royal Society will? On the 20th January 2015 I published an open letter to the Royal Society to ask whether they had silently but officially changed their previously steadfast rules of priority for scientific discovery and, if so, whether or not they had done so specifically in order to deny Matthew's priority over Darwin and Wallace. Please click here to read that letter.


A short essay arguing that Matthew has full priority over Darwin and Wallace can be found on RationalWiki: here   
You can vote on my open letter to the Royal Society on this issue, Here