Plagiarising Science Fraud

Plagiarising Science Fraud
Newly Discovered Facts, Published in Peer Reviewed Science Journals, Mean Charles Darwin is a 100 Per Cent Proven Lying, Plagiarising Science Fraudster by Glory Theft of Patrick Matthew's Prior-Published Conception of the Hypothesis of Macro Evolution by Natural Selection

Monday 27 January 2020

Holocaust Remembrance Day: Did Charles Darwin cause the Holocaust?

Did Charles Darwin cause the Holocaust?


Sunday 26 January 2020

Darwinite nonsense is nonscience

Get the facts, not the nonscience claptrap.

Saturday 25 January 2020

On Navel Timber: Plants as technologies and artificial selection

Darwin fanatics have parroted their bearded deity's lies for years that no naturalist/no one at all read Patrick Matthew's prior published theory untill after Darwin and Wallace replicated it in 1858 /59 completely independently of Matthew's book 'On Naval Timber and Arboriculture' of 1831.

We now know - thanks to what I uncovered with the Big Data IDD method - that in addition to the anonymous citations of it and many advertisments for it, that at least 24 named and known people cited Matthew's 1831 book pre-1858. One of these 24 is the economic botanist William Jameson.

From my orignal unearthings in the historic literature  we now newly know that Darwin's and Wallace's friends and mentors William and Joseph Hooker, father and son top UK economic botanists, were in regular contact with William Jameson (see Sutton 2014 2017), who we also now newly know cited Matthew's (1831) book in 1853. Jameson wrote about how Matthew explained that trees could grow better in environments that were not their "natural" habitat.  This was a religious heresy that confused (at least he conveniently claimed he was confused by it) Selby (Wallace's Sarawak paper editor), who cited Matthew's book on that topic and others back in 1842. It was heresy because Christian doctrine dictated that "God" placed every living thing in the best place (natural habitat) possible for it to be exploited for the benefit of humankind.

Today - as we enter a new paradigm on the history of discovery of evolution by natural selection that views Darwin and Wallace as serial lying, glory thieving, science fraud plagiarizers - there is an interesting book chapter published on the 19th century importance of Matthew's radical economic botany thinking.

Histories of Technology, the Environment, and Modern Britain
by Jon Agar and Jacob Ward. UCL Press9 Apr 2018   
See Chapter 12 by Mat Paskins: pp. 230-232 on Patrick Matthew. Read the relevant text Here.

"Histories of Technology" demonstrates just how important Matthew's book was in the 19th century for economic botanists such as Darwin's close friends the Hookers of Kew. Indeed Joseph Hooker was Darwin's best friend! Of course Joseph Hooker read Matthew's book before 1858 and told Darwin about it. Of course others such as Wallace's mentor William Hooker, and his editor Selby, told Wallace about it before Wallace wrote a word about natural selection. What planet are radical fact denial Darwiboppers on? demented Planet Darwin Fantasy World, that's where. 

Back in the real world, Matthew (1831) used artificial selection as an explanatory analogy of differences to explain his theory of what the IDD method reveals he uniquely coined the 'natural process of selection'.  Darwin then uniquely four word shuffled Matthew's term to its only possible grammatically correct equivalent 'process of natural selection'. Darwin had no choice but to so plagiarize Matthew's term because the theory  he stole is about a process, that is natural and involves nurture's selection of the best circumstance suited varieties and species. Likewise, Darwin opened Chapter 1 of the Origin of Species by plagiarizing Matthew's analogy of differences between artificial and natural selection. Earlier in 1844, in a private essay, Darwin even used Matthew's highly idiosyncratic forester, botanist,agriculturalist, abroriculturalist, trees raised in nurseries versus those grown in the wild unique analogy of differences (see the facts here). 

Friday 24 January 2020

Juxtasupposing Darwin's Plagiarism

Maybe this is a stretch too far? Maybe not? Opinions - and and that is all they will be - will differ on these hard facts which Darwin sketched and jotted down privately after Matthew prominently published in the book we newly know Darwin's and Wallace's influencers, friends, Wallace's Sarawak paper editor (Selby) and their influencer's influencers prior read and cited before Darwin or Wallace penned a word on the topic of evolution by natural selection. Did Matthew also influence Darwin's picture of his so called "Tree of Life"? Whatever the case, it is proven Darwin and Wallace plagiarized Matthew's theory, terminology and idiosyncratic explanatory examples (Get the published hard facts). And we do know that Darwin wrote about Golden Pippin apples in his Zoonomia notebook - a topic on which Matthew had also prior published - in relation to evolution. And we know Darwin read the publication containing that article by Matthew on Scarlet Golden Pippin apples (Here).


Professor Brian J Ford on Darwin's Plagiarism and Fashionistic Fashionism

The eminent scientist professor Brian J. Ford and I have both been plagiarized. Brian told me of his worst experience in a personal email communication, so I will not reveal it here. I expect he will share it with the world in his own time. In my case, I have been plagiarized a few times. Most recently my unique work was plagiarized by "Darwin Lad" Dr Joachim L Dagg in the Linnean journal (the very same journal that allowed Darwin and Wallace to plagiarize Patrick Matthew in 1858!).  Dagg - who has cyber-stalked me for years - and written two nonsense reviews of my book Nullius in Verba: Darwin's greatest secret - knows I discovered it yet still passed off my Selby cited Matthew in 1842 orignal discovery as though he had discovered it for himself (facts here)

Brian Ford has written two articles on Darwin's lack of originality on the the theory of evolution by natural selection (here and here). Most importantly, in his 1971 book 'Nonscience' Professor Ford writes (p. 142) on how some scientists are famous not for their genuine originality but for hoodwinking the world they were genius originators simply because they published on a bombshell breakthrough at the most timely - what Ford names "Fashonistic" - time: 

'Charles Darwin used much the same kind of ploy too, by writing his thesis at exactly the most Fashionistic time, when everyone was discussing it. He wasn't the first to propose his particular interpretation, of course, but his use of Fashionism and the clothing of the argument in detailed observations of animals in general made the whole project an obvious winner." 

What Professor Ford does not write, but which is perfect support for his 'Fashionism' argument is what Matthew wrote to Darwin and the entire world in a published open letter of  May 12th 1860 in the Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette (p 433): that his work was read and cited but that many feared to cite it - including an eminent professor - and that it had been brute censored (see Sutton 2017 p. 111 for the fully referenced details). In that and in an earlier published letter of April 1860 Matthew clearly told Darwin and the world that the world was not ready for his theory in 1831 when it first appeared in print.


Please note: This blog post has been added to Professor's Ford's bibliography on this topic area: Here


Thursday 23 January 2020

The Nullius in Verba bombshell paradigm change

The Darwinian worship cult's desire to wage war with veracity, verifiable facts, ethics, accurate history, truth and their allies was finally brought to an end by a research weapon of awesome power of supermyth destruction.

The IDD research method dropped Nullius in Verba: Darwin's greatest secret on the fanatical fantasy land of Darwin Word and followed it up with a second bombshell named On Knowledge Contamination.  


The Darwin and Wallace Paradigm Change in Science

As more and more scientists and others accept the veracity of the newly unearthed, independently verifiable and expert peer reviewed facts, we see the tipping point emerging for the paradigm change that accepts the fact that Darwin and Wallace orchestrated the world's greatest science fraud by way of serial lying and glory thieving plagiarism of Patrick Matthew's prior published complete theory of macroevolution by natural selection.


Tuesday 21 January 2020

A Dishonest Toff Scientific Establishment Model in Crisis

Newly unearthed and expert peer reviewed facts prove that King Charles Darwin has no clothes.